
Crescent是什么意思 Crescent在线翻译 Crescent什么意思 Crescent的意思 Crescent的翻译 Crescent的解释 Crescent的发音 Crescent的同义词


Crescent 基本解释

[地名] [美国] 克雷森特

Crescent 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 月牙:还有用黑白颜色的纸剪贴成的满月(Full moon)、半月(Half moon)、月牙(Crescent)等. 这样,儿童通过自己动手,认识到了这些自然现象,还记住了这些词汇. 学校每年都有按纲要标准进行的考试. 在秋季一、三、五年级有测定认知能力的考试,

2. 新月体:本组肾炎的病理学特征为肾小球壁层上皮细胞增生,新月体(crescent)型CrGN病人血清中可检出抗GBM抗体,血浆除去法(plasmapheresis)可清除循环血液中致病的抗体.

3. 新月形:Lunata为新月形(Crescent)之义. Pelta Lunata的纹以盾居多. 有趣的是,在现存的中世纪绘画中,许多亚马逊战士(Amazon)都手持带有:最上一层即将被判官亚马(Yama)审判. 中间的是那些有钱资助修建吴哥窟的善男信克利斯(Hercules)搏斗的该亚之子,

Crescent 词典解释

1. 新月形,月牙形(伊斯兰教最重要的象征)
    A crescent is a curved shape that is wider in the middle than at its ends, like the shape of the moon during its first and last quarters. It is the most important symbol of the Islamic faith.

    e.g. A glittering Islamic crescent tops the mosque.
    e.g. ...a narrow crescent of sand dunes.

2. (常用于街道或一排房子的名称中)新月形街区
    Crescent is sometimes used as part of the name of a street or row of houses that is usually built in a curve.


    e.g. ...44 Colville Crescent.

Crescent 单语例句

1. The beginning and the end of the Ramadan depend on the crescent.

2. The Iraqi Red Crescent Society set up about 30 tents on the road north to Tikrit to treat the wounded and accommodate fleeing families.

3. Liu's powerful voice in his unique pop style will shine with his trademark songs such as Crescent Moon.

4. The plantation will gradually take a crescent shape embracing the village, just like a helmet over a head.

5. The terrains present a crescent moon, forming a huge echo wall of the sand hill.

6. Local government initiated a protection project to save Crescent Moon Spring, the famous " spring in the desert " from drying out in 2007.

7. Just as coalition troops are doing today, they fought their way up the fertile crescent toward Baghdad.

8. The men - security contractors for the Crescent Security Group based in Kuwait - appeared separately on the edited video.

9. Many residents spent the night outdoors and lit campfires, while the Red Crescent began setting up tents in a stadium.

10. The Iraqi Red Crescent Society has been forced to suspend a programme for children suffering from war trauma owing to lack of funding.

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