
SIPO是什么意思 SIPO在线翻译 SIPO什么意思 SIPO的意思 SIPO的翻译 SIPO的解释 SIPO的发音 SIPO的同义词 SIPO的反义词 SIPO的例句 SIPO的相关词组


SIPO 基本解释

serial in parallel out 串行输入并行输出;桃花心木;

SIPO 双语例句

1. SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu led the Chinese delegation to the 45th Series of Meetings of the Assembly of the World Intellectual Property Organization.
    本报讯 日前,中国国家知识产权局局长田力普率中国政府代表团出席世界知识产权组织成员国大会第45届系列会议。

2. SIPO是什么意思

2. SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu led the Chinese delegation to the 47th Series of Meetings of the Assembly of the World Intellectual Property Organizatio.
    本报讯 近日,中国国家知识产权局局长田力普率中国政府代表团出席了世界知识产权组织成员国第47届系列会议。

3. SIPO是什么意思

3. The heart sound measurement devices converts heart sounds into electrical signals through sensor. After the low-pass filter and high-pass filter, the electrical signals is magnified to 0~5V by the amplifier. And then it is sent to MSC 89S51.Inside 89S51, the maximum first heart sound is extracted. Finally it passes the %26quot; SIPO%26quot; chip 74LS164 and displays on the LED.

4. It also sent joint research taskforces with the SIPO to Chengdu, Xi'an, Shenyang, Guangzhou, Nanjing and Luoyang; held discussions and consultations with the Supreme People's Court, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the State Commission Office for Public Sector Reform.

5. Recently, SIPO Commissioner Tian Lipu met with the visiting Randall R. Rader, Chief Judge, the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. (by He Peixun)

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6. It shall deliver the collected application materials and letters of recommendation to the SIPO in both formal paper text and electronic text by the end of each march.

7. The persons in charge shall perform their duties as to the patent work station management, actively coordinate and participate in the activities related to the patent work stations held by the sipo.


8. In order to deal with the major, important and unexpected occurrences mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the MOFTEC and the SIPO shall establish a system of joint meetings at different levels.

9. At the same time, SIPO had taken appropriate measures to improve the performance of local patent authorities in law enforcement.

10. SIPO的翻译

10. The website of SIPO quoted its head, Tian Lipu, as saying that the new patent law will be submitted to the legislature for approval before the end of the year.

11. SIPO的意思

11. The SIPO has also awarded two patents about business methods to the CITI Bank in the form of product invention.

12. SIPO什么意思

12. In addition to further improving the State Intellectual Property Strategy Outline, the SIPO will revise the Decision of the CCCPC and the State Council on Adopting State Intellectual Property Strategy and propose to convene the national intellectual property conference to formally launch the implementation of the strategy.

SIPO 单语例句

1. The rule requires patentees to register at SIPO, so SIPO can provide a certificate of the patent rights'effectiveness.

2. The SIPO will have to train more patent examiners quickly in order to maintain the current clearance rate of applications.

3. Domestic applications account for 83 per cent and foreign ones comprise 17 per cent, according to the latest SIPO statistics.

4. The announcement refuted earlier reports that SIPO officials are " cooperating " with research institutions to probe some international software giants'monopolistic behavior.

5. The court opened the session in May this year after the SIPO declared it valid.

6. SIPO has approved 35 pilot cities so far and plans to increase the awareness of local governments about protecting and encouraging the creation of IP.

7. It has yet to be seen whether the Beijing No 1 Intermediate Court will affirm or reverse the SIPO decision on the Pfizer patent.

8. Major tasks also include strengthening international IPR cooperation and communication and departmental development of SIPO.

9. Four Chinese pharmaceutical companies similarly challenged GlaxoSmithKline's patent in the SIPO for Avandia, a drug treating type II diabetes.

10. SIPO has started an evaluation program on IP model cities in the nation, it said on its website on October 25.

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