
Victorian是什么意思 Victorian在线翻译 Victorian什么意思 Victorian的意思 Victorian的翻译 Victorian的解释 Victorian的发音 Victorian的同义词

Victorian [vɪkˈtɔ:riən]  [vɪkˈtɔriən, -ˈtor-] 


Victorian 基本解释



Victorian 网络解释

1. 维多利亚:设计师巧妙地将米奇(Mickey Mouse)融入维多利亚(Victorian)建筑中,创作出米奇多利亚(Micktorian)的建筑特色. 依造中国五行风水学打造的香港迪士尼乐园酒店,不仅在正门口设有「左青龙、右白虎」的格局,在餐厅、酒吧等处,也制造「水」流互通有无,

2. Victorian的意思

2. 维多利亚式:法国区(The French Quarter)有克里奥耳风格 (Creole)的连栋屋,庭院内绿色盎然,铁画饰品精美细腻;其他地区也有各类风格的住房建筑物,例如19世纪希腊复兴式(Greek Revival)、殖民式(Colonial)和维多利亚式(Victorian)的豪华住宅.

3. 维多利亚女王时代的:taboo 禁忌,避讳 | Victorian 维多利亚女王时代的 | vest 背心

4. Victorian是什么意思

4. 维多利亚时代的:VictoriaVitoria 维多利亚 | Victorian 维多利亚时代的 | Vidikey 视觉显示键盘

Victorian 词典解释

1. (英国)维多利亚(女王)时代的
    Victorian means belonging to, connected with, or typical of Britain in the middle and last parts of the 19th century, when Victoria was Queen.

    e.g. We have a lovely old Victorian house.
    e.g. ...a Victorian-style family portrait.

2. (尤指对良好行为的评判标准和道德观)有维多利亚时代特点的,传统的
    You can use Victorian to describe people who have old-fashioned attitudes, especially about good behaviour and morals.

    e.g. Victorian values are much misunderstood...
    e.g. My grandfather was very Victorian.

3. (英国)维多利亚(女王)时代的人
    The Victorians were the British people who lived in the time of Queen Victoria.


Victorian 单语例句

1. But Hines did call on the Victorian state government to give racing stewards more power to stand down jockeys suspected of wrongdoing.

2. A covered walkway with Victorian floral patterned walls in flaking gold leaf is a picture of faded colonial elegance.

3. " This little old man came up to me saying he was lost, " Victorian Police Senior Constable Clayton Smith said.

4. Watson is currently being held in a Victorian immigration detention center ahead of his deportation to the US.

5. The stage version of the classic Victorian ghost story The Woman in Black has been running on London's West End for more than 20 years.

6. The important shift in the Victorian era was when young workers stopped paying money into the family budget and started keeping it for themselves.

7. A gazebo on the grounds is thought to have been added after the Victorian period.

8. Twain ultimately had to leave the Victorian Gothic home for lecture tours of Europe because of financial troubles.

9. The eccentric suites at the Victorian Mansion at Los Alamos range from " Gypsy " to " Pirate " to " Fifties " themes.

10. Victorian and New South Wales education departments have been left to find places for many students to sit their end of year exams.

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