
一泡是什么意思 一泡在线翻译 一泡什么意思 一泡的意思 一泡的翻译 一泡的解释 一泡的发音 一泡的同义词 一泡的反义词 一泡的例句


一泡 基本解释

A bubble;

一泡 网络解释

1. 一泡

1. aais:aais 一波 | aais 一泡 | aais 一瞥

一泡 双语例句

1. 一泡的意思

1. 来一泡茶虽然仍保持着传统泡茶的方式,但是由于杯中自带天然原茶叶片,而且含有过滤层,开水洗茶、冲泡几秒钟即可完成,独一无二,充分展现茶叶活力感,全新感受传统、现代的茶味道,品饮一泡沁入肺腑,清香飘然气宜人!
    To a bubble series of tea while still maintaining the traditional way of tea, but because of the cup comes with a natural raw tea leaves, and contains filters, open washing tea, brewing a few seconds to complete, unique, full of tea, a sense of vitality, new feel of traditional, modern taste of tea, drink a bubble Qinru the heart, and pleasant fragrance floating in air!

2. 他站起来在船边撒了一泡尿,顺便看了看星辰,分析一下现在的航道。
    Once he stood up and urinated over the side of the skiff and looked at the stars and checked his course.

3. 这是第一泡的茶。
    This is the first brew of tea.

4. 一泡在线翻译

4. 他沉闷不语地在棚子里绕来绕去,仔细查看设计图上的每一处细节,偶尔还冲着它们从鼻子里哼哼一两声,然后乜斜着眼睛,站在一旁往图上打量一阵子,突然,他抬起腿来,对着图撒了一泡尿,接了一声不吭,扬长而去。
    He walked heavily round the shed, looked closely at every detail of the plans and snuffed at them once or twice, then stood for a little while contemplating them out of the corner of his eye; then suddenly he lifted his leg, urinated over the plans, and walked out without uttering a word.

5. 大热天在游泳池里泡一泡真是令人惬意的事。
    On hot day a dip in a pool is sheer paradise.

6. 我们再下去泡一泡
    Let's take one more dip.

7. 我们再下去泡一泡
    Of or relating to an alveolus.

8. 一泡的意思

8. 你可以在我们的温水游泳池里泡一泡
    You can enjoy a dip in our heated swimming pool.

9. 那你可以在我们的温水游泳池里泡一泡
    Then you can enjoy a dip in our heated swimming pool.

10. 如果你稍有耐心,可去超市买速熟食品,例如速熟早餐、速熟汤、速熟老饭、速溶咖啡,甚至还有速熟土豆,这些只要用热开水一泡即可食用,另外还有范样繁多的冷冻食品,从最简单的美国食品到各国的风味食品,如中国、法国、日本、意大利、甚至波兰等国的食品也应有尽有。
    With a little patience, you can go to the supermarket and buy instant foods that take a little time to prepare-instant cereals, instant soups, instant rice, instant coffee, even instant potatoes all of which require only boiling water, or frozen dinners available in infinite choices, simple American fare or Chinese, French, Japanese, Italian, even Polish.

11. 如果你稍有耐心,可去超市买速熟食品,例如速熟早餐、速熟汤、速熟老饭、速溶咖啡,甚至还有速熟土豆,这些只要用热开水一泡即可食用,另外还有范样繁多的冷冻食品,从最简单的美国食品到各国的风味食品,如中国、法国、日本、意大利、甚至波兰等国的食品也应有尽有。
      An instant cake mix. With a little patience, you can go to the supermarket and buy instant foods that take a little time to prepare-instant cereals, instant soups, instant rice, instant coffee, even instant potatoes all of which require only boiling water, or frozen dinners available in infinite choices, simple American fare or Chinese, French, Japanese, Italian, even Polish.

12. 天气呼冷呼热,在这季节心情难以平静,总挂念着远方的你,我愿养一只信鸽,让它每天飞到你处,哪怕能做的只是简简单单的一个动作:在你头上拉一泡屎!
      Cold weather Hure called, in this difficult season mood calm, with a total distance of worried about you, I would like to support a carrier pigeon. you fly it every day, even if that can be done is simply a move: pull your head a bubble feces!

13. 一泡的近义词

13. 我先歇一会,一会回来,也许Tom会说,你说的是一泡shit
      With that preamble, I'll take a break and get back to specifics later, perhaps after Tom tells me I'm full of crap...

14. 令法国踩在爱尔兰头上挤进世界杯的这个双重手球,实则为权贵撒在贫民头上的一泡尿,而法律和秩序统统对此视而不见。
      The double handball that sent France to South Africa at the Republic of Ireland's expense was the aristocracy micturating on the proletariat while law and order looked the other way.

15. 来一泡茶:家乐福超市火爆茶饮招商加盟:来一泡茶;比优乐美还好的来一泡杯装原叶茶!
      Choice of tea, choose the world of tea!

16. danci.911chaxun.com

16. 曾家驹皱了眉头,脸上的横肉一条一条都起了棱,猛的一跳就从烟榻上坐起来,正想叱骂他的老婆,却瞥眼看见撒了一泡尿的小孩子的脚下有一本书,——正是他刚才带来的那一本,小孩子的两只脚正在书面乱踢乱踏。
      Chia-chu scowled and screwed up his face with exasperation.

17. 小狗在地毯上撒了一泡尿。
      The puppy has done a piddle on the carpet.

18. 这孩子又尿(niào)了一泡尿。
      The child has pissed again!

19. 一泡

19. 我们会轻松快活地玩一玩的,在附近几个地方逛一逛,到湖里去泡一泡,还可以去野餐。
      We could have a really relaxed time, go on a few little sprees hereabouts, dip in the lake, and have some picnics.

20. 曾家驹皱了眉头,脸上的横肉一条一条都起了棱,猛的一跳就从烟榻上坐起来,正想叱骂他的老婆,却瞥眼看见撒了一泡尿的小孩子的脚下有一本书,——正是他刚才带来的那一本,小孩子的两只脚正在书面乱踢乱踏。
      Chia-chu scowled and screwed up his face with exasperation. He sat up abruptly on the couch and was just going to rave at his wife, when he saw that the child was scrabbling his feet on the book he had just brought in.

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