
万水千山是什么意思 万水千山在线翻译 万水千山什么意思 万水千山的意思 万水千山的翻译 万水千山的解释 万水千山的发音


万水千山 基本解释

万水千山[wàn shuǐ qiān shān]

词典ten thousand crags and torrents -- the trials of a long journey万水千山。

词典a myriad of rivers and thousands of hills -- far apart万水千山。

万水千山 汉英大词典

万水千山[wàn shuǐ qiān shān]

ten thousand crags and torrents -- the trials of a long journey; a myriad of rivers and thousands of hills -- far apart

万水千山 双语例句

1. 我只能把我的爱放在你的心中,万水千山会陪着你。
    I can only put my love on your mind, long and arduous journey will stay with you.

2. 我为什么喜欢黑夜的东西,黑夜里面充满死亡、华丽,它有点像万水千山,有点像藏传佛教朝圣的道路,有一种召唤的力量,但是在今天的物质化社会里,它那种高度物质化的欲望和黑夜、灵魂纠缠在一起,让人感到一种不安和迷惘。
    I like things of the night because the night is full of death and magnificence. The night is like a long journey, like the path of the Tibetan pilgrim. It has an evocative power. But in today`s material society, the highly material desires have become entangled with the night and the soul, bringing people feelings of unease and perplexity.

3. 万水千山

3. 广播使人们的声音越过万水千山,一对一地播放给观众听
    Like the telephone, radio enables human voices to be heard on a one-to-one basis over vast distances

4. 跟康师傅永远带著蔼然微笑、态度谦和的CFO林清棠先生谈话后,才知道,集团经历的,岂止万水千山
    This interview with Mr. Frank Lin, CFO of Tingyi Group, reviewed the ups-and-downs behind the group`s success story.

5. 如果我向你跪下,如果我向你哀求,如果我渡过万水千山,也只是为了和你在一起。
    If i got down on my kness I`m being with you. If i cross a million oceans just to be with you.

6. 刺骨的寒风挡不住你热情的火焰;漆黑的夜幕遮不住你明亮的双眸;万水千山隔不断我们前世的期盼。
    The piercing cold wind cannot block your warm flame; The jet black curtain of night cannot block from you to be bright eyes; The long and trying journey separates unceasingly our previous generation hope.

7. 如果可以,我情愿自己是一只小鸟,可以飞越万水千山,停泊在你窗前的树梢。
    If may, I would rather oneself is a bird, may fly over the long and trying journey, anchors in front of your window treetop.

8. 万水千山

8. 它在举目远眺欲把目光穿越万水千山,轻柔地落在远方那一条蜿蜒绵亘的涔涔小溪中吗?
    It overlooks want to look at look through the lakes to gently fall on the distance that a winding creek Stretching the Cencen it?

9. 一朝浅饮尼罗水,万水千山总恋她。
    Once you have drunk the water of Nile, you will always come back.

10. 万水千山“棕”是情,屈原说声谢谢您,端午齐齐看龙舟,友情维系无远近。
    Wanshuiqianshan " brown " is the situation, Qu Yuan said thank you, Dano look at the dragon boat fun, friendship maintain a distance.

11. danci.911cha.com

11. 红军不怕远征难,万水千山只等闲。
      The reds fear expedition difficult, vast wounds only.

12. 纵然是万水千山也隔不断我们的情谊。
      Even numerous mountains and rivers can not separate our friendship.

13. 在希望的土地上,富民政策走进千家万户,改革开放走遍万水千山
      In hope on the land, making policy into innumberable families, reform and opening-up throughout vast.

14. 万水千山的近义词

14. 可以飞越万水千山,停在你窗前的树梢。
      Fly over mountains and rivers before I stop at a twig in front of your window.

15. 在她短暂而精彩的一生中,她的足迹遍及世界各地,她的真情博爱也随之洒遍万水千山
      In her short but brilliant life, she traveled worldwide, and the same with her true love.

16. danci.911cha.com

16. 万水千山“棕”是情,屈原说声谢谢您,端午齐齐看龙舟,友情维系无远近。
      Wanshuiqianshan " brown " is the situation, Qu Yuan said thank you, Dano look at the dragon boat fun, friendship maintain a distance.

17. 坐在银屏前,心儿跨越万水千山,哪怕不能亲眼得见,也自会感受波涛汹涌广阔无边,也自会想象得出碧草如丝山高水远。
      Sit before screens, the heart leap As far as children, even if not personally be able to see, but also from the sheer vastness will feel rough, but also would imagine Bicao from high mountains far as silk.

18. Life《生命中的每一刻》我愿穿越万水千山只为追随你的脚步
      Sarah Connor - Every Moment Of My Life Everytime I leave to head out on the road I wanna...

19. 万水千山的解释

19. 如果你在方便的时候能够给我写封信,简单说说你家里的情况,我肯定会非常高兴的,因为我和我的家族之间虽然只有50英里的距离,但我对他们的情况却了解得不多,好像有万水千山横亘在我们之间。
      When you can favor me with a little Account of your own Family without Inconvenience, I shall be glad to receive it, for though Separated from my Kindred by little more than half a Century of Miles, I know as little of their Concerns as if Oceans and Continents were interposed between us.

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