
三天两头是什么意思 三天两头在线翻译 三天两头什么意思 三天两头的意思 三天两头的翻译 三天两头的解释 三天两头的发音


三天两头 基本解释

三天两头[sān tiān liǎng tóu]

词典every two or three days三天两头。

词典almost every day三天两头;三日两头。

词典every other day or so三天两头。

三天两头 汉英大词典

三天两头[sān tiān liǎng tóu]

every two or three days; almost every day; every other day or so

三天两头 网络解释

1. again and again;ti'me and again:三长两短:unexpected misfortune;something unfortunate | 三天两头:again and again;ti'me and again | 三令五申:reiterate;repeatedly appeal;re-junctions

三天两头 双语例句

1. 三天两头

1. 那不是三天两头的事,必须透过不断的实行,终其一生,直到盖棺论定,方能够论成就。
    It takes constant practices through out one`s life. Not until the lid is laid on one`s coffin, can one`s achievements be evaluated!

2. 现在的年轻人跳的很,花脚猫一样,坐不住,吃着碗里,看到锅里,三天两头的吵吵闹闹,不象话!
    Present youth jumps, beautiful foot cat is same, do not sit, eating a bowl in, see pot in, almost everyday cat-and-dog, be fie-fie!

3. 一台计算机如果维护的好,它就会一直处于比较好的工作状态,可以尽量地发挥它的作用;相反,一台维护得不好的机器,它可能会处于不好的工作状态,操作系统可能会三天两头地出错,预定的工作无法完成,更重要的是可能导致数据的丢失,造成无法挽回的损失。
    If the maintenance of a good computer, it has been in relatively good working condition, you can try to play its role; the contrary, maintenance is not a good machine, it may work in a bad state, the operating system may三天两头to go wrong, can not complete the scheduled work and, more importantly, may lead to the loss of data, resulting in irreparable losses.

4. 然而,这次航行也有我的不幸。尤其是因为我们做生意都是在非洲西海岸一带,从北纬15度一直南下至赤道附近,天气异常炎热,所以我得了航行于热带水域水手们常得的热病,三天两头发高烧,说胡话。
    Yet even in this Voyage I had my Misfortunes too; particularly, that I was continually sick, being thrown into a violent Calenture by the excessive Heat of the Climate; our principal Trading being upon the Coast, from the Latitude of 15 Degrees, North even to the Line it self.

5. 法律诉讼是件慢吞吞的事,仿佛永远也不存心开审。这样,为了免得挨鞭子,三天两头,我得为了他向法官借两三块钱。
    That law trial was a slow business -- appeared like they warn't ever going to get started on it; so every now and then I'd borrow two or three dollars off of the judge for him, to keep from getting a cowhiding.

6. 三天两头什么意思

6. 我宝宝从3个月起,基本上就拿肤乐霜当润肤油了,三天两头的都要涂,现在长大些了,湿疹好多了,皮肤并没有变化。
    My baby from 3 months onwards, basically Take the skin cream as emollient oil musicians, and all the三天两头James, now a more grown up, a lot of eczema, and skin and has not changed.

7. 围绕国庆期间,股市崩盘,上海综合指数迅速下降,从2293点到2000点以下,在杀跌良好的管理政策突然减低时期,在过去,一个良好的三天两头明显变化。
    Surrounding the stock market collapse during the National Day, the Shanghai Composite Index fell rapidly from 2293 points to 2000 points, below, in the period杀跌good management policies suddenly reduced, in the past, a good三天两头of the apparent change.

8. 但是,不要三天两头的清理,这样也会减少硬盘寿命的。
    However, not三clean-up, this will reduce the life expectancy of the hard disk.

9. 那你怎么还三天两头的约我去踢球。
    But, why did you invite me to play football so often.

10. 我并不喜欢三天两头打补丁修来补去,尽管这是个好方法。
    As I said, we need to make sure that the last nerf fixes the problem.

11. 啊,是的,她三天两头去教堂。
      Oh, yes, she's always going to church.

12. 他假装为了他的第一次考试不得不去多听讲座,这样三天两头就连他的人影也见不着了。
      He escaped a good deal by pretending he had to go to lectures for his first exam.

13. 更糟的是在我大一的时候三天两头地翘英语课。
      Worse still, I usually skipped English classes in my freshman year.

14. 他假装为了他的第一次考试不得不去多听讲座,这样三天两头就连他的人影也见不着了。
      He escaped a go od deal by pretending he had to go to lectures for his first exam.

15. 那些虽然表面上看起来已经做出决定,可是他的朋友总是暗示他改变初衷使他痛苦不已,而这些朋友往往是心智飘忽不定、就像墙头草两边倒的人,以及做事没个定准,三天两头改主意的人。那么这个人受到朋友的影响,也将一事无成。
      The man who resolves, but suffers his resolution to be changed by the first counter-suggestion of a friend-who fluctuates from plan to plan and veers like a weather-cock to every point of the compass with every breath of caprice that blows-can never accomplish anything real or useful.

16. danci.911cha.com

16. 她三天两头旷课。
      Her attendance at school was sporadic.

17. 太太可手松,三天两头的出去买东西;
      But the concubine was freehanded and went shopping every few days.

18. 他三天两头儿地来找她。
      He comes to see her almost every day.

19. 以后他三天两头的在您这歇个脚。
      He'll stay here every now and then.

20. 三天两头的意思

20. 我们三天两头旅行,每天要供应几百份饭。
      We live out of suitcases, and we serve hundreds of meals each day.

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