
三潭印月是什么意思 三潭印月在线翻译 三潭印月什么意思 三潭印月的意思 三潭印月的翻译 三潭印月的解释 三潭印月的发音


三潭印月 基本解释


词典Three Pools Mirroring the Moon三潭印月。

词典Moon and Candlelight Mirrored in the Lake三潭印月。

三潭印月 网络解释

1. Three pools reflecting the moon:双峰插云 The split-blip inserts the cloud | 三潭印月 Three pools reflecting the moon | 曲院风荷 Tune courtyard wind-load

2. 三潭印月的意思

2. Moon-reflections on the Deep Tri-pools:4.彩雲追月 Moon Rising in the Rosy Clouds | 5.三潭印月 Moon-reflections on the Deep Tri-pools | 6.春江花月夜 Moon-nights along Chunjiang's Flourishing Riversides

3. 三潭印月的解释

3. l Three Pools Mirroring the Moon:l Viewing Fish at Flower Pond (花港观鱼) | l Three Pools Mirroring the Moon (三潭印月) | l Twin Peaks Piercing the Cloud (双峰插云)

三潭印月 双语例句

1. 船游西湖(约45分钟)、观三潭印月、游灵隐飞来峰(约60分钟,灵隐寺香花劵30元自理)、龙井问茶(约40分钟)、宋城(约60分钟)、岳王庙(约30分钟)、黄龙洞(约30分钟)、参观江南丝绸文化
    Boat Tours West Lake (about 45 minutes) and watch Santanyinyue, You Lingyin klippe (about 60 minutes, 30 yuan securities Lingyin fragrant self), Longjing Tea asked (about 40 minutes), Songcheng (about 60 minutes), Yuewang Temple (about 30 minutes), Yellow Dragon Cave (about 30 minutes), visit Jiangnan silk culture about 50 minutes

2. 西湖风景如画,西湖十景都散布在湖山最佳之处,苏堤春晓、平湖秋月、三潭印月、柳浪闻莺、花港观鱼、断桥残雪、曲院风荷、南屏晚钟,雷峰夕照、双峰插云等。
    Picturesque West Lake, West Lake are scattered in the hills, the best of the Department, Sudi Chunxiao, Red Beans Love, Santanyinyue, Liulangwenying, Huagangguanyu, broken bridge and snow, Quyuanfenghe, Nanping Evening Bell, leifeng afterglow, Two Peaks Piercing the clouds and so on.

3. 在三潭印月南堤之上,临湖而立。
    On the 3 banks austral Tan Yinyue, overlook a lake and stand.

4. 三潭印月,花木扶疏,步移景异。
    Tan Yinyue, flowers and trees luxuriants and well-spaced, the pace moves Jing Yi.

5. 三潭印月

5. 境内西湖如明镜,千峰凝翠,洞壑幽深,风光绮丽。湖上有彩带似的苏堤、白堤飘落其上。三潭印月、湖心亭、阮公墩三个小岛鼎立湖中。岳庙、西冷印社、曲院风荷、平湖秋月、花港观鱼、柳浪闻莺等风景点,均在湖之周围。环湖耸立的山峰,千姿百态。
    Named for a 10th Century King of Denmark who unified the kingdoms of Denmark and Norway, Bluetooth is a shot-range wireless communication specification that promises to improve and increase electronic access to a number of environments by overcoming some of the obstacles typical of current technology.

6. 三潭印月的翻译

6. 导游:你马上就会知道到底为什么是三潭印月了。
    And you'll know what is Three Pools Miroiring the Moon exactly.

7. 你应该去三潭印月
    You`d better go to the Three Pools Mirroring the Moon.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

8. 秋天是三潭印月最美的时节,尤其是在中秋之夜。
    Autumn is the most beautiful time of San Tan Yin Yue, especially in the Mid autumn night.

9. 秋天是三潭印月最美的时节,尤其是在中秋之夜。
    Autumn is 3 Tam India on the most beautiful season, especially in the autumn night.

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. 这就是如今西湖三潭印月景区的三角亭。
    This is the triangular pavilion at the Moonlight Reflected in the Three Towers scenic spot.

11. 呈现在湖里的倒影就像月亮在水面上跳舞的幻觉—因此叫这座岛为三潭印月
      The reflection on the lake gives the illusion of moons dancing upon the water--hence the island`s name.

12. 是西湖上的三潭印月,是自古以来的赏月胜地。
      It is the 3 pools on the west lake imprint month, be from of old enjoy the glorious full moon resort.

13. 餐后,在楼外楼门口坐交通船去三潭印月,然后在花港码头上岸,游花港观鱼,后在花港西门出,门口有一知味观,是吃杭州小吃的名店。
      After dinner, sitting in front of Lou Wailou Santanyinyue to ship traffic, and then spend Terminal to enter Hong Kong, travel Huagangguanyu, in Hong Kong, Simon took out the door with a known concept of taste is to eat the snack brand in Hangzhou.

14. 三潭印月

14. 杭州被誉为人间天堂,主要是由于美丽的西湖及西湖的山水之美,春天有柳浪闻莺、苏堤春晓、花港观鱼;夏日有曲院风荷、吴山天风;秋天有平湖秋月、三潭印月,钱江涌潮,满陇桂雨;冬天有灵峰探梅、断桥残雪。
      The Hangzhou city is breeded by Qiantang River.

15. 你应该去三潭印月
      You'd better go to the Three Pools Mirroring the moon.

16. 那是“三潭印月”。有月光的晚上,三座石塔的孔倒映在湖上,看上去就像三轮明月在湖面上婆娑起舞,故名“三潭印月”。
      That's the " three Pools Mirroring the moon ". on moonlit nights the openings on the three pagodas are reflected on the lake, which gives the illusion of three moons dancing on the water's surface, hence the name.

17. 那是“三潭印月”。有月光的晚上,三座石塔的孔倒映在湖上,看上去就像三轮明月在湖面上婆娑起舞,故名“三潭印月”。
      That's the " three Pools Mirroring the moon ". on moonlit nights the openings on the three pagodas are reflected on the lake, which gives the illusion of three moons dancing on the water's surface, hence the name.

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