
不日是什么意思 不日在线翻译 不日什么意思 不日的意思 不日的翻译 不日的解释 不日的发音 不日的同义词 不日的反义词 不日的例句


不日 基本解释

不日[bù rì]


词典within the next few days不日;即日;近几天。

词典in a few days不日;日内。

不日 汉英大词典

不日[bù rì]

(不多天; 不久) within the next few days; soon; in a few days:


    The cargo vessel will arrive at the port within the next few days.

不日 网络解释

1. in a few days:日昨 ryh-tzuor↓; | 不日 in a few days; | 今日 today, now, at present;

不日 双语例句

1. 但是他对她很残暴,不日之后还离开了她。
    But he was cruel to her, and after a while he left her.

2. 这不仅是进度和水平的差异,这是个问题,我的记忆力已经不日以前了。
    It is not just the pace and level that is a problem. My memory is not as good as it used to be

3. 我不日你嘛???
    My in a few days you? ??

4. 不日的意思

4. 近几年来,我和父亲都是东奔西走,家中光景一日不日一日。
    In recent years, my father and I run for living, the economic condition is progressively worse.

5. 近几年来,我和父亲都是东奔西走,家中光景一日不日一日。
    In recent years, my father and I buzzed about, and the condition of our home is worse and worse.

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6. 希望你不日就能恢复健康。
    Hoping a few days will restore your health.

7. 如果他一直努力工作,不日即可成为一名高级官员。
    If he keeps working hard, soon he will become a top-rank officer.

8. 三月初,销售前线与马来西亚Eternal Victory公司签定了意向,不日前该公司确定将派出其公司三名业务中坚跨洋过海来到深圳参加销售前线3月21-22日举办之《销售精英魔鬼特训》-疯狂销售实战训练。
    At the beginning of March, Sales-Front's signed intent with Eternal Victory Company of Malaysia, days before the company confirmed they are going to send three sales members at superviser level to Shenzhen for attending the course of Crazy Sales Living Training-《Sales Elite Demonian Special Training》which will be held on March 21-22 from overseas.

9. 制卡和会员卡制息日刊》于不日差分座制卡和会员卡制息业环保动息的近况进行了在线观察,甘休表现制卡和会员卡制息企业以及其供应商都在主动致力于环保变革。
    The business card printing and membership card making Digest on the entire business card printing and membership card manufacturing workers environmental behavior conducted online survey showed that the business card printing and membership card-making enterprise, and its suppliers actively committed to environmental protection reforms.

10. 不日

10. 是要叫我回去——你去吧,等会儿我再叫人来唤你——大人,我服从他们的命令,不日就可以束装上路,回到威尼斯去——去!
    I am commanded home.

11. 不日将补充鞘口铜活内部照片,目前只有该铜活可以卸下,至于尾茆,小弟不愿意破坏,请大家谅解。
      I will post another pics about scabbard's copper parts, now it is only copper can be discharged, for trail, I don't want to break, everyone please understand.

12. 今所吟之句,飞腾之兆已见,不日可接履于云霓之上矣。
      These lines foretell rapid advancement. Very soon you will be treading upon the clouds.

13. 据称,目前相关律师已经介入调查,并掌握了我省及全国其他地区9040用户的数据检测报告,不日将正式向法院提起诉讼。
      According to saying, at present relevant attorney has gotten involved investigation, mastered other area of my province and whole nation the data of 9040 users detects report, om a few days will be formal to forensic to lodge a complaint.

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14. 我姐姐的孩子不日就要出生了。
      My sister's baby is expected any day now.

15. 那艘货船不日即可抵港。
      The cargo vessel will arrive at the port within the next few days.

16. 我方订货确认书不日将寄达你处。
      Our purchase confirmation will be sent to you very soon.

17. 不日

17. 欺诈又不可靠的无赖。那艘货船不日即可抵港。
      A deceitful and unreliable scoundrel. The cargo vessel will arrive at the port within the next few days.

18. 王莉和张志福被依法逮捕,目前此案已经移交南岗区中级人民法院,不日将开庭审理。
      Now this case has been handed over to Nangang Intermediate People's Court and will be in trial soon.

19. 据观察,不少公园的桂花现在也已经结出花蕾,不日也将开放。
      According to observations, many sweet-scented osmanthus now have buds and will bloom soon.

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20. 春化天数对大白菜、小白菜现蕾和开花的影响据观察,不少公园的桂花现在也已经结出花蕾,不日也将开放。
      Study of Veneration-day Influence on Bolting and Flowering of Heading Chinese Cabbage and Non-heading Chinese Cabbage According to observations, many sweet-scented osmanthus now have buds and will bloom soon.

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