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中溜 基本解释


中溜[zhōnɡ liū]


中溜 双语例句

1. 但是警察认为头是在饭店的厨房中溜进去,因为头是夹在莴苣和番茄的中间。
    Police, however, say it was probably slipped in while in the restaurant's kitchen, due to the head's placement between the lettuce and the tomato of the burger.

2. 然后,从余烬的火光中溜到我的床上,在那里,只有那嘎嘎作响的窗户和乡下空气能提供给我一个甜美的,有益健康个睡眠。
    And then slip by the light of the embers into my bed, where I luxuriate in such sound and healthful slumber as only such rattling window- frames, and country air, can supply.

3. 快乐从你不知道你打开了的门中溜进。
    Happiness sneaks in through a door you don't know you left open.

4. 中溜是什么意思

4. 他们认为这个9足爬行动物从附近的运河中溜出来寻找一个新的游泳场所。
    They think the nine-foot reptile crawled out of a nearby canal, looking for a new place to swim.

5. 该方法根据激光测距原理,利用扫描仪获取的数据,采用图像处理中的线条拟合技术,可以实时准确地计算出装船系统中溜筒相对于船舱的位置、溜筒相对于舱内物料的位置、舱内物料的高度以及船体的倾斜状态等参数。
    Based on the principle of laser range measurement and applying line fitting algorithm to the data gotten from a laser scanner, the method could measure the parameters precisely in real time, such as the position of the chute of a cargo loading machinery relative to the cabin of the ship being loaded as well as the cargo below, the height of cargo in a cabin and the obliquity of a ship.

6. 一条宠物蛇从乘客的袋子中溜出,藏在夹板里不肯出来,为此,瑞士一列当地的火车已经被迫停运一周。
    A Swiss regional train has been out of service for nearly a week since a pet snake slithered from its owner's bag and hid in the partition wall of the carriage.

7. 美国人喜欢大手大脚地生活(去电影院的时候要一杯小可乐,你就会明白我的意思),钱不知不觉地就从你的指缝中溜了出去。
    Americans like to live large (ask for a small Coke at a movie theater, and you'll see what I mean), and money will slip through your hands with the greatest of ease.

8. 车床中溜板螺母孔修复工艺
    The Repair Technique of the Screw Hole in Slide Board of Lathe

9. 一天,他在衙门周围巡行,忽然看见一个小吏慌慌张张地从府库中溜出来。
    One day, when Guaiya was perambulating, he saw a obiit coming out from the government office in a hurry.

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