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久经世故 基本解释

久经世故[jiǔ jīng shì gù]

词典well-experienced in the ways of the world久经世故。

词典be long-tested久经世故。

词典have weathered many storms久经世故;饱经风霜。

久经世故 汉英大词典

久经世故[jiǔ jīng shì gù]

well-experienced in the ways of the world; be long-tested; have weathered many storms

久经世故 网络解释

1. sophistication n:sophisticated: a.老于世故的;(仪器)精密的 | sophistication: n.诡辩,强词夺理;久经世故,老练 | sophistry: n.诡辩

久经世故 双语例句

1. 对一个久经世故的人来说,天下是没有新鲜事的。
    To a sophisticated person, there is nothing new under the sun.

2. 久经世故

2. 而对于久经世故和践行中庸之道的人来说,这就是信念的证据。
    In the seasoned and those who have found a midway it is evidence of faith.

3. 久经世故的周游许多国家的人。
    Person who has travelled in many countries.

4. 久经世故的周游许多国家的人。
    A sophisticated person who has travelled in many countries.

5. 我祖父是个久经世故的人。
    My grandfather is a sophisticated person.

6. 我希望和每一个人分享我的作品——无论是一家人里老的少的,还是那些简单纯真的或者久经世故的。
    I want my work to be shared with everyone- whole families, people of both great simplicity and great sophistication.

7. 对于一个久经世故的人来说,没有什么事是新奇的了。
    To a sophisticated person there is _nothing new under the sun_.

8. 一种久经世故和技术先进的城市文化明显地出现在印度河流域文明里。
    A sophisticated and technologically advanced urban culture is evident in the Indus Valley civilization.

9. 希腊银行已很少直接暴露给次信贷相关的状况下,它已经在其他地区的市场跌得久经世故了。
    Greek banks have little direct exposure to the subprime-related instruments that have tripped up sophisticates in other markets.

10. 久经世故是什么意思

10. 年少背后的久经世故:我很惊讶这只有15岁的女孩,一个充满魅惑的巴黎希尔顿类型模特。
    I was surprised to find out that this girl was15.In an age of Paris Hilton-type role models, she's sophisticated instead of tarty.

11. 它通过公然炫耀在建筑中使用久经世故的技术显示了著名的科学和工程成就。
      It reading celebrated scientific and engineering achievements by openly parading the sophisticated techniques used in construction.

12. 久经世故的翻译

12. 他能够照料好自己,因为他久经世故
      He is able to take care of himself; he has got sight of the elephant.

13. 在应约参观他们的美好生活时,我和丈夫不再是久经世故的美国游客,反而感觉自己像贫寒的堂兄堂妹。
      Instead of being the sophisticated Americans returning for a visit, my husband and I began to feel like poor cousins invited to sample the good life.

14. 她聪明、机智、久经世故,在过去约20年中,在电视和报纸界相继做过一些有实权的工作。
      She is bright and witty and sophisticated and for about 20 years has held a succession of powerful jobs in television and newspapers.

15. 法兰克开始干这种新活时,其他工人有时取笑他,但不久后事实表明他是久经世故的。
      When Frank started the new job, the other workers teased him a little, but he soon proved to everyone that he wasn't born yesterday.

16. 他们有相似的教育背景和生活经验,并且都很机智,久经世故,对教会和政府的管理具有不同凡响的影响。
      They have similar educational background and life experience. Both of them are intelligent and sophisticated and had great influence on the church and state governance.

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