
书口是什么意思 书口在线翻译 书口什么意思 书口的意思 书口的翻译 书口的解释 书口的发音 书口的同义词 书口的反义词 书口的例句


书口 基本解释


书口[shū kǒu]

词典book margin usu. with the title of the book and the page number书口。

书口 汉英大词典

书口[shū kǒu]

book margin usu. with the title of the book and the page number

书口 网络解释

1. thumb edge:trim width portrait 直度 | thumb edge 书口 | thumb index 指按式索引

2. 书口的反义词

2. Mouth of book Varchar:版式 邊欄 Style Frame Varchar 50 | 書口 Mouth of book Varchar 50 | 魚尾 Yu Wei Varchar 50

书口 双语例句

1. 书口的翻译

1. 蝴蝶装的特点是书口在中间,文字朝里,这既是它的优点也是它的缺点,这样阅读起来先看到的是字的反面,翻阅仍不方便。
    Butterfly loading is characterized by the book, the text in the middle of the mouth at the near end, its advantages and disadvantages of it, so read up to see the back side of the word, go back and read is not convenient.

2. 还书不必到借书处,只要根据各书号塞进图书馆外相应的还书口即可。
    To return a book, you can simply put it into the slot outside of the library.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 我会走上前去,把那本书角都卷起来的书放到还书口,然后静静地站着等,直到露丝·塞茨尔——图书管理员之一,把书检查、收回,一言不发地再伸手把书递给我。
    Up I would walk, put that dog-eared1 book in the return slot, and stand very still until Ruth Setzer, one of the librarians, checked it in. Without a word, she would extend her arm to me, with my treasure at the end of it.

4. 操作员把书籍放在进书口,气动的机器手指翻页,在数码相机的扫描下,细微到足以对绝本书籍进行数字化
    A human operator places a book in a flat carriage, and then pneumatic robot fingers flip the pages — delicately enough to handle rare volumes — under the scanning eyes of digital cameras.

5. 圆脊:把书脊做成凸起的圆弧,书口则是凹入的圆弧,方便翻阅。
    Back rounding: Forming the back of a book into a convex curve and thus the fore-edge a concave curve which makes the turning of pages more easy.

6. 承接业务包括:代加工蛇仔薄,YO薄,YO薄打孔,线圈本,线圈本装订,挂历装订,挂历,挂历加工,挂历代工,书口打``烟的士``,活页烟的士``粘胶贴;折书代工,骑钉代加工,YO薄加工,蛇仔薄加工,烟的士薄加工,笔记本,产品说明书,海报或DM,产品型录,画册,吊牌印后加工,印后装订,相薄代工胶索引粘贴加工,啤盒,打孔,厚书异型模切,折说明书,装订说明书,等一切装订业务。
    To undertake the business include: generation of processing thin snake Aberdeen, YO thin, YO thin punch, coil, spiral binding, calendar binding, calendar, calendar processing, foundry calendars, books I played taxi''smoke'', loose-leaf tobacco taxi viscose paste''; discount book foundry, riding a nail-generation processing, YO thin processing, thin snake Aberdeen processing, tobacco processing taxi thin, notebook, product specification, posters, or DM, Product Catalog, album, tag Finishing, Book Binding, with a thin plastic foundry index paste processing, beer box, punch, thick book profiled cutting, folding instructions, binding instructions, and all other binding operations.

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