
二十八宿是什么意思 二十八宿在线翻译 二十八宿什么意思 二十八宿的意思 二十八宿的翻译 二十八宿的解释 二十八宿的发音


二十八宿 基本解释

二十八宿[èr shí bā xiù]

词典the lunar mansions二十八宿。

二十八宿 汉英大词典

二十八宿[èr shí bā xiù]

{天} the lunar mansions

二十八宿 网络解释

1. twenty-eightlunarmansions:twelvepunch 十二穿孔 十二行穿孔 | twenty-eightlunarmansions 二十八宿 | twenty-footequivalentunit 二十英尺当量单位

2. lunarmansions:lunarmagneticfield月球磁场 | lunarmansions二十八宿 | lunarmeteoroid月球流星体

3. lunarzodiac:lunaryear太阴年 | lunarzodiac二十八宿 | lunare月骨

4. Twenty-eight stellar lodges:中国:Century | 二十八宿:Twenty-eight stellar lodges | <<二十四诗品>>:Twenty-four Characterizations of Poetry

二十八宿 双语例句

1. 二十八宿中的角、亢、氐、房、心、尾、箕七宿组成一个完整的龙形星座、角宿恰似龙的角。
    Ershibaqi the angle, Kang, serious procedural, the heart, tail, Kei seven places form a complete dragon-shaped constellation, Spica like dragon's angle.

2. 其二是对二十八宿距度的测定,这也是天文学上的一个重要的问题。
    The second is the determination of distance二十八宿, this is an important astronomical problem.

3. 中国古代用二十八宿来表示日月星辰在天空的位置和判断季节。
    Ancient Chinese used to express二十八宿moon and stars in the sky to determine the location and season.

4. 二十八宿的解释

4. 中国古代用二十八宿来表示日月星辰在天空的位置和判断季节。
    Ancient China used to express Ershibaqi moon and stars in the sky position and judgement season.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 这是研究我国古代天文学史的一件珍贵文物,是迄今发现的关于二十八宿全部名称的最早的文字记载。
    This box is a rare relic of great value for research into ancient Chinese astronomy as it is the earliest written record of moon phases yet found in China.

6. 即以向收水,以向拨砂,配合二十四山及二十八宿和纳甲水法原理综合分析。
    Namely, to close water to the allocation of sand, with 24 Shan and Ershibasu and satisfied A comprehensive analysis of principles of water law.

7. 即以向收水,以向拨砂,配合二十四山及二十八宿和纳甲水法原理综合分析。
    Namely, to close water to the allocation of s, with 24 Shan Ershibasu satisfied A comprehensive analysis of principles of water law.

8. 再利用某些恒星把这个圆分为28个等分,形成28个区间,称为二十八宿
    Reuse some of the stars of this circle is divided into 28 sub-formed 28 range, as Ershibaqi.

9. 一是八卦太阳周天历四柱五行预测信息学;二是八卦阴阳疗疾学;三是睡梦信息预测学;四是杀牲祭祀文化的骨卦信息预测学;五是日程星辰信息预测学;六是二十八宿星辰信息预测学;七是彝族布耄信息文化的宗旨;八是彝族布耄的职能与苏矮法术的特点和区别;九是彝族布耄信息文化的发展普及情况。
    First, the forecasting informatics based on the Eight Diagrams, Zhou Tian Solar Calendar, Si Zhu and Five Elements; Second, the healing medical theory based on the Eight Trigrams and Yin and Yang; Third, the forecasting informatics based on dreams; Fourth, the forecasting informatics based on the ritual culture and the bone divinatory symbols; Fifth, the forecasting informatics based on the movement of the Sun and the stars; Sixth, the forecasting informatics based on the 28 constellaions; Seventh, the tenet of the Yi Bumo information culture; Eighth, the function of the Yi Bumo, the characteristics of the shamanism and the difference between the two; Ninth, the development and popularization of the Yi Bumo information culture.

10. 纳西族象形文字《二十八宿值日星占图》研究
    A Study of the Pictographic " 28-Star Divination " of the Naxi Nationality

11. 纳西族象形文字《二十八宿值日星占图》研究
      A Study of the Pictographic " 28-Star Divination " of the Naxi Nationality

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