
人情世故是什么意思 人情世故在线翻译 人情世故什么意思 人情世故的意思 人情世故的翻译 人情世故的解释 人情世故的发音


人情世故 基本解释

人情世故[rén qíng shì gù]

词典traditional code of conduct人情世故。

词典the ways of people人情世故。

词典the ways of the world世相;人情世故;世故;世情。

词典worldly wisdom人情世故。

词典the way of the world人情世故,社会上的习惯;世俗常情;世道人情。

人情世故 汉英大词典

人情世故[rén qíng shì gù]

traditional code of conduct; the ways of people; the ways of the world; worldly wisdom:


    not know the ways of the world

人情世故 网络解释

1. the way of the world:the Way of the Cross 十字架之路 | the way of the world 人情世故 | the weaker sex 女性

2. worldly wisdom:人民生活水平 quality of life / living standards | 人情世故 worldly wisdom | 人情味 human touch

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3. the ways of the world:世風日下 the world is declining in its moral values; | 人情世故 the ways of the world; | 世故,世俗 shyh-guh, shyh-sur↓;

人情世故 双语例句

1. 人情世故在线翻译

1. 在贾府中是深得众人好评的长重媳妇,她精通人情世故,并对家族的危机识深虑远,有着不同常人的忧患意识,聪慧能干有如薛宝钗。
    The eldest granddaughter-in-law get everybody of favorable comment among firmly Jia, she masters worldly wisdom, and the crisis to the family is known and considered deeply far, have different ordinary persons suffering consciousness, intelligently competently has like Xue Baochai.

2. 我对于人情世故不甚通达,索普说。
    I was not very wise in the ways of the world.

3. 一名熟悉当地情况的警察说,在看似清静的这所道观里,其实隐藏着复杂的人情世故和利益纠葛。
    A policeman, who knows the local issues quite well says that this seemingly serene Taoist monastery actually conceals complex human relationship and conflit caused by benefit.

4. 人情世故的近义词

4. 不一会儿,她把话题岔开了,不过全凭她施展出深通人情世故的女人的全部本事。
    Presently, thought with all the skill of a woman of the world, she shuffled away the subject.

5. 不一会儿,她把话题岔开了,不过全凭她施展出深通人情世故的女人的全部本事。
    Coronary artery bypass graft. Presently, thought with all the skill of a woman of the world, she shuffled away the subject.

6. 你做老板,你的员工可能因为你的江湖大哥气质,少一点钱也会死心塌地给你做,做小生意的江湖义气还体现在你会喝一点酒,你懂江湖也意味着你对中国国情及人情世故极为老到,意味着你的庸俗气质能匹配小生意往往是给庸俗人服务的。
    Your boss, your staff for the purpose of Big Brother because you may temperament, and a bit less for your money will be hell-bent on doing. small businesses was also reflected in the fraternal loyalty you will drink a bit of wine. Archive also means that you understand your situation and sophistication of China's extremely reliable. implies that your small business is often vulgar temperament can be matched to the vulgar people.

7. 人情世故什么意思

7. 我懂了,我懂了你们之间的一切、我也懂了我们之间、我们不是一路人、我懂了你说的话,如果我是男生相信我们也会很甜、你人真的很好,很好,有些事情我真的很从心底里感激你、有时候又决的你挺贱、可能真的想别人说的那样吧我太小了,很多事情都不懂、人情世故、我真的不懂、我突然想离开这里,到一个陌生的地方,那次的事情,我全都知道、那不是你的本意、我很了解你,但是心里真的有些恨你、我以后不会在打扰你了,我懂了、从那次以后我开始慢慢的改变了,变的不在那么善良了,的罪我的人就得死、、那次以后我不会选择离开了,因为我要立足在这里,申根发芽、、、想想现在一切都错了,真的很累、想到陌生的地方呼吸
    I understand, I understand everything between you and I understand between us, we are not all the way, I understand you to say, if I believe that we will be very sweet boys, you were really good, well, some things I really thank you from the heart, and sometimes it never quite cheap for you, you may really want to be bar as I was too small, a lot of things to understand it, ways of the world, I really do not know, I suddenly wanted to leave here, to a strange place, that thing, I did all know that is not your intention, I know you, but the heart is really hate you, I would not make In the bother you, I understand, from that I started to slowly change in the future, and change is not so good, and the sin of my people have to die, that later I would not choose to leave, because I We should base ourselves here, the Schengen germination, ,, , think now everything is wrong, really tired, think strange place to breathe

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8. 生活费用的昂贵暂且不论,人情世故的冷暖,以及租房子之难,使我屡遭挫折。
    I became increasingly discouraged by all the cold-shouldering I encountered, along with the difficulties in finding accommodation not to mention the tremendously high living costs.

9. 吉里什懂得太多的人情世故,以致不能看见一个完美的人。
    But Girish was too well acquainted with human nature to see perfection in a man.

10. 人情世故

10. 刘姥姥是《红楼梦》中一个小人物,她是曹雪芹从乡下选上的一位贫穷的老太婆,她来贾府是为碰碰运气,讨点油水,贾府人觉得刘姥姥粗俗、可笑、无知,是来讨钱的,带有乡下人的野趣,都拿她取乐,她给别人的这些印象是因为她穿梭于巨大贫富差距之中,没有别的选择,生活使她扮演这样的角色,她的表演真是滑稽可笑,但又是可悲的,是所有贫苦农民的悲剧,她只有这样的作贱自己才能得到点恩惠,维持他们艰难的度日,但刘姥姥能正视自己的身份地位,并从自己的乡土味中寻找欢笑,再通过她救巧儿的事实,不难看出,刘姥姥既聪慧又淳朴,既谨慎又幽默,既善良又精通人情世故,是一位积极向上乐观的老人。
    As an old woman chosen from the countryside by cao xue qin, grandmother liu came to masion jia to try her luck, to get pretty advantages at expense of other people, people thought she was vulgar, ridiculous and ignorant, thought she came here with country folks fun to scrounge, treated her just for the fun. All that impressions she gave us just because she lived under such a huge differences between rich and poor, without other choice, life decided her action. Her action was ludicrous and laughable, also, pathetic. It was a tragedy of all the peasants. For liu, only through humiliating herself to seek advantage, so that could go on the hard life. however, she faced her status squarely, and gained happiness from her own simple feature. Plus the process of resuing qiao jie, all the fact made a clever, cautious, humourous and kind grandmother, a good at social communications, active and optimistic grandmother.

11. 人情世故是什么意思

11. 他早已厌倦了那些复杂的人情世故,想要遁世隐居。
      He is tired of the ways of the world and wants desperately to live the life of a hermit.

12. 人情世故在线翻译

12. 他已经到了懂得人情世故的年龄了。
      He is old enough to know the world.

13. 我不笨,我也知道人情世故
      I'm not an idiot. I know how the world works.

14. 他到了懂得人情世故的年龄了。
      He`s old enough to know the world.

15. 在人情世故和对某个事物的理解方式的不同。
      In the ways of the world and an understanding of things, differences in the way.

16. 你太年轻,还不了解人情世故
      You are too young to know the score yet.

17. 人情世故的解释

17. 我也知道人情世故
      I know how the world works.

18. 人情世故什么意思

18. 我不笨,我也懂得人情世故
      I`m not an idiot. I know how the world works.

19. 正因为如此,他的作品中有贴近人情世故、关乎民生民瘼的一面,对社会的丑陋与黑暗予以深刻地批判和讽谕,对生活于封建制度底层的普通百姓的命运给与深切地关注和同情。
      Exactly therefore, his works had one aspect pressing close to the ways of people`s livelihood sufferings, and giving the deep field to society's ugly manner and dark criticizing sum parable, and giving to attention deep and showing sympathy for to the destiny living in average the feudal system bottom common people.

20. 人情世故的解释

20. 他因精通人情世故及善于讲有趣的轶事而被人仰慕。
      He was admired for his savoir-vivre and entertaining anecdotes.

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