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从中斡旋 基本解释

从中斡旋[cóng zhōng wò xuán]

词典In between is a person trying (quiety, unobstrusively) to mediate between the disputants.

从中斡旋 汉英大词典

从中斡旋[cóng zhōng wò xuán]

In between is a person trying (quiety, unobstrusively) to mediate between the disputants.

从中斡旋 双语例句

1. 能得到朝野这么多人的鼎力相助,显然不是一日之功,对九爷,铁飞花以柔济刚,当《局中局》中九候爷因刚愎自用,听不进龙涉虚的弦外之音时,正是铁飞花从中斡旋,亲自抚慰,以己柔济九爷之刚,最终正是这一点在紧要关头救了九爷一命,也帮助他完成了使命,所以对九爷而言,铁飞花人才难得,是一个不可或缺的助手,对江湖朋友,铁飞花寓刚以柔的特点十分明显,对龙涉虚,没有摆出捕头的架势,而是坦诚相待,虚心求教,对快意堂众人,暗中指点,可以保护。
    So many people frequently get help, obviously not for a short time, nine, with soft iron ye2 windflowers, when the jiqing in nine innings midgame headstrong mai syndrome due to wade into the dragon, not when the implication of virtual, iron, personally to comfort them, to oneself of jiyang soft: can it, just in critical: can save a life, also help he completed the mission of nine, so ye, iron windflowers, talent is an indispensable for friends, assistant, river with soft iron windflowers house just is very clear, the characteristics of dragons, no place in the capture of the head, but honest attitude of enjoyment, modesty, refer to all directions, dark hall can be protected.

2. 我会努力从中斡旋
    I'll try to smooth thing over.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. 而有中间商从中斡旋,则可大大加快这种进程。
    With the help of the middlemen, this process can be shortened quickly.

4. 最终,法国总统尼古拉·萨科奇代表欧盟从中斡旋
    In the end, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, on behalf of the European Union

5. 但是我那个拥有这家公司股票的有钱叔叔的打电话去从中斡旋、幕后牵线,我马上就被雇用了。
    However, after my rich uncle who owns stock in the company called there and pulled the strings, I was hired right away.

6. 从中斡旋

6. 这份录像是哈马斯激进组织所录并由在埃及和德国从中斡旋才得以送抵以色列。
    The video shot by Hamas militants was delivered to Israel through the efforts of Egyptian and German mediators.

7. 伊朗的盟友土耳其提出愿意为联合国和伊朗之间因伊朗核项目而产生的僵局从中斡旋
    Iran's ally Turkey is offering to mediate the stalemate between the United Nations and Tehran over Iran's nuclear program.

8. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

8. 他将从中斡旋,以尽力制订出一个日程表。
    He will act as a go-between to try and work out an agenda.

9. 没有了韦斯科特从中斡旋,马瑟斯的独断专行开始叫人无法忍受。
    Without Westcott's moderating influence, Mathers's autocratic manner became unbearable.

10. 老师和父母意见不一敛,她只能从中斡旋
    The teachers and parents couldn't agree and she had to mediate between them.

11. 由于他从中斡旋,双方的争端得到了解决。
      Through his mediation, the dispute between the two parties was settled.

12. 讲和谈判因意见分歧危如累卵,而会长从中斡旋方转危为安。
      Disagreements threatened to wreck the peace talks, but the president's intervention saved the situation.

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