
以礼相待是什么意思 以礼相待在线翻译 以礼相待什么意思 以礼相待的意思 以礼相待的翻译 以礼相待的解释 以礼相待的发音


以礼相待 基本解释

以礼相待[yǐ lǐ xiāng dài]

词典treat sb. with due respect以礼相待。

词典pay due attention to ...以礼相待。

词典receive sb. with courtesy以礼相待。

以礼相待 汉英大词典

以礼相待[yǐ lǐ xiāng dài]

treat sb. with due respect; pay due attention to ...; receive sb. with courtesy

以礼相待 双语例句

1. {就算}是你不喜欢他,也还是能以礼相待的。
    Even if} you don't like him you can still be polite.

2. 他或她也就更可能同样对你以礼相待
    He or she is much more likely to treat you the same way.

3. 你可能会惊奇地发现,他们的确值得你以礼相待
    You may also be astonished to find out that they really are.

4. 即使你并不喜欢他,也要以礼相待
    Try to be civil to him, even if you don't like him.

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5. 记住,如果你对别人表示尊重,那么他们也对你也会以礼相待
    Remember, if you give others your respect, they will most likely return the favour.

6. 以礼相待什么意思

6. 当马车的主人就要走出正门,老板一家毕恭毕敬以礼相待送时,他们一伙六个人全都聚到窗前,望着他坐上马车离去了。
    The whole six were collected to look, by the time the owner of the curricle was to be seen issuing from the door amidst the bows and civilities of the household, and taking his seat, to drive off

7. 事实表明,对员工以礼相待每年能为公司节省50亿英镑的支出。
    In fact, it seems that alittle more courtesy could save businesses £5billion every year.

8. 事实表明,对员工以礼相待每年能为公司节省50亿英镑的支出。
    In fact, it seems that a little more courtesy could save businesses £5billion every year.

9. 我确实指望适度的以礼相待和体贴照顾。
    I do expect reasonable politeness and consideration.

10. 还有一些政界人物对我颇有微词。在公开场合碰到内阁成员或政府要人,偶尔会有人不愿和我同处一室,但大多数人还是会以礼相待
    Encountered in public members of the cabinet or government dignitaries, occasionally someone and I do not want the same room, but most people will still be treated with courtesy.

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11. 他对部下以礼相待
      Eg: He treated his subordinates with respect.

12. 所以,先以礼相待,但过后又后悔,士就不愿留下来;
      But if you treat them with what they like initially, but later regret doing so, then they will not remain with you.

13. 我们只好对她以礼相待
      We have to do the civil to her.

14. 以礼相待在线翻译

14. 以礼相待那些对你粗暴无礼的人,那需要力量。
      It takes strength to be polite to someone when that person has been rude to you.

15. 以礼相待的翻译

15. 他对父母总是以礼相待
      He was never rude to his parents.

16. 以礼相待的反义词

16. 我肯见你是因为我听说你是个正直的人,所以我以礼相待
      Vito corleone: I said that I would see you, because I heard you were a serious man, to be treated with respect.

17. 他描写巴拉克.奥巴马如何鼓励提倡人们对持不同意见者以礼相待
      He describes how Barack Obama was hounded for advocating politeness towards people with whom one disagrees.

18. 对待有才能的人,以礼相待,并委以重任;
      Towards talents, a good general would treat him with respect and give it important tasks.

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19. 既然使用着相似的技术,至少,我们应该学会以礼相待
      We use similar techniques, and, at the very least, should respect each others craft.

20. 英国人以文明礼貌而著称,但是,现在他们以礼相待的习惯已不像以前那么正规了。
      The British people are known for their politeness, but nowadays their habits of politeness are not as formal as before.

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