
优婆是什么意思 优婆在线翻译 优婆什么意思 优婆的意思 优婆的翻译 优婆的解释 优婆的发音 优婆的同义词 优婆的反义词 优婆的例句


优婆 基本解释

Good woman;

优婆 双语例句

1. 他也叫做优婆提舍。
    His other name was Upatissa.

2. 世尊宣说至此,站立在後面为世尊挥扇的优婆摩那尊者接著说:「世尊,这实在美妙,不可思议啊!
    During this time the Venerable Upavana was standing behind the Lord, fanning him.

3. 鹿住优婆夷,远远地看到尊者阿难朝她家走来,赶紧在家中铺好了座位,出门迎请尊者阿难入座。
    Upon seeing from a distance the Venerable Ananda approaching her home, she rushed to set up a seat in her home and went out to welcome and invite the Venerable Adanda to take the seat.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. 待坐定后,鹿住优婆夷对尊者阿难提出她的质疑
    After settling down, Upasika Deer Dwell raised to the Venerable Ananda her doubt

5. 优婆

5. 今年有人愿意受比丘戒的,也是一个最好机会;有人愿意受比丘尼戒,也是一个最好的机会;有人愿意受优婆塞的戒,也是一个最好的机会;有人愿意受优婆夷的戒,也是一个最好的机会。
    Nonetheless, it will have an overall similarity. Well, this year if there are any men who want to receive the Bhikshu precepts, or women who want to receive the Bhikshuni precepts, or laymen who want to receive the Upasaka precepts, or laywomen who want to receive the Upasika precepts, this is a very good opportunity to do so.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. 这天一早,尊者阿难进城乞食,一家挨著一家地,一路来到了一位名叫鹿住的优婆夷住处。
    In this early morning, the Venerable Ananda went to the city to beg for foods, he approached one by one the home of the donors and came to the residence of an Upasika whose name was Deer Dwell.

7. 说话值得信赖的优婆夷看见他后,她以驱摈、僧残或忏悔三类戒的其中之一来说的话。
    So that a female lay follower whose word can be trusted, having seen, might describe it as constituting any of three cases — entailing defeat, communal meetings, or confession

8. 男信徒称为优婆塞,女信徒称为优婆夷。
    Upasaka to males and Upasika to females.

9. 优婆塞就是在家的男信徒。
    An Upasaka is a lay follower of the Buddha.

10. 优婆离弟子(佛陀的十大弟子之一,佛教十诫的伟大守护神─持律第一):佛陀永远是那麼地神闲气定,佛陀不仅说法,更是身体力行为人表率。
    Ven. Upali (One of Buddha's ten greatest disciples, the greatest observant of the Buddhist commandments): Buddha has always been patient, and he has not just taught us but has shown us through his actions.

11. 由于有同样的名字-一个人在佛那里避难的是一个真的优婆塞。
      Have the same name.- One who takes refuge in the Buddha is a true upasaka.

12. 谁是最初的优婆塞?
      Who were the first Up asakas of the Buddha?

13. 优婆

13. 一个人名叫优婆塞是不能知道这个真实的意义的-屈尊来给我解释并且去掉疑问之网。
      One who is an upasaka in name only cannot know the true meaning.- Condescend to explain to me and cut away the web of doubt.

14. 那麼,现在我补充一下,优婆塞、优婆夷也可以开悟,也可以证果,但是,你要修行。
      If you don`t cultivate, then even if originally you were a Buddha, you won`t be able to become a Buddha.

15. 隆波田的生平非常有趣,当他还是优婆塞时就体证了法,这在以寺院为中心的泰国佛教界是极不寻常的。
      He attained the Dhamma while he was a layman, which is very unusual in the monastically centered world of Thai Buddhism.

16. 什么是优婆塞?
      Who is an Upasaka?

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