
似水流年是什么意思 似水流年在线翻译 似水流年什么意思 似水流年的意思 似水流年的翻译 似水流年的解释 似水流年的发音


似水流年 基本解释

似水流年[sì shuǐ liú nián]

词典Youth passes as a fleeting wave.似水流年。

词典time passing swiftly like flowing water似水流年。

词典Years pass by quickly.似水流年。

似水流年 汉英大词典

似水流年[sì shuǐ liú nián]

Youth passes as a fleeting wave.; time passing swiftly like flowing water; Years pass by quickly.

似水流年 网络解释

1. Homecoming:似水流年(Homecoming)极至简化的细节,自然柔和的情调,创造一种唯美的意境. 新设计、新理念的巧妙融合,满足多重审美体验和居家生活的多功能需求.

2. 似水流年的近义词

2. mxuan:你初次到对似水流年(mxuan)版的感觉如何,对本版有什么建议:已经不是初次了,可以不填吧:似水流年(mxuan)常驻居民申请表::似水流年(mxuan)常驻居民申请表:似水流年(mxuan)常驻居民申请表:似水流年(mxuan)常驻居民申请表

3. Time is floing like water:06 阿郎恋曲 Ar lang's love song | 07 似水流年 Time is floing like water | 08 三年 Three years

4. Elapse:破镜重圆 Reunion after A Fabulous Tragedy (1934) | 似水流年 Elapse (1934) | 热血青年 A Just Young Man (1934)

似水流年 双语例句

1. l 钟情,相思,暗恋,渴慕,等待,失望,试探,患得患失,痛不欲生,天涯永隔,追忆似水流年……种种这些,都曾因你而经历,也就誓不言悔。
    Loving you, thinking of you, loving you secretly, eagerly love you, waiting, feeling disappointed, trying hard, losing and feel sad, going apart, and recalling.

2. 如果把梅艳芳的《似水流年》、《胭脂扣》、《心债》等视为一流好歌、《把冰山劈开》、《烈焰红唇》等视为二流好歌、《床前明月光》这些视为三流歌曲的话,就知道其实梅艳芳的最经典的歌曲三两下就数完了,其中还包括像《孤身走我路》、《蔓珠莎华》这些翻唱歌曲。
    If Anita Mui's, , and etc are classified as top class good songs, , as 2nd class good songs, the 3rd class good song, then she doesn't really have not too many good songs. Of course, are good songs too though originally sung by other singers.

3. 将冰山劈开》、《爱我便说爱我吧》、《长藤挂铜铃》、《蔓珠莎华》、《Faithfully+ Wonderful Tonight》、《梦幻的拥抱》、《是这样的》、《艳舞台》、《烈焰红唇》、《凭什么》、《黑夜的豹》、《Stand By Me》part 1、《沙滩》、《心仍是冷》《缘分》、《Stand By Me》part 2、《我愿意》、《亲密爱人》、《梦姬》、《烈女》、《心债》、《胭脂扣》、《窗前明月光》、《心窝已疯》、《芳华绝代》、《似水流年》、《似是故人来》、《抱紧眼前人》、《心肝宝贝》、《夕阳之歌》。
    ,, ,.

4. 我说这似水流年似乎对她特别关照
    I said the years had been a friend to her

5. 每一里路啊每一年,光阴似水流年,我却不能解释这一切
    Every mile and every year, time and distance disappear I cannot explain this

6. 于是若干年后的今天我依然守候在这片曾经的温暖里,感受着我们的似水流年
    So after a number of years I am still waiting in the warmth of this piece was, the feelings of our Homecoming.

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7. 从《心债》、《坏女孩》、《似水流年》。。。。
    From, ,......

8. 这些记忆,不需要特别提醒,我都清楚它们能经得起似水流年
    These memroies, needless to be questioned, I know they are eternity.

9. 回看似水流年,她竟然说,可以选择的话,她不做歌星。
    Looking back those years, she said unexpectedly if she had a choice, she would not like to be a singer.

10. 似水流年的解释

10. 任何外来的或内部的缺陷就捏了钻石;如鸿毛、裂隙、碳当场绳结,似水流年钻石男人只限制其使用,以内部故障,利用地表断层任期污点。
    Any external or internal imperfection on a fashioned diamond; e. g., a feather, fissure, carbon spot, knot, etc. Some diamond men limit its use to internal faults only, using the term blemish for surface faults.

11. 大饭店的似水流年(之二)洛桑宫&国际奥委会的贵宾接待室
      Passed Years of Big Hotels (ⅱ) Lausanne Palace: VIP Reception Room of IOC

12. 1984年,她以“似水流年”迅速成为当红明星。
      She rose to stardom with the song " Homecoming " in1984.

13. 在“如花美眷,似水流年”的自怜与感叹中期盼自己的意中郎君。
      In the " flowery, Homecoming " of self-pity and sigh in Italy and look forward to their Langjun.

14. 如花美眷,终不过似水流年
      Spend a beautiful matching, but The Flood of Years.

15. 似水流年,记录时间流过的声音,欢迎常来坐坐、聊聊,记录下你自己的声音。
      Timesong, record the voice of time; Welcome to Timesong and record your own voice.

16. 似水流年是什么意思

16. 我们要十分珍惜这似水流年的好年华。
      We must value the good time which passes swiftly like flowing water.

17. 大饭店的似水流年(之一)豪华中的尊贵&纽约花园广场饭店
      Passing Time of Grand Hotels (1) Honor in Luxury: The Plaza New York

18. 则为你如花美眷,似水流年,是答儿闲寻遍。
      Because of your beauty that flowers with the flowing river of time, I sought you everywhere.

19. 则为你如花美眷,似水流年
      For you, a maiden fair, with beauty that will soon fade

20. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

20. 年前,梅艳芳凭《风的季节》获得新秀冠军之后,当时已是设计大师的 Eddie 接手将她「改造」,从 82 年《心债》、83 年《赤色梅艳芳》、85 年《坏女孩》与女扮男装的《似水流年》、86 年《妖女》、87 年《烈焰红唇》、《黑夜豹妹》、89 年的《淑女》……,还有多个演唱会造型都出自他的设计,甚至阿梅 03 年 11 月刚举行过的最后一个演唱会,最后出场的一件婚纱也是刘培基的设计。
      Years ago, by the song she won the New singers singing contest. Then Eddie Lau, already a well known fashion designer, got the job to change the image of Ah Mui., in 83, , and in uni-sex jacket of in 85, in 86, and in 87, in 89.......and many images for the concert, all designed by him. Even in the concert in Nov. 2003, Eddie designed the red gown for the opening and the wedding gown for the closing for her.

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