
低首下心是什么意思 低首下心在线翻译 低首下心什么意思 低首下心的意思 低首下心的翻译 低首下心的解释 低首下心的发音


低首下心 基本解释


词典obsequiously submissive低首下心。

低首下心 双语例句

1. 贝耳沙匝!你是他的儿子,虽然你知道这一切,但是你仍不低首下心
    You, his son, Belshazzar, have not humbled your heart, though you knew all this

2. 低首下心什么意思

2. 因为他压伏骄傲的人,拯救低首下心的人。
    For he brings down the pride of the haughty, but the man of humble mien he saves.

3. 至于平时,他总是低首下心,深自负疚的样子。
    As to all the rest, he was humble and contrite

4. 低首下心

4. 人必将屈服,人必被抑制,目空一切的人必低首下心
    Men shall be abased, each one brought low, and the eyes of the haughty lowered

5. 因为他压伏骄傲的人,拯救低首下心的人。
    For he that hath been humbled, shall be in glory: and he that shall bow down his eyes, he shall be saved.

6. 贝耳沙匝!你是他的儿子,虽然你知道这一切,但是你仍不低首下心
    And you, his son, O Belshazzar, have not kept your heart free from pride, though you had knowledge of all this

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7. 在穷人的集会前,你应表示和气;在长老前,你应谦抑你的心灵;在官长前,你应低首下心
    Make thyself affable to the congregation of the poor, and humble thy soul to the ancient, and bow thy head to a great man.

8. 当副官把这几个人从大臣办公室领进来又把他们领出去以后,有人让一个军官走进一扇可怕的房门里来,军官那低首下心的惊惶的样子使安德烈公爵大为愕异。
    After several persons had been let in and let out of the minister's room by the adjutant, an officer was admitted at the dreadful door, whose abject and panic-stricken face had struck Prince Andrey.

9. 在他年轻时,要使他低首下心;趁他还小时,要叫他屈己服从,以免他转为倔强,不服从你,使你伤心。
    Bend him to the yoke when he is young, thrash his sides while he is still small, Lest he become stubborn, disobey you, and leave you disconsolate.

10. 低首下心的反义词

10. 在他年轻时,要使他低首下心;趁他还小时,要叫他屈己服从,以免他转为倔强,不服从你,使你伤心。
    Bow down his neck while he is young, and beat his sides while he is a child, lest he grow stubborn, and regard thee not, and so be a sorrow of heart to thee.

11. 他有时也不能低首下心地去有所恳求;
      A man cannot sometimes brook to supplicate or beg;

12. 一个人不能自承有功而免矜夸之嫌,更不用说是不能表扬自己底功绩了;他有时也不能低首下心地去有所恳求;诸如此类的事很多。
      A man can scarce allege his own merits with modesty, much less extol them; a man cannot sometimes brook to supplicate or beg; and a number of the like.

13. 低首下心的解释

13. 可是,假如我发觉你低首下心,自知悔悟,我或许会阻止贝尼代托,不让你被杀。
      Yet perhaps if I had found you humble and penitent, I might have prevented Benedetto from killing you;

14. 可是,老兄,他居然得到了任命;我在罗得斯岛、塞浦路斯岛,以及其他基督徒和异教徒的国土之上,立过多少的军功,都是他亲眼看见的,现在却必须低首下心,受一个市侩的指挥。
      But he, sir, had the election: And I, of whom his eyes had seen the proofAt Rhodes, at Cyprus and on other grounds Christian and heathen, must be be-lee'd and calm'd By debitor and creditor: this counter-caster

15. 可是,老兄,他居然得到了任命;我在罗得斯岛、塞浦路斯岛,以及其他基督徒和异教徒的国土之上,立过多少的军功,都是他亲眼看见的,现在却必须低首下心,受一个市侩的指挥。
      But he, sir, had the election: And I, of whom his eyes had seen the proof At Rhodes, at Cyprus and on other grounds Christian and heathen, must be be-lee'd and calm'd By debitor and creditor: this counter-caster, He, in good time, must his lieutenant be, And I—God bless the mark!

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