
依偎是什么意思 依偎在线翻译 依偎什么意思 依偎的意思 依偎的翻译 依偎的解释 依偎的发音 依偎的同义词 依偎的反义词 依偎的例句


依偎 基本解释

依偎[yī wēi]

词典snuggle up to偎;偎倚;偎依;偎傍。

词典lean close to偎;依贴;贴近;偎依。

依偎 汉英大词典

依偎[yī wēi]

snuggle up to; lean close to

依偎 网络解释

1. Close Lean:01 怡然自得 Self-Satisfied with Joy | 02 依偎 Close Lean | 03 爱的记忆 Remembrance of Love

2. nestle:nest 窝巢 | nestle 依偎 | net 网;净值

3. 依偎的翻译

3. snuggle:sheepish 懦弱的,羞怯的 | Snuggle 依偎 | fuzzy 有毛的

4. nest:sonata 奏鸣曲 | nest 依偎 | indulge 纵情

依偎 双语例句

1. 我只是呆呆地,幻想有一天,我能再依偎他的肩旁。
    I just Daidai Di, the fantasy that one day, I could Yiwei next to his shoulder.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 一个寒冬的夜晚,我和我的丈夫依偎在一起看电视。
    On a chilly winter evening, my husband and I were snuggled together watching television.

3. 我往往白白地等几个小时,有时候我等了半天,你终于和朋友一起从屋里走了出来,有两次我还看见你和女人在一起,--当我看见一个陌生女人和你手挽手紧紧依偎的时候,我的心突然一阵抽缩,仿佛把我的灵魂给撕裂了,这时我突然感到自己已经长大,感到对你有一种新的、异样的感觉。
    It is strange that at this initial moment, I felt very clear on what you have is unique, not only are my all and you know people can feel in your body: You are a dual personality of the person, is a passion, frivolous fun of Youth, at the same time is a very solemn at the cause of a strong sense of responsibility, a very profound, very quality people.

4. 前不久一位在西班牙学习绘画的同学,把这幅场景画了一幅油画送给我,标题就叫《依偎》。
    Not a long ago, a student he was studying painting and drawing in Spain painted an oil on canvas about that sight and scene and the title of theme of that painting is hugging or embracing.

5. 依偎是什么意思

5. 即使你没有美丽的容颜与我相依偎,我也会爱着你。
    Even if you do not have the beautiful face of snuggling with my relative, I would love you.

6. 当你依偎在我身边的时候你却在想他?
    While you're snuggling with me?

7. 而我则希望你能躺在我的身旁,依偎在我的身上或任何你想依傍的地方。
    And I hope you can lay on my side, snuggling in my body, or any place you want to fall back on.

8. 依偎

8. 我记得我是从父亲那边爬上了床,然后依偎在爸爸的臂弯里。
    I remember climbing in the bed on my father's side and snuggling close to his arm.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. 尝试cuddling或将玩具娃娃靠近或依偎你的宠物。
    Practice cuddling or holding a baby doll around your pet.

10. 在这里,空气清新、山色清翠、矿泉清甜、鸟语清脆、天空清湛、环境清幽,融进这片清新的绿意中,仿佛脚步都轻松了许多,童心未泯的我们,依偎在大自然的怀抱中,从来都不想离开。
    Here, fresh air, Shanse-Chui, spa Qingtian, Niaoyu crisp, the sky-Cham, the environment Qingyou, the inclusion of this piece of fresh greenery, the pace seems to have relaxed a lot, Tongxinweimin of us, Yiwei In the embrace of nature, never wanted to leave.

11. 依偎

11. 首先是礼物,你喜欢你身体接触你读依偎
      First is the gift of the physical closeness you enjoy as you cuddle up while you read.

12. 因为你永远是我的天地中最亲爱最重要的人儿。。。。。。因为我们同挑重担,因为知道你理解我,又有你依偎身旁。。。。。。我要永远爱你,宝贝,超过了你猜想的程度,因为你是我的一切。。。。。。我的世界。。。。。。我的幸福。
      Because youa1ways be the dearest. most important thing in a11 the wor1dto mebecause we share SO many things, because it means so much toknow you understand me and to fee1 your gent1e touchra1ways 1ove you, SWEETHEART, more than you cou1d ever guess. becauseyou are my everythin9my wor1d, my happiness.

13. 在他的研究中,基因实验让老鼠开始接近猫,甚至一同依偎在一起并且共同玩耍。
      In his experiment, the genetically altered mice approached cats, even snuggled up to them and played with them.

14. 依偎:回想一下你怀孕的最后的三个月,他紧紧地蜷缩在你的子宫里。
      Snuggles: Think back to the last trimester of pregnancy when he was in close quarters in utero.

15. 轻轻牵起的手,微微唇起的笑,依偎在我的肩头融进今夜,在今夜也融醉了我。
      Gently he gets the hand of lip slightly starting laughing, snuggling in my shoulders melt into the Tonight, Tonight also melt drunk in me.

16. 依偎

16. 我想要你依偎在我身旁。
      I want you to be beside me.

17. 而我依偎在他的怀抱中
      And I just, I get in his little nook.

18. 他们紧紧的依偎着我,而且电视上有什么有趣的事情发生时,他们就会看我确定我是否也看到了。
      They snuggle close to me, and whenever something funny happens on the show, they watch me closely to make sure I get it.

19. danci.911cha.com

19. 当孩子睡熟了,兔子就依偎着他小小的温暖的下巴,做着梦,而男孩的双臂整夜都紧紧拥抱着他。
      And when the Boy dropped off to sleep, the Rabbit would snuggle down close under his little warm chin and dream, with the Boy's hands clasped close round him all night long.

20. 你或许给你的小孩子挠痒痒逗他笑的时候体验过乐趣,或者在读报纸上的一篇社论的时候感到很有趣,或者跟丈夫依偎着一起看电影的时候感到满足。
      You might experience joy when you tickle your baby and make him smile, or feel interest when you read the editorial section of the paper or feel content when you snuggle up with your husband to watch a movie.

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