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借券 基本解释

借券[jiè quàn]

借券 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. deb:deathnium 复合中心;掺杂;重新组合 | deb. 借券 | deballast 卸压舱物

2. Security Lending:證券化 Securitization | 借券 Security Lending | 優先順位債 Senior debt

借券 双语例句

1. 借券是什么意思

1. 证券借贷成本往往是贷款人的由借券咨询和经纪公司自身的信用评级的基础上,这样成本利润率也是原因之一,是难以证实。
    Securities borrowing and lending costs are often the basis of the lender`s credit rating by借券consultation and brokerage on its own, so the cost margin is also one of the reasons it is difficult to confirm.

2. 借券什么意思

2. 第二十三条参与者不得从事借券、租券等融券业务。
    Article 23 A participant may not engage in the securities loan business such as lending or leasing bonds, etc.

3. 例如,在香港于1994年允许33只股票在恒生指数的17类股的成本可以限制借券卖空,直到1996年,让其他113股票借券卖空可以。
    For instance, in Hong Kong in 1994 to allow the cost of 33 stocks in the Hang Seng Index of 17 stocks can be limited short selling借券until 1996 to allow other 113 stocks借券short selling can be.

4. 亿余元,债券借券中心96年度总成交面额为21亿元。
    Repo issue, total nominal value of transactions in 2007

5. 借券在线翻译

5. 此外,还有借券时间上的限制,韩国借券由6个月最长期限的规定抛空股票,将延长强制平仓。
    In addition, there are time constraints借券, South Korea借券short selling shares by the provisions of the longest period of six months, will be extended mandatory positions.

6. 另外对於想要做空的投资人,一般的做法是直做空指数期货或放空传统型的ETF,这两种放空的做法都有一些限制,例如做空期货是用保证金交易,有保证金追缴和到期结算的问题;直接放空传统型的ETF除了有提存担保品的问题之外,有时也有借券来源不足的可能,放空型的ETF可以克服这些问题,提供有做空需求的投资人另一个选择。
    The short ETFs is like the traditional ETFs but the short ETFs is trying to track the market returns opposite. If the market returns goes up 3%, the short ETFs goes down 3%. This paper is trying to focus on the tracking errors of the short ETFs, we found that there has been good tracking performance of the short ETFs. We also found that the two main variables ----- previous day tracking error and previous day market trading volume have significant effects on the short ETFs tracking errors.

7. 前项融券额度与借券卖出合并计算,不得超过基金规模百分之五十。
    The combined total of the amount limit for short sale under the preceding paragraph and actual sales with borrowed securities may not exceed 50 percent of the fund size.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. 供证券商及客户返还借券或证券权益补偿。
    For securities firms and customers to redeliver securities borrowed or to compensate for securities entitlements.

9. 但由于我国证券市场环境和法律环境的限制,国内推出的上证50ETF不具有借券卖空机制和期货等衍生产品进行风险对冲等特点。
    However, because of stock market environment and legal constraints in China, domestic50ETF can not be permitted short selling, and does not have derivatives and futures mechanism for hedging risk.

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