
傀儡戏是什么意思 傀儡戏在线翻译 傀儡戏什么意思 傀儡戏的意思 傀儡戏的翻译 傀儡戏的解释 傀儡戏的发音 傀儡戏的同义词


傀儡戏 基本解释


词典puppet play傀儡戏,木偶戏。

傀儡戏 网络解释

1. 傀儡戏是什么意思

1. puppet play:pupiparous 蛹生的 | puppet play 傀儡戏 | puppet show 木偶剧

2. Puppet Drama:210 踩高跷Walking on Stilts | 212 傀儡戏Puppet Drama | 214 猴戏Monkey Drama

3. puppet theatre:pulse 基本拍;节拍 | puppet theatre 傀儡戏 | quadruple time 四拍子

傀儡戏 双语例句

1. 但是不管怎样,可以确定的是布袋戏发明与泉州傀儡戏文化息息相关,是无可争议的事情。
    However one could make sure that the invention and development of hand-puppet theater was vitally related with the history of the Quanzhou City it is a beyond dispute affair.

2. 傀儡戏

2. 中国皮影戏有2000多年的历史,古时候也叫傀儡戏
    Chinese shadow play of more than 2, 000 years of history, in ancient times also called puppet theater.

3. 广义的傀儡戏包括以傀儡进行的歌舞、戏曲、百戏、仪式戏剧等。
    The concept used in this article more is the narrow sense connotation of the puppet play, which is perform a preselect story with puppet roles.

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4. 你也不是耍傀儡戏的人!
    And you're not my puppet‐controlling guy!

5. 你也不是耍傀儡戏的人!
    You take a break, Little Chef.

6. 傀儡戏,是指傀儡师操纵傀儡,使之做出的体现他预定意图的表演。
    Puppet play is a kind of perform which the puppeteer control the puppet to incarnate his engaged intent.

7. 傀儡戏的翻译

7. 布袋戏虽然是人偶戏主流,但却不是唯一的人偶艺术,傀儡戏也占有一席之地。
    Hand puppets, although predominately featured were not the only representation of this art form.

8. 有一块地方在演傀儡戏,一个滑稽小丑逗得观众发生阵阵的笑声。
    In one place there was a puppet show, with a ridiculous merry-andrew, who kept the people in the roar of laughter

9. 傀儡戏在线翻译

9. 威胁:随着娱乐方式的增多和电视的出现,西西里傀儡戏已经呈衰落趋势,西西里岛城镇社会的变迁也加快了其灭亡的速度。
    Threats: Opera dei Pupi has been in decline since the development of the entertainment industry and the advent of television. Social changes in Sicilian towns and neighbourhoods also took their toll.

10. 傀儡戏的翻译

10. 西西里傀儡戏产生于19世纪早期的意大利西西里岛,一直盛行至20世纪50年代,表现的故事多为宏伟的史诗传奇。
    Opera dei Pupi, puppet plays portraying epic sagas, emerged in Sicily in the early 19th century and remained popular until the 1950s.

11. 皮影,又称灯影,以在灯光照射下用兽皮刻制的人物隔亮布演戏而得名,是我国民间广为流传的傀儡戏之一。
      Shadow-Play, one of the popular puppet plays in China which is also called Lampplay, is a play with the characters made from fells and played behind a white curtain.

12. 让我们想象一个洞穴式的地下室,它有一长长通道通向外面,可让和洞穴一样宽的一路亮光照进来。有一些人从小就住在这洞穴里,头颈和腿脚都绑着,不能走动也不能转头,只能向前看着洞穴后壁。让我们再想象在他们背后远处高些的地方有东西燃烧着发出火光。在火光和这些被囚禁者之间,在洞外上面有一条路。沿着路边已筑有一带矮墙。矮墙的作用象傀儡戏演员在自己和观众之间设的一道障,他们把木偶举到屏障上头去表演。
      Imagine a number of men living in an underground cavernous chamber, with an entrance open to the light extending along the entire length of the cavern, in which they have been confined from their childhood, with their legs and necks so shackled that they are obliged to sit still and look straight forwards, because their chains render it impossible for them to turn their heads round: and imagine a bright fire burning some way off, above and behind them, and an elevated roadway passing between the fire and the prisoners, with a low wall built along it, like the screens which conjurors put up in front of their audience, and above which they exhibit their wonders.

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