
光宗耀祖是什么意思 光宗耀祖在线翻译 光宗耀祖什么意思 光宗耀祖的意思 光宗耀祖的翻译 光宗耀祖的解释 光宗耀祖的发音


光宗耀祖 基本解释

光宗耀祖[guāng zōng yào zǔ]

词典make one's ancestors illustrious光宗耀祖。

词典bring glory [honour] on [to] one's ancestors

词典glorify and illuminate the ancestors光宗耀祖。

词典One's ancestors will be rendered illustrious.光宗耀祖。

光宗耀祖 汉英大词典

光宗耀祖[guāng zōng yào zǔ]

make one's ancestors illustrious; bring glory [honour] on [to] one's ancestors; glorify and illuminate the ancestors; One's ancestors will be rendered illustrious.

光宗耀祖 网络解释

1. 光宗耀祖

1. reflect glory on one's ancestors:光前裕後 win praises for one's ancestors and enrich one's posterity; | 光宗耀祖 reflect glory on one's ancestors; | 光耀門楣 bring honor to the family name;

光宗耀祖 双语例句

1. 光宗耀祖

1. 卓越非凡的宗族成员被视为光宗耀祖,因此会被褒扬。
    Clan smen who had achieved distinction would be eulogized as they would bring reflected honour to their family and clan.

2. 他盼望着有一天能光宗耀祖
    He lives for the day when he can bring honor to his family.

3. 光宗耀祖的近义词

3. 我们还指望你光宗耀祖呢。
    We're counting on you to uphold the family honor.

4. 当一个真正的台湾人才能光宗耀祖
    To be Taiwanese is to honor one's ancestors.

5. 光宗耀祖是什么意思

5. 他们的成就光宗耀祖
    Their achievements glorified their family name.

6. 真的要感谢我爸爸,我明年一定要更加发奋读书,光宗耀祖
    I will definitely study even harder next year to glorify him.

7. 光宗耀祖的翻译

7. 父母爱他如掌上明珠,希望他将来能光宗耀祖,成一番大事业。
    They hoped that their son would be successful in his career and thereby glorify his ancestors.

8. 因此,随着科举制度的兴起,门阀制度渐次衰微,但父死子荫和光宗耀祖的传统并没有完全消失,名门望族的观念还有很大的影响。
    Families. With the development of imperial examination system and the declining of influential family system, while, the tradition of son inheriting his late father's honor and glorifying his family don't complete vanish.

9. 黑道是白道的另一个极端,由於白道掌权,主宰了历史、文化,以名利官禄为诱,以光宗耀祖为饵。
    Because human nature seeks balance, an underworld is born in opposition to their way of doing things.

10. 南门五祠建筑在质量上非常讲究,高大的厅堂、精致的雕饰、上等的用材,成为光宗耀祖的一种象征。
    Quality of five buildings in the south gate of Temple is very particular about the tall hall, exquisite carving, fine timber, as a symbol of the family line.

11. 光宗耀祖是什么意思

11. 这是一种奇怪的公开,班上每个人的成绩,不论是挂是过,抑或“光宗耀祖”的优秀,都展示给所有人公开观看。
      It was a curious form of transparency, with every class member's results, whether fail, pass, or honors, on display for all to see.

12. 于是,光宗耀祖约定要练好羽毛球,只要以后进入体育学校,他们就能够再见面了。
      To enable them to meet again, they promised each other to play badminton well, so that they could enrol themselves in the same sports school.

13. 他们只喜欢光宗,不喜欢耀祖,光宗耀祖因此被迫分开。
      They liked Guang Zong, but not the other twin, Yao Zu. Subsequently, the twins were separated.

14. 光宗耀祖的反义词

14. 凡人重视的是如何扬名立万,发挥一己之长,在社会上做一番事业,最终立功、立德、立言以显扬父母、光宗耀祖
      Common people make much of their efforts in how to become famous and receive reputation by exerting themselves.

15. 光宗耀祖

15. 凡人重视的是如何扬名立万,发挥一己之长,在社会上做一番事业,立功、立德、立言以显扬父母、光宗耀祖
      They want to make their family shine by making a cause, making a contributions or writing books.

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