
六十四卦是什么意思 六十四卦在线翻译 六十四卦什么意思 六十四卦的意思 六十四卦的翻译 六十四卦的解释 六十四卦的发音


六十四卦 基本解释





六十四卦 网络解释

1. 六十四卦的近义词

1. liu shi si gua:六经注我 liu jing zhu wo | 六十四卦 liu shi si gua | 六相圆融 liu xiang yuan rong

六十四卦 双语例句

1. 座向如何,姑且不论,最忌六十四卦中每两卦交界线上,举凡交界线上皆为凶祸,事业也难顺心。
    Block to how, leaving aside, very sensitive to each hexagram 64 hexagram at the junction of two online, all at the junction of online are terrible disaster, the cause of it is difficult to one's liking.

2. 微内幕提供咨询意见的基础上,六十四卦,在这本书的转变。
    I-Ching Insider offers advice based on the 64 hexagrams in the Book of Changes.

3. 都是从《周易》的六十四卦演变而来的。
    The Book of Changes.

4. 好吧,理论是这样的,易经六十四卦只是大类,内外卦相互影响。
    The explanation I gave you just now is said to have been written by Emperor Wen of the Zhou Dynasty.

5. 周易》六十四卦不但卦形是以「对」的形式出现的,其卦义也是以「对」的形式呈现的。
    In the 64 hexagrams, not only the bodies of the hexagrams are pairs, but also the meanings.

6. 六十四卦的解释

6. 通过对《易经》的研究,我们发现易经中六十四卦的卦序与其哲学思想涵盖了企业行为中的各种要素,而在企业生命周期方面,主要是六十四卦中的前十二卦的涵盖范畴。
    Enterprise`s life cycle is mainly in the category of the first 12divinatory symbols in 64 divinatory symbols.

7. 本文据《彖传》解释古经六十四卦卦名、卦辞、卦义的特点,认定《彖传》为六十四章,逐章考证了其押韵韵部,共得出二百五十三个韵脚字,即二百五十三个韵句;又据换韵与语义特征,考证了《彖传》的语义段。
    According to the characteristic of Tuan zhuan (the Judgment, two of the Ten Wings) in interpreting the name of, the affiliated words to, and connotations of the 64 hexagrams, the author firmly believes that Tuan zhuan was divided into 64 chapters and further studies its meter and rhyme scheme, discovering 253 rhyming words.

8. 未是未来的『未』,济是救济的『济』,是第六十四卦,代表一个时代的过去,下一个时代的来临,永远循环不止。
    It represents the passing of an era and heralds the coming of a new era, a process that continues in a never-ending cycle.

9. 六十四卦是什么意思

9. 识字课本既不是五经四书,也不是常识国语而是从天干、地支、五行、八卦、六十四卦名等学起,进一步便学些《百中经》、《玉匣记》、《增删卜易》、《麻衣神相》、《奇门遁甲》、《阴阳宅》等书。
    During the Spring Festival he and a group of amateurs toured the local villages and staged theatricals. He was so handsome the women couldn't take their eyes off him. He never went to school, but he learned to read and write a little from his father.

10. 么二相耦」、「相反为义」这一意义结构规律的发现,有助於我们正确认识了解《周易》六十四卦的本义,也有助於正确认识(杂卦传〉和〈序卦传〉,有助於易学史研究的深入闻展。
    The discovering of the rule that a pair of hexagrams have opposite meanings, will help us to understand the original meanings of the 64 hexagrams, the Xuguazhuan and the Zaguazhuan, and will help us to study the history of 1-ching learning deeply.

11. 六十四卦

11. 邵雍认为,《周易》先天八卦、六十四卦圆图等所表征的卦气说,既说明了天地自然间春、夏、秋、冬四季的循环,也说明了人类社会中皇、帝、王、伯等历史发展阶段的更迭;自然界、人类社会的历史发展都体现出阳在阴中阳逆行,阴在阳中阴逆行。
      But historical development of human society differs from a pure natural cycle.

12. 周易 》六十四卦「二二相耦」、「非覆即变」的结构形式决定了其全部三十二个卦组问两卦的意义是相反的。
      However, the coupled hexagrams are also have the opposite meanings, so do the 32 couples of hexagrams.

13. 《易经》的阴阳八卦和六十四卦是宇宙模式的科学写照,它既符合辩证法,又适合系统论。
      " Book of Changes, " describes the Eight Diagrams and64 divinatory trigram models is the scientific portrayal of the universe, it is dialectics, and suitable systems theory.

14. 《周易》六十四卦中的数学规律
      Mathematical Law in Zhou Yi 64 Divinatory Symbols

15. 卦序中由《泰》到《否》以及《周易》六十四卦序的安排不是任意制定的,而是这种思维发展的逻辑顺序的反映。
      Moreover, the sequence from Tai to Pi in Zhouyi was not arranged by haphazard but a reflection of this thinking trend.

16. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

16. 先圣伏羲氏创作了先天八卦,周文王根据伏羲氏的先天八卦又创作出后天八卦,并推演出六十四卦
      Sage Fu Xi drew the Innate Gossip and Zhou Wenwang made the Acquired Gossip according to Fu Xi's Innate Gossip and further pushed the performance of the sixty-four hexagrams.

17. 将见于商周器物上的数字卦与传逝文献的有关记载结合起来分析,商周时期应已存在用两个符号记写的六十四卦体系;
      By comparing the six-digit numbers inscribed on the vessels of the Shang and Zhou dynasties and some received literature related, we can find the sixty-four hexagrams made up of two kinds of symbols should have come into being at the turn of the Shang and Zhou dynasties.

18. danci.911cha.com

18. 《易经》最初的目的是保护人们的经济利益而避险的书,《易经》六十四卦,每一卦都以经济利益为核心,因此这让人感到十分费解。
      The Book of Changes was originally intended to protect the economic interests and avoid risks. There are sixty-four hexagrams in the Book of Changes, the core of each hexagram is economic interests.

19. 大牛,你知道吗,汉语里的很多词语啊都是从《周易》的六十四卦演变而来的。
      Daniel, you know, many Chinese words have evolved from the64 diagrams of the Book of Changes.

20. 《易经》的阴阳八卦和六十四卦是宇宙模式的科学写照,它既符合辩证法,又适合系统论。
      " Book of Changes," describes the Eight Diagrams and64 divinatory trigram models is the scientific portrayal of the universe, it is dialectics, and suitable systems theory.

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