
养家活口是什么意思 养家活口在线翻译 养家活口什么意思 养家活口的意思 养家活口的翻译 养家活口的解释 养家活口的发音


养家活口 基本解释

养家活口[yǎng jiā huó kǒu]

词典support [maintain] one's family

词典earn bread for one's family养家活口。

词典earn the family's living养家活口。

词典feed and clothe one's family养家活口。

养家活口 汉英大词典

养家活口[yǎng jiā huó kǒu]

support [maintain] one's family; earn bread for one's family; earn the family's living; feed and clothe one's family; keep the family supplied with provisions; provide food and clothes for one's family; provide for a family; provide for one's wife and fami

养家活口 网络解释

1. Bringing Home the Bacon:Clockwatcher: 急于结束工作的人 | 13. Bringing Home the Bacon 养家活口 | Today I'm under the weather. 我今天很不舒服

2. to provide food and clothes for one's family:It's wise to save some money and provide for the future. 积蓄点钱,为将来使用作些... | to provide food and clothes for one's family养家活口 | He has a wife and seven children to provide for.他需要赡养妻子...

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. keep a family:keep chickens养鸡 | keep a family养家活口 | keep the law守法

养家活口 双语例句

1. 我想方设法,干各种杂活,养家活口
    I did odds and sods to get things by any means.

2. 等你要养家活口的时候,你就知道钱的重要了。
    You will know how important money is when you became a breadwinner yourself.

3. 在咖啡店兼职对收入可能不无小补,但那不足以养家活口
    Working part-time in a coffee shop can be a supplement to your income, but there's no way you could live off of it.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. 因此,他9岁的时候就开始养家活口
    So he was a bread winner when he was nine.

5. 她感到养家活口是她的责任。
    She feels it her duty to support her family.

6. 你知道,我要攒钱买车,又要养家活口,所以我正忙着使收支平衡。
    So I'm busy trying to make ends meet.

7. 养家活口

7. 他是一位值得高度赞赏的老公,也是一位最好的养家活口者。
    He is a splendid husband and an excellent provider.

8. 我们工作纯粹只是为了养家活口,然而现在不同了。
    We work to make a living, supporting ourselves and families. But now it is different.

9. 她认为她无法独自一人担负起养家活口的重任。
    She thought she would not be able to bear the load of bringing up her family alone.

10. 养家活口的人其收入为家眷提供基本生活来源的人。
    One whose earnings are the primary source of support for one's dependents.

11. 养家活口的反义词

11. 一贯有父亲养家活口,掌管钱财的日子也就结束了。
      There has always been the breadwinner father, in charge of the day is over money.

12. 男人经常被期望成为家里养家活口之人。
      Men are often expected to be the breadwinner in a family.

13. 我跟你母亲为了维持这个家庭都非常辛苦地工作。等你要养家活口的时候,你就知道钱的重要了。
      Your mother and I work very hard to maintain this family, you'll know how important money is when you become a breadwinner yourself.

14. 养家活口什么意思

14. 丈夫:我是负责养家活口的人,那才是我该担心的事。
      Husband: I bring home the bacon. that's all I should worry about.

15. 一个男人能不能养家活口并不是最重要的特质。
      Many men nowadays would rather have women bring home the bacon.

16. 挣足够的钱养家活口是我的责任。
      The onus was on me to earn enough to support the family.

17. 我明白你没有收入可养家活口
      I understand you've no income to support your family.

18. 对报界来说很动听,但我要养家活口的。
      That's fine for the papers, but I've got a family to feed.

19. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

19. 这句话的意思是:我的朋友丹尼尔没有受过教育,所以很难找到一个像样的工作,有足够的钱来养家活口
      My friend Daniel has no education so it's hard for him to find a decent job and earn enough money for his family.

20. 养家活口的近义词

20. 奥利弗挣不到足够的钱来养家活口。这样,我9岁就挑起了家庭的重担。我想方设法,干各种杂活,养家活口
      Oliver could hardly earn enough to provide for his family. So I was a bread winner when I was nine. I did odds and sods to get things by any means.

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