
冰窖是什么意思 冰窖在线翻译 冰窖什么意思 冰窖的意思 冰窖的翻译 冰窖的解释 冰窖的发音 冰窖的同义词 冰窖的反义词 冰窖的例句


冰窖 基本解释

冰窖[bīng jiào]


词典ice house冰库,制冰厂。

冰窖 汉英大词典

冰窖[bīng jiào]


冰窖 网络解释

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. ice cellar:(这个是A3任务去的地方,不算是隐藏关)8、从远古之路(Ancient's Way)进入,经过悲痛之厅(Halls of Anguish)、世界之石要塞(World Stone Keep)第一层和第三层,到达隐月之门竞技场(实际上就是冰窖(Ice Cellar)).

2. Icecaves:远古 | Ancients | 大厅 | Halls | 冰窖 | Icecaves

3. 冰窖的近义词

3. icehouse:icehouse 冰窖 | popsicle 冰棒 | 2) freezer 冰箱

冰窖 双语例句

1. 当发动机不时地熄火时,坐在车里就像坐在冰窖里一样。
    Because inside the vehicle it was like sitting on an ice block when the motor didn't run for some time.

2. 世上几乎没有人不认识下面这些奇怪的地方:冰窖、古内特、格勒内尔那道弹痕累累怪难看的墙、巴纳斯山、豺狼坑、马恩河畔的奥比埃镇、蒙苏里、伊索瓦尔坟,还有石料采尽后用来养菌、地上还有一道朽了的活板门的沙迪翁磐石。
    There is hardly any one on earth who is not acquainted with those singular spots, the Glaciere, the Cunette, the hideous wall of Grenelle all speckled with balls, Mont-Parnasse, the Fosse-aux-Loups, Aubiers on the bank of the Marne, Mont-Souris, the Tombe-Issoire, the Pierre-Plate de Chatillon, where there is an old, exhausted quarry which no longer serves any purpose except to raise mushrooms, and which is closed, on a level with the ground, by a trap-door of rotten planks.

3. 世上几乎没有人不认识下面8ttt8这些奇怪的地方:冰窖、古内特、格勒内尔那道弹痕累累怪难看的墙、巴纳斯山、豺狼坑、马恩河畔的奥比埃镇、蒙苏里、伊索瓦尔坟,还有石料采尽后用来养菌、地上还有一道朽了的活板门的沙迪翁磐石。
    There is hardly any one on earth who is not acquainted with those singular spots, the Glaciere, the Cunette, the hideous wall of Grenelle all speckled with balls, Mont-Parnasse, the Fosse-aux-Loups, Aubiers on the bank of the Marne, Mont-Souris, the Tombe-Issoire, the Pierre-Plate de Chatillon, where there is an old, exhausted quarry which no longer serves any purpose except to raise mushrooms, which is closed, on a level with the ground, by a trap-door of rotten planks.

4. 人们顺着圣雅克街往上走,走过便门,再朝左沿着从前的那条内马路往前走一段,便到了健康街,接着便是冰窖,在离哥白兰小河不远的地方,人们会见到一块空地,在围绕巴黎的那种漫长而单调的环城马路的一带,是唯一可以吸引鲁伊斯达尔①坐下来的场所。
    When you have ascended the Rue Saint-Jacques, left the barrier on one side and followed the old inner boulevard for some distance, you reach the Rue de la Sante, then the Glaciere, and, a little while before arriving at the little river of the Gobelins, you come to a sort of field which is the only spot in the long and monotonous chain of the boulevards of Paris, where Ruysdeel would be tempted to sit down.

5. 古代藏冰条件简陋,方法简单,藏存冰块和开启冰窖均有一定的时间,而且有一些相沿成习的仪式。
    In ancient time its condition and method are very simple. There is a certain period of time for storing ice and opening the ice well and some conventional rite as well.

6. 从熙攘的城市中走进他的家里,真让人觉得像是一下子掉进了冰窖,甚至有些郁郁寡欢,兴奋不起来。
    In the home that walks into him from inside roar city, letting a person feel to resemble really was to fall into ice house at a draught, a little sullen even, excitement does not rise.

7. 看到中国中产阶级的现状,笔者有一种沉于冰窖底部的凄冷和悲凉。
    Chinese middle class to see the current situation, there is a writer in Shenyang at the bottom of the icehouse Qileng and desolate.

8. 美国人认为离他们最近的发达国家的人都是居住在冰窖里的。
    I know You, your Past, your Future. This is the Way the World Ends.

9. 我回到床上,这床像冰窖一样冷。
    I went back to my bed, which was now freezing cold.

10. 冰窖什么意思

10. 我怕了,我心似跌落冰窖
    I am afraid I might fall icehouse heart.

11. 你把你自己关在冰窖里只是为了了解住在寒冷国家是什么样的感觉。
      You close yourself in a fridge-room just to understand how you would feel if you lived in a very cold country.

12. 商人的心像掉到冰窖里一样变凉了。
      The merchant's heart sank and turned cold.

13. 一个被困在冰窖里的人,遇到一口零度的井,也会毫不犹豫的跃入其中
      Person trapped in the ice-cold inside, the well encountered a zero will not hesitate to leap into which

14. 老萨莉躺在一张床上,屋子冷得像个冰窖
      Old Sally lay in bed in a freezing cold room.

15. 新年那四天,林先生家里就像一个冰窖
      During the New Year holidays, Mr. Lin's house was like an ice box.

16. 冰窖

16. 在一间冷得像冰窖一样的产科病房里,四张病床拼成了一张大床。在大床上,六位刚生完孩子的母亲合盖着几条搭在一起的毯子,挤作一团取暖。
      In one of the icy maternity wards, six new mothers were huddled together under blankets spread across four beds.

17. 南极洲的前途,连同它的锁闭在冰窖中的大量资源,受到了国际条约的保护。
      The future of Antarctica, with its vast resources locked in an icy vault, is guarded by an international treaty.

18. 我看了一下钟,我的心一下掉到了冰窖,嘴也马上成了O形,因为现在已经7:50了。
      I looked at clock, my heart dropped to the ice-cold look at the mouth instantly became the O-shaped, it is now 7:50 a.

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