
冷飕飕是什么意思 冷飕飕在线翻译 冷飕飕什么意思 冷飕飕的意思 冷飕飕的翻译 冷飕飕的解释 冷飕飕的发音 冷飕飕的同义词


冷飕飕 基本解释


冷飕飕[lěng sōu sōu]



冷飕飕 汉英大词典

冷飕飕[lěng sōu sōu]

chilling; chilly:

  例:天冷了, 风吹在身上冷飕飕的。

    It's getting cold, and one feels chilly when the wind blows.

冷飕飕 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. djj:djj 圆乎乎 | djj 冷飕飕 | djjj 眉毛

冷飕飕 双语例句

1. 我在这冷飕飕的大风天里等了你两个小时!!!
    I have been waiting for you for two hours in the cold wind.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 早上当我们开始爬的时候天还冷飕飕的,可是爬到半山腰就变得很热,我们再也爬不动了。
    It was so cool in the morning when we started to climb. But when we got to the middle of the moutain, it became so hot that we couldn't climb higher.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 到学校的时候,整个人都冷飕飕的。。。
    When I arrived at school, my whole body felt cold....

4. 冷飕飕

4. 但,在我的内心深处也有一个地方冷飕飕的。
    But, also has a place in mine heart of hearts to be chilly.

5. 冷飕飕

5. 外面冷飕飕的,我还是最好呆在家里吧。
    It is chilly outside. I might as well stay at home.

6. 天冷了,冷飕飕的风已经充斥我的世界。
    Cold weather, and chilly wind has filled my world.

7. 冷飕飕在线翻译

7. 不过,还好有他的出现,帮我把那冷飕飕的心给填满了!
    However, has his appearance fortunately, helped me for to fill up that chilly heart!

8. 冷飕飕的,警示着即将发生的一切。
    The wind was cold, warning people of what to happen.

9. 虽然这次欢迎我的只有冷飕飕的风和微微的细雪,但我却有著因为更加的自在与熟悉所带来的轻松感。
    Even though that it`s the frozen wind and a snowy night that welcomed me, I am more comfortable with this part of the journey than before.

10. 冷飕飕的翻译

10. 这是个灰蒙蒙冷飕飕的下午。
    The afternoon was as grey as lead and cold.

11. 天刚放亮我就起床。这是6月的一天。天冷飕飕,下着雨。我在十字的时候,听到远处车轮的响声。
      I got up as soon as it was light. it was the first day of june, but it was cold and raining. as i waited for the coach at the crossroads, i heard its wheels rumbling in the distance.

12. 冷飕飕

12. 刚刚社区门口出了小问题,我去那里解决一下,只穿着短袖带着警棍就冲出去了,处理完以后,外面冷飕飕的冷空气让我打了个激灵,大脑也变得清醒起来。
      I only had a short sleeve wearing on and chilled all the time.

13. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

13. 紧接着,狂风骤起,鞭打着尘路,冷飕飕地,预示着即将发生的一切。
      Then a gust of wind whips the dust along the road, chill warning of what is to come.

14. 冷飕飕在线翻译

14. 下雨天,滴答滴答的,让人心烦,冷飕飕的,让人想睡觉。
      On rainy days, tick tick, and people upset, chilly, people want to sleep.

15. 冷飕飕

15. 望路单边,嗨树都弗动动格,晓辣基日静风,格电瓶车馺到五、六十码,风吹来眼泪直扇扇,头颈凉音音,手骨莫浊浊,脚骨冷飕飕
      Wang Lu unilateral, hey moving moving trees Driver Grid, Xiao-Jing spicy base on the wind, grid electric vehicles Sa to five, 60 yards, the wind to tear straight fan fan, head and neck cool tone sound, the hand Mo murky, blackmailed chilly.

16. 冷飕飕的风吹动着他周边的矮树丛,沙沙声刚好盖过了吟唱的声音。
      The cold breeze moved through the bushes around him, whispering just loud enough to obscure the chanting

17. danci.911cha.com

17. 雨冰冷地霏霏下着,我们都觉得冷飕飕的。
      The rain SPAT icily down and we all felt rather chilly.

18. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

18. 天冷了,风吹在身上冷飕飕的。
      It's getting cold, and one feels chilly when the wind blows.

19. 一面黑色的方旗缓缓无声地爬上了旗杆,在早晨的天空中冷飕飕地颤抖。
      Slowly, silently, a black square creeps up the pole and flutters chill against the morning sky.

20. 911查询·英语单词

20. 光秃秃的荒地,冷飕飕的寒风和阴暗的天空,再加上这个逃犯,就益发显得恐怖了。
      It needed but this to complete the grim suggestiveness of the barren waste, the chilling wind, and the darkling sky.

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