
凄凄是什么意思 凄凄在线翻译 凄凄什么意思 凄凄的意思 凄凄的翻译 凄凄的解释 凄凄的发音 凄凄的同义词 凄凄的反义词 凄凄的例句


凄凄 基本解释

凄凄[qī qī]


词典windy and rainy风雨凄凄;凄凄。

凄凄 汉英大词典

凄凄[qī qī]

windy and rainy; frigid

凄凄 网络解释

1. cik' cik' seme:cik'/句读,忽然,陡然 | cik' cik' seme/念念不忘,老是(不去于心),惨然,凄凄 | cik' seme gvnimbi/忽然想起

凄凄 双语例句

1. 凄凄的翻译

1. 一路山回水转,水绕山环,洲头绿竹滴翠,农舍炊烟袅袅,又有芳草凄凄的碧潭绿洲,翠竹茂林的田园渔村,在这里汇集着人间最美的景致。
    Mountain backwater change the way water Raoshan ring, Chau Tau oldhami DiCui, farmhouse smoke curl, another herb of the Bitan desolately oasis of pastoral Maolin bamboo fishing village, where the earth together with the most beautiful scenery.

2. 凄凄什么意思

2. 夜雨凄凄,冻得我不住地打颤。
    The chilly night rain makes me tremble with cold.

3. 不知您有否注意到,当这些「地铁突击队」队员成功抢滩之后,便会大刺刺的站定车门口,慢条斯理地寻寻觅觅,找个吉位雅座,完全不顾他们屁股后面凄凄惨惨兼七孔生烟的其他乘客。
    Have you noticed that once these `subway commandoes` charged into the trains, they would suddenly stop in their tracks and take their own bloody time in scouting out an available seat? They are totally oblivious to the fact that their fat arses are blocking the way for the rest of us to get in.

4. 凄凄的近义词

4. 蔷薇哟,我虽然不能供养你以春酒,但我要供养你以清洁的流泉,清洁的素心,你在这破土瓶中虽然不免要凄凄寂寂地飘零,但比遗弃在路头被人践踏了的好罢?
    Oh, dear roses, despite the mellow spring wine I could not afford you, I would offer you limpid spring water together with my gentle pure heart. You would wither away in this shabby adobe bottle in grief and solitude, but wouldn't it be better than to be abondoned and trampled by the wayside?

5. 之后我们在市场里冷凄凄的也不知道是哪里的地方被扣留了两小时。
    We ended up being detained for two hours in the cold maze of a market.

6. 凄凄是什么意思

6. 李词人的冷冷凄凄中蕴涵情感卿卿我我,缠缠绵绵,总有做不完的春梦。
    Li Ci in the cold desolately implies emotional Qingqingwowo, Chanchanmianmian, there is always endless Spring Dreams.

7. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

7. 房间里冷凄凄的,她一边吃一边打哆嗦。
    Since the room was chilly, she shivered as she ate.

8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

8. 他可以象一条大河,快乐滋润地穿过翠绿的草原;也可以成为一支污浊的湍流,在岩石间冲激,在幽暗的深峡中迂回,冷冷凄凄,附近的大地从它那里得不到一点欢乐和富实。
    He sprang like a crystal-clear spring from the ground, and was permitted to choose whether he would become a river running through pleasant and productive green pastures, or a muddy torrent forever dashing against rocks and churning between deep, sunless cliffs — cold and miserable in itself, and unable to bring joy and fruitfulness to the surrounding land.

9. 等到凄凄然思念鬼母时,却一反常态地破笑为哭。
    When missing her ghost mother, she would cry but not giggle anymore.

10. 10年前小美人把Jared撞了还不顾而去,10年后凄凄惨惨委委屈屈!
    Summary: Christmas 1998 and Jared has run from a family who hate him for what he is, to the city.

11. 整天不停地用一种凄凄惨惨的音调哼哼着要东西:奶酪,饼干,我不介意的话再来点儿高达干酪,要膨化的,还要有辣酱跟红洋葱;带奶油干酪的棕榈心,不好意思,这次不要辣椒粉,只撒一些洋葱盐?
      All day long he called out his wishes in a small desolate voice----cheese and crackers, please, some Gouda on stone-ground Wheat Thins----would be swell, with little Tabasco and red onion, if I wouldn`t mind. Palm hearts with cream cheese, por favor, and this time could I skip the paprika and just sprinkle a little onion salt on them?

12. 弱水三千,我只取一瓢饮;芳草凄凄,我独爱我家的那棵;枫杨吐絮,我只听枕边人絮语;油菜花黄,我独爱家里的那个黄脸;野花袭人,路边的野花可不能睬,我只爱爱人的体香。
      Weak water 3000, I only get poured drinks; herb desolately, I only like my family tree; maple boll opening, I only heard people whisper pillow; rape yellow, I love home alone that yellow faces; flowers Aroma, roadside flowers may not notice, I just love love the body fragrance.

13. danci.911cha.com

13. 你在这破土瓶中虽然不免要凄凄寂寂地飘零,但比遗弃在路旁被人践踏了的好罢?
      Unavoidably you will die down lonely in this amphora, but it is better than be trampled in the roadside!

14. 风雨凄凄,颜色夺目。
      Cold, coldwere the rain and wing.

15. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

15. 风雨凄凄
      Cold, cold are the wind and the rain.

16. 这样的季节,静坐窗前,听雨的潺潺,听雨的凄凄,这是一种怎么样的心境啊!
      This season, sit-ins window, listen to the rain gurgling, listen to the rain desolately, which is a kind of state of mind how ah!

17. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

17. 心是芳草凄凄的原野,只有你
      Grass desolately heart is a wilderness, only you......

18. 凄凄的意思

18. 而大西洋的汹涌波涛,泻入了狂暴的赫布里底群岛。还有些地方我也不能看都不看,一翻而过,那就是书中提到的拉普兰、西伯利亚、斯匹次卑尔根群岛、新地岛、冰岛和格陵兰荒凉的海岸。广袤无垠的北极地带和那些阴凄凄的不毛之地,宛若冰雪的储存库。
      Nor could I pass unnoticed the suggestion of the bleak shores of Lapland, Siberia, Spitzbergen, Nova Zembla, Iceland, Greenland, with'the vast sweep of the Arctic Zone, and those forlorn regions of dreary space, - that reservoir of frost and snow, where firm fields of ice, the accumulation of centuries of winters, glazed in Alpine heights above heights, surround the pole and concentre the multiplied rigours of extreme cold.

19. 还有些地方我也不能看都不看,一翻而过,那就是书中提到的拉普兰、西伯利亚、斯匹次卑尔根群岛、新地岛、冰岛和格陵兰荒凉的海岸。广袤无垠的北极地带和那些阴凄凄的不毛之地,宛若冰雪的储存库。
      Nor could I pass unnoticed the suggestion of the bleak shores of Lapland, Siberia, Spitzbergen, Nova Zembla, Iceland, Greenland, with'the vast sweep of the Arctic Zone, and those forlorn regions of dreary space — that reservoir of frost and snow, where firm fields of ice, the accumulation of centuries of winters, glazed in Alpine heights above heights, surround the pole, and concentre the multiplied rigours of extreme cold'.

20. 绿袖子的余音在周遭回响,凄凄的,忧郁的声音,在诉说一个不幸的故事。我没有歌中所唱的那么伟大,也不可能当一切事情发生过后抛之脑外。
      The aftersound of Green Sleeves, telling a miserable story, is ringing around, so melancholy and blue. I'm not so great as it is in the song, and I can't cast it behind my back when everything has happened.

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