
凌凌是什么意思 凌凌在线翻译 凌凌什么意思 凌凌的意思 凌凌的翻译 凌凌的解释 凌凌的发音 凌凌的同义词 凌凌的反义词 凌凌的例句


凌凌 基本解释


凌凌 双语例句

1. 但是用垃圾建造一个美丽、洁净的城市现在还是一个梦想;我希望,我长大后,可以发明一种神奇的多功能机器,让所有的垃圾都能变废为宝,到那时,天是蓝盈盈的、水是清凌凌的,草地更碧绿、花儿更鲜艳、空气更清新,我们的世界更洁净!
    I hope one day when I grow up, I`ll invent a multi-purpose machine that can transform all rubbish into useful stuff. At that time, the world we live in will be the one with the sky crystal blue, the rivers clearly clean

2. 凌凌的意思

2. 但是用垃圾建造一个美丽、洁净的城市现在还是一个梦想;我希望,我长大后,可以发明一种神奇的多功能机器,让所有的垃圾都能变废为宝,到那时,天是蓝盈盈的、水是清凌凌的,草地更碧绿、花儿更鲜艳、空气更清新,我们的世界更洁净!
    But it is still a dream to build such a beautiful and clean city in this way. I hope one day when I grow up, I`ll invent a multi-purpose machine that can transform all rubbish into useful stuff. At that time, the world we live in will be the one with the sky crystal blue, the rivers clearly clean, the lawns emerald green, the flowers freshly fragrant, the air totally cleansed, and our world is much cleaner!

3. 凌凌的意思

3. 牧师:艾瑞克和凌凌,在我们大家的见证下,你们要交换信物吗?
    Priest:Erik and Lingling, you have share of promises of our presents, do you have a token or symbol that you wish to exchange?

4. 捞起,晒在阳光下,清凌凌的香,盘旋在空气里,像一些低低飞舞的蝴蝶。
    Picked up, drying in the sun, money Lingling Shannon, circling in the air, like a number of low flying butterflies.

5. 当我们来到一个名胜景点,看到蔚蓝色的天空、葱绿的青山、清凌凌的水时,我们说这是一种美;我们读到一首新颖的诗歌,一篇优美的散文或奇妙的文章时,也会赞叹这是一种美。
    When you read a fresh poem, graceful prose① or a wonderful article, perhaps you will sag that is beauty….

6. 当我们来到一个名胜景点,看到蔚蓝色的天空、葱绿的青山、清凌凌的水时,我们说这是一种美;我们读到一首新颖的诗歌,一篇优美的散文或奇妙的文章时,也会赞叹这是一种美。
    Eternal BeautyWhen you get to a scenic spot and see the blue sky, the GREen mountain and clear water, maybe you will say this is beauty. When you read a fresh poem, graceful prose① or a wonderful article, perhaps you will sag that is beauty….

7. 河床里,布满了鹅卵石和大圆石,在阳光的照耀下显得干燥而灰白,清凌凌河水在蓝色的河道里湍急地流淌;军队从房子边经过,顺路走下去,他们扬起的灰尘落在了路旁的叶子上。
    In the bed of the river there were pebbles and boulders, dry and white in the sun, and the water was clear and swiftly moving and blue in the channels; Troops went by the house and down the road and the dust they raised powdered the leaves of the trees.

8. 凌凌什么意思

8. Jade 依然是清凌凌的神色,平静地说出令 Andrew 瞠目结舌的一番话来,语气软绵绵的,并没有太多的起伏平仄。
    Many years ago when I was a virgin, I might ask you to take on this responsibility…but now I can manage it by myself.

9. 我坚信,艾瑞克和凌凌就是如此。
    I am certain that this holds true with Erik and Ling.

10. 凌凌,我看到艾瑞克看你的眼神,便能读出他到底有多疼爱你。
    I see the way Erik looks at you and it is so obvious how much he adores you.

11. 我想以对艾瑞克和凌凌的祝福作为开场白,并向所有到场的来宾表示感谢。
      I want to start by congratulating Erik and Ling, and thanking all of you for coming here today.

12. 三星堆气候温和,物产丰富,青凌凌的鸭子河绕城流过,草滩上,一丛丛星宿花醒目耀眼格外美丽。
      Sanxingdui mild climate, abundant natural resources, the Beijing Duck River Green Belt flow, marsh, spent an eye-catching bright sky seen particularly beautiful.

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