
出乱子是什么意思 出乱子在线翻译 出乱子什么意思 出乱子的意思 出乱子的翻译 出乱子的解释 出乱子的发音 出乱子的同义词


出乱子 基本解释

出乱子[chū luàn zi]

词典go wrong走错路,误入岐途,(机器等)发生故障;出岔子;出乱子。

词典get into trouble闯祸;(给…)找麻烦, (使)陷入困境,被警察传讯;捅娄子;出乱子。

出乱子 汉英大词典

出乱子[chū luàn zi]

go wrong; get into trouble:

  例:昨晚我们村里出了点乱子, 现在没事了。

    We had some trouble in the village last night, but it's all right now.

出乱子 网络解释

1. 出乱子的解释

1. go wrong:外空outer space | 出乱子go wrong | 代替某人take one's place

2. 出乱子

2. out of a kilter:Adam's apple 喉结 | out of a kilter 出乱子 | out of whack紊乱

出乱子 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 不要以为这样搞就不会出乱子,可以掉以轻心。
    One must not take such things lightly, thinking that they won't cause disturbances.

2. lennie纷纷回一池河乔治的萨利纳斯曾指定为会场,他们要么出乱子
    Lennie flees back to a pool of the Salinas River that George had designated as a meeting place should either of them get into trouble.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. 这是怎样的人出乱子
    This is how people get into trouble.

4. 它会出乱子,所以拍摄任何一个红色标记超过他们的元首。
    It will go wrong, so shoot anyone with a red marker over their heads.

5. 我哪里也赞美你在角落里我的心我只是不能似乎找不到一个理由来相信我能挣脱事业,你看我一直在约束了这么久就象所有的希望都经历但正如我解除我的手,我知道我要赞美你们通过我的情况采取的桎梏中解放出来过我的脚,所以我可以跳舞我只是想赞美你我只是想赞美你你打破了连锁店,现在我可以解除我的手和我一起赞美你我哪里也赞美你一切可能出乱子所有差池,在同一时间这么多的压力落在了我我以为我是输在哪里我的心不过,我知道你不想看到如果我将坚持通过这些审判不过,我需要你解除这个包袱事业,我不能没有它更采取的桎梏中解放出来过我的脚,所以我可以跳舞我只是想赞美你我只是想赞美你你打破了连锁店,现在我可以解除我的手和我一起赞美你我哪里也赞美你经过消防和雨约束,在每一个种方式但上帝已突破每一个链因此,让我到现在采取的桎梏中解放出来过我的脚,所以我可以跳舞我只是想赞美你我只是想赞美你你打破了连锁店,现在我可以解除我的手和我一起赞美你我哪里也赞美你(重复x3 )需将它们赶走 what'cha在哪里做,嗯采取的桎梏中解放出来过我的脚,所以我可以跳舞我只是想赞美你我只是想赞美你你打破了连锁店,现在我可以解除我的手和我一起赞美你我哪里也赞美你
    I'm gonna praise you In the corners of my mind I just can't seem to find a reason to believe That I can break free Cause you see I have been bound for so long Felt like all hope is gone But as I lift my hands, I understand That I should praise you through my circumstance Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance I just wanna praise you I just wanna praise you You broke the chains now I can lift my hands And I'm gonna praise you I'm gonna praise you Everything that could go wrong All went wrong at one time So much pressure fell on me I thought I was gonna lose my mind But I know you wanna see If I will hold on through these trials But I need you to lift this load Cause I can't take it no more Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance I just wanna praise you I just wanna praise you You broke the chains now I can lift my hands And I'm gonna praise you I'm gonna praise you Been through the fire and the rain Bound in every kind of way But God has broken every chain So let me go right now Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance I just wanna praise you I just wanna praise you You broke the chains now I can lift my hands And I'm gonna praise you I'm gonna praise you (repeat x3) Take them off What'cha gonna do, yeah Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance I just wanna praise you I just wanna praise you You broke the chains now I can lift my hands And I'm gonna praise you I'm gonna praise you

6. 我早就警告过你把眯眼带出去办案子会出乱子,可你硬要为她担保,说她不会搞砸的。
    I warned you about taking squints out to the field but you vouched for her.

7. 他们必须有一个较高的增长率,才能保证不出乱子
    They have to have a growth rate that is high if they're not to have a problem.

8. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

8. 在去年底的一天,你真的cannot出乱子在实施这两个系统。
    At the end of the day, you really cant go wrong in implementing either of these systems.

9. 出乱子的翻译

9. 在出乱子的时候,这两个国家团结的像一个国家。
    The two nations united as one in time of trouble.

10. 如果你考虑的选项仔细,并选择与爱,你真的可以吨出乱子
    If you consider the options carefully and select with love, you really can t go wrong.

11. 你不能出乱子与书籍。
      You can never go wrong with books.

12. 出乱子的近义词

12. 我们观察着他是为了不让他惹出乱子来。
      We watched him in order to keep him out of trouble.

13. 我大吃一惊,还以为自己脑子出乱子了!
      I am astonied, still think him brain go wrong!

14. 经济 我们的经济还是发展不均衡,农民问题成为目前最主要的问题,如果不能尽快解决,会出乱子的。
      Chinese people are so indulged themselves in the superstitious magic that they fail to act as the helmsmen of their own life.

15. 出乱子的解释

15. 差不多可能出乱子的地方都出了乱子。
      Nearly everything that could go wrong has gone wrong.

16. danci.911cha.com

16. 做那事是很愚蠢的,你这个专出乱子的白痴!
      That was a really stupid thing to do, you blundering idiot!

17. danci.911cha.com

17. 斯洛沃说这是一次重大的活动,他希望活动能够井然有序,不出乱子
      Slovo said it was a great occasion which he hoped would come off in an orderly and peaceful way.

18. 在其他地方,医生可以买保险,以防自己出乱子
      Elsewhere, doctors can buy insurance to protect themselves in case they make mistakes.

19. 他们再这么闹下去,会闹出乱子来。
      There will be serious trouble if they go on like that.

20. 出乱子

20. 杰克没有头脑,常常惹出乱子
      Jack is dead above ears and often gets into trouble.

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