
出谋献策是什么意思 出谋献策在线翻译 出谋献策什么意思 出谋献策的意思 出谋献策的翻译 出谋献策的解释 出谋献策的发音


出谋献策 基本解释


词典to give counsel

出谋献策 双语例句

1. 皇帝亲临军队,是为了鼓舞士气,但是他的御驾亲征和犹豫不决,以及大批的顾问出谋献策,反而破坏了第一军的战斗力,于是军队后退了。
    The Emperor accompanied the army in order to excite its patriotic ardour; but his presence and inability to decide on any course of action and the immense number of counsellors and plans that swarmed about him, nullified all action on the part of the first army, and that army too had to retreat.

2. 从策划的方案到具体实施的细节,组员们都积极出谋献策,做好了充分的准备。
    From planning programs to the specific implementation details, members are active plans and strategies, well prepared.

3. 过去,我丈夫经常说他会很专注地为我的生日出谋献策,但我们都是草草结束了。
    In the past, my husband has told me he needs plenty of notice to plan something special for my birthday, but we've never done much.

4. 保险公司开始出谋献策,适应各种宠物。
    Insurance companies are starting to offer plans that meet the needs of a variety of pet owners.

5. 先后担任多家企业法律顾问,为企业防范风险出谋献策
    He also acts as the legal consultant for corporations.

6. 寓言所寄托的意思很明白:遇到困难的问题时候,既需要有出谋献策的人,更需要有挺身而出的实干家。
    We didn't know who would put him this delicate question when my friend offered to bell the cat.

7. 出谋献策在线翻译

7. 公司还聘请多位知名医药专家、营养专家为顾问,为企业的发展出谋献策
    The company also hired a number of prominent experts in medicine, nutrition experts, as consultants to the development of plans and strategies for the enterprise.

8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

8. 她们每个月聚会两次,在一起出谋献策,为各自制定生意目标。
    The women meet twice a month to brainstorm and set business goals for each other

9. 出谋献策的近义词

9. 你将见到在论坛中“知名”的Garage,畅谈您学英语的需求,为英语通出谋献策,帮助我们把网站办的更好。
    You will meet the infamous Garage in person as well as be able to contribute to the in2english website through telling us what you think we can do for you to help you learn English.

10. 例如:向管理团队出谋献策
    Example: contributing to a management team.

11. 分析其产生的背景和发展缓慢的原因,寻找突破口,为其发展出谋献策
      Analysis of its background and development of the reasons for a pawn for the development of the suggestions.

12. danci.911cha.com

12. 通过对广东排球运动过去和现在的体制、管理、普及、特点等问题进行分析比较,辩证地提出广东排球复兴之路。为广东排球走出低谷出谋献策
      To compare the system of organization, management, popularization and characteristic of Guangdong volleyball in the past and now, put forward the way of rejuvenation.

13. 这种智力支持一是作为幕僚为教育行政部门官员出谋献策,并帮助制定高校人事制度;二是出文著书介绍外国高校人事制度。
      The intellectual support for the first, as chief of staff for the education administrative department officials make suggestions and help develop the university personnel system; the second is the text of Writing, foreign university personnel system.

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