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凿空 基本解释

凿空[zuò kōng]



凿空 汉英大词典

凿空[zuò kōng]

[书] forced; farfetched:


    farfetched argument

凿空 网络解释

1. hollow:hole 孔,洞,穴 | hollow 空的,中空的;空洞的,空虚的;挖空,凿空 | holy 神圣的,圣洁的

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. hollow vt:hoist vt.升起 | hollow vt.凿空 | homely a.家庭的;家常的

凿空 双语例句

1. 在这种时候一定要清醒的认识到,在优秀的作品中,素描的要起着不可替代的作用,离开这种作用,一切画面都将成为凿空之论。
    In this condition, one must know clearly that sketch plays irreplaceable part in great works. Without this effect, all the pictures become empty.

2. 而在六祖堂前还有一只大木鱼,木鱼为佛教法器之一,刳木为鱼形,中凿空洞,扣之作声,鱼头是朝外的。
    Liuzu Tang Qian die there in a big Muyu, Muyu as one of the Buddhist Faqi, Ku wood for the fish, in the cutting of empty, the deduction for sound, the head of the Chaowai.

3. 在久远的历史岁月中,阳关都与武帝拓疆、迁民实边;张骞出使、凿空西域;去病出征、收复河西;天马西出、龙颜大喜;广利伐宛、用兵神奇;玄奘取经、归途此间;王维劝酒、渭城谱曲等风云人物、历史事件浑然一体,不可分割,构成了壮丽的历史画卷,积淀了丰厚的文化底蕴,铸成千古传唱的阳关盛名。
    A long history in the years to come, with the Emperor Guan Yang Jiang Billiton, while it is moved to the public; envoy Zhang Qian, the Western Regionszao kong; Qubing battle, recover Hexi; days Massimo outlong yan rejoicing; Kwong Lee Wan-cutting, magic troops; Xuanzang learn from their experience, on the way back here; quan jiu Wang, wei cheng man of music, such as, historical events seamless, indivisible, constitutes a magnificent history, rich cultural heritage of the details of the positive cast sung through the ages Guan reputation.

4. 中空的,空洞的;空虚的;挖空,凿空
    The trunk of a palm tree is hollow.

5. 凿空的意思

5. 把树干凿空做成一条船。
    Hollow out a tree trunk to make a boat.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. 4_3。以一片一片的方式,撷取我要的各种质感的石头,来拼贴山壁,在山中凿空的部份是要较平坦的石头而上部斜面是较粗糙的的质感且合成时要
    The way piece by piece to get every kind of material of the rocks to paste the mountain. the empty part of the mountain is be used by the even rocks, the bevel of the mountain's

7. 再用我的工具把树的外部砍成小舟形状,然后把里面烧空或凿空,做成一只小船
    If after I might be able with my tools to hew and dub the out-side into the proper shape of a boat, and burn or cut out the in-side to make it hollow, so to make a boat of it.

8. 上述信息早已存在,你自然可以在1953年12月2日凿空五月大豆并在12月7日以296平仓,因为这个价格在每月的高低图表上是从44下降到45度角。
    Having before youall the information outlined above, you would certainly have gone shortof May Soy Beans on Dec 2, 1953 and cover your shorts on Dec 17 at 296because the price was down to the 45 degree angle from 44 on theMonthly high and low chart.

9. 在挖空树干时,我不用火烧,而是用槌子和凿子一点一点地凿空,最后确实成了一只像模像样的独木舟,大得可乘26个人。
    This I did indeed without fire, by mere pestle and chisel, and by the dint of hard labour, till I had brought it to be a very handsome canon, and big enough to have carry'd six and twenty men

10. 因此,我当时就对他说,只要他愿意跟我在一起,我再也不打发他走了。这话我后来还经常反反复复对他说了无数次。因为这树的颜色和体味都与这两种树相似。星期五打算用火把这棵树烧空,造成一只独木舟,但我教他用工具来凿空。我把工具的使用方法告诉他之后,他立即很机灵地使用起来了。总之,从他全部的谈话看来,他对我的情意是坚定不移的,他绝对不愿离开我。他之所以想回到自己的家乡去,完全是出于他对自己部族的热爱,并希望我一起去对他们有好处。
    I immediately went to work with this piece of ground; and in lessthan a month's time I had so fenced it round that my flock, orherd, call it which you please, which were not so wild now as atfirst they might be supposed to be, were well enough secured in it:so, without any further delay, I removed ten young she-goats andtwo he-goats to this piece, and when they were there I continued toperfect the fence till I had made it as secure as the other; which, however, I did at more leisure, and it took me up more time by agreat deal.

11. danci.911cha.com

11. 有人把一大块石头给凿空了。
      Someone had hollowed out a large block of stone

12. 凿空的意思

12. 星期五打算用火把这棵树烧空,造成一只独木舟,但我教他用工具来凿空。我把工具的使用方法告诉他之后,他立即很机灵地使用起来了。
      Friday was for burning the Hollow or Cavity of this Tree out to make it for a Boat.

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