
刻记是什么意思 刻记在线翻译 刻记什么意思 刻记的意思 刻记的翻译 刻记的解释 刻记的发音 刻记的同义词 刻记的反义词 刻记的例句


刻记 基本解释


词典engraved mark刻记。

刻记 双语例句

1. 刻记

1. 在许多品牌,但是不是所有辨认制造商的标记被刻记4mm在鼻标志之下。
    On many brands, but not all a mark identifying the manufacturer is engraved 4mm below the nasal symbol.

2. 牢牢记住。。。刻记在心
    Engrave on one's mind; keep firmly in mind

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3. 其实,它们并不象人们所说的那样闪烁着历史的光华,它只是刻记着它们诞生时期的文化特点和诉求。
    In fact, not like what people say-- flashing the brilliance of history, they are only charactering and pouring out the culture of the time when they were born.

4. 这种生物体的主要刻记是什么?
    What are the main ~s of this organism?

5. 把世界各地的刻记互相联系起来,史学家已能读懂这种困难的代码了。
    By correlating markings made in various parts of the world, historians have been able to read this difficult code.

6. 所有的名字都淡去的时候,只有她的名字更加清晰,颜色深,刻记深,想念深,感情深。
    All the names became light, but her name became clearer. I miss her more than ever.

7. 刻记什么意思

7. 古代汉文典籍对契刻记事有记录,但具体情况并不清楚。
    Descriptions of carved symbols in ancient Chinese books and records are discovered but more details are absent.

8. 云南许多少数民族都有刻木记事的习俗,丰富多样的记事木刻为认识上古契刻记事提供了很好的参证。
    Many ethnic groups in Yunnan have the custom of recording by carving wood, which provides good evidence to the analysis of the carvings in ancient times.

9. 作出这些刻记的游牧人,依靠狩猎和捕鱼生活在冰河时代的晚期。
    The nomads who made these markings lived by hunting and fishing during the last Ice Age.

10. 以简单刻记和结绳记事为标志的会计文化,从远古时期就已经产生了,会计文化是人类在长期的会计实践活动中创造出来的精神财富和物质财富的总和。
    The creation of accounting culture is signed by carving and records by ropes. Accounting culture is the summation of physical fortune and spiritual fortune, during the long history of human being activities.

11. 这些刻记是什么?
      And what are those tunny marks?

12. 龙简是皖南徽州民间做法坛斋事结束後,将法坛祭祀情况刻记在石料上,放进被祭人坟茔中,追荐灵魂超生而形成的一种石刻档案。
      In ancient times, the people of South Anhui recorded memorial ceremonies on stone tablets and buried the tablet with the deceased, thus leaving a permanent record.

13. 船停下以后,这个人从他所刻记号的地方下水去找剑。
      When the boat arrived, he jumped into the water from the place indicated by his mark to find the sword.

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