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前膝 基本解释




前膝 双语例句

1. 目的:1。观察屈膝过程中健康者及有前膝痛病人的髌股关节的排列和运动轨迹。2。
    To observe patellofemoral alignment and tracking in healthy volunteers and patients with anterior knee pain syndrome.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 术前膝外翻畸形平均42°,立位双踝之间的距离最多者55cm。
    The maximal distance between two malleoli was 55cm.

3. 前膝的翻译

3. 踝阵挛及病理反射消失率100%,12例术前膝腱反射亢进的患者,术后膝反射减弱。
    All ankle clonus and pathologic reflexes disappeared. The brisk knee reflex in 12 patients became sluggish after operation.

4. 8例12膝(11%)效果较差,全部为髌股关节软骨严重磨损者,表现为前膝痛仍然明显。
    The poor rate was 11% (8 cases, 12 knees), anterior knee pain remained for these cases who suffered from seriously articular cartilage lesions.

5. 评价前膝疼痛患者屈膝过程中动态CT观察髌骨运动的意义。
    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the patellar motion as knee flection by dynamic CT in patients with anterior knee pain syndrome.

6. 结果:外侧硬膜外入路可用于显露三叉神经第2、3支,三叉神经节,海绵窦内颈内动脉后垂直段,外展神经及岩骨颈内动脉水平段;侧方硬膜下入路可用于显露海绵窦外侧及前下,后上静脉间隙,以及所有走行在海绵窦内的颅神经和海绵窦内颈内动脉水平段;上方入路可用于显露海绵窦内侧、外侧及后上间隙,海绵窦内ICA水平段、前膝、前垂直段及床突段的内侧面,以及垂体的外侧面。
    Results: Lateral extradural approach could be used to expose the second and third branches of trigeminal nerve, trigeminal ganglion, posterior vertical segment of the intrapetrosal ICA, abducent nerve and horizontal segment of the intrapetrosal ICA; lateral intradural approach could be used to expose the lateral, anteroinferior and posterosuperior venous spaces, almost all the cranial nerves within the cavernous sinus and horizontal segments of the intracavernous ICA; superior approach could be used to expose the medial, lateral and posterosuperior venous spaces, medial side of the anterior genu, anterior vertical and clinoidal segments of the intracavernous ICA and the lateral side of the hypophysis.

7. 前膝在线翻译

7. 髌股关节并发症最常见,3例出现髌股排列异常,并有轻度的前膝痛和伸膝力弱。
    Malalignment of patella and light anterior knee pain were the main complications of patellofemoral joint.

8. 前膝是什么意思

8. 图28身体现在已经开始解盘绕,这一张相片中前膝已经停止,从这里,臀部现在将加速。
    Fig.28 The body has now started to uncoil, in this photo the front knee has stopped, from here the hips will now speed up.

9. 因此,例如在做战士式时,你可能在前膝上的疼痛,假如你做的是错误的,引起你不舒适的感觉。
    So for example, while doing Parsvakonasana one may experience pain in the front knee and assume it is at fault for causing one discomfort.

10. 作者报告10例由膝横韧带损伤引起的前膝痛。
    We encountered 10 cases complaining pain of anterior aspect of knee joint due to injury of the anterior.

11. 前膝的意思

11. 目的:1.观察屈膝过程中健康者及有前膝痛病人的髌股关节的排列和运动轨迹。
      Objective: 1. To observe patellofemoral alignment and tracking in healthy volunteers and patients with anterior knee pain syndrome.

12. 膝横韧带损伤致前膝痛(附10例报告)
      Injury of the Transverse Ligament Causing Pain of Anterior Aspect of Knee Joint (An Analysis of 10 Cases)

13. 8例12膝(11%)效果较差,全部为髌股关节软骨严重磨损者,表现为前膝痛仍然明显。
      The poor rate was 11 % (8 cases, 12 knees), anterior knee pain remained for these cases who suffered from seriously articular cartilage lesions.

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