
剧评是什么意思 剧评在线翻译 剧评什么意思 剧评的意思 剧评的翻译 剧评的解释 剧评的发音 剧评的同义词 剧评的反义词 剧评的例句


剧评 基本解释

剧评[jù píng]

词典a review of a play or opera剧评。

词典dramatic criticism剧评;戏评。

剧评 汉英大词典

剧评[jù píng]

a review of a play or opera; dramatic criticism

剧评 网络解释

1. theater reviews:editorial 社论 | theater reviews 剧评 | movie reviews 影评

2. dramatic criticism:dramatic circles 戏剧界 | dramatic criticism 剧评 | dramatic literature 戏剧文学

剧评 双语例句

1. 他被提名为洛杉矶剧评人奖,他的表现。
    He was nominated for a Los Angeles Drama Critics'Circle Award for his performance.

2. 它的剧评很好…攻击!
    It's gotten great reviews...- Attack!

3. 那些剧评真的是在嫉妒我?
    You really think these newspapers are just jealous of me?

4. 所有的剧评家都批评 Laura 的舞台剧啊,那真是太惨了。
    When something 「tanks」 that means that it is a complete failure.

5. 对了,他看完剧评之后甩了我
    By the way, he dumped me tonight after he read my review.

6. 剧评家们将她的新戏批评得一无是处。
    A new play that opened to the plaudits of the critics.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. 剧评家们对这出戏反应良好。
    The play was well received by the critics.

8. 剧评家们对这出戏反应良好。
    Eg:The play was well received by the critics.

9. 韦伯获得的奖项包括:7项百老汇托尼奖、3项格莱美奖、6项英国奥利弗奖、1项金球奖、1项奥斯卡奖、1项国际艾美奖、皇家奖、理查·罗杰斯剧院突出贡献奖和2000年剧评家奖的最佳音乐剧奖。
    His awards include seven Tonys, three Grammys, six Oliviers, a Golden Globe, an Oscar, an International Emmy, the Praemium Imperiale and the Richard Rodgers award for Excellence in Musical Theatre.

10. 韦伯获得的奖项包括:七项托尼奖,三项英国格莱美奖,六项英国奥利弗奖,一项金球奖,一项奥斯卡奖,一项国际艾美奖,大英帝国皇室奖,理查·罗杰斯剧院突出贡献奖和2000年剧评家奖的最佳音乐剧奖。
    His awards include seven Tonys, three Grammys, six Oliviers, a Golden Globe, an Oscar, and International Emmy, the Praemium Imperiale, the Richard Rodgers award for Excellence in Musical Theatre and Critics'Cirle award for Best Musical 2000

11. 剧评

11. 它曾赢得东尼奖与剧评人奖,且曾被重演过许多次,成为最历久不衰的音乐剧剧场作品之一。
      It has won Tony Award and Drama Desk Award, and has been revived numerous times, making it one of the most enduring works of musical theatre.

12. 本剧还获得了纽约剧评人奖、戏剧委员会奖、外围剧评人奖、露西尔·洛特尔奖、奥本海默奖。
      Wit has also received the New York Drama Critics Circle Award, the Drama Desk Award, the Outer Critics Circle Award, the Lucille Lortel Award, and the Oppenheimer Award.

13. 本剧还获得了纽约剧评人奖、戏剧委员会奖、外围剧评人奖、露西尔·洛特尔奖、奥本海默奖。
      Wit has also received the New YorkDrama Critics Circle Award, the Drama Desk Award, the Outer CriticsCircle Award, the Lucille Lortel Award, and the Oppenheimer Award.

14. 很好的轻松的,让你发笑的之类的东西,期待你将来的剧评
      Good light-hearted, make-you-smile kinda stuff, look forward to your future recaps.

15. 今年3月的1945年,发挥移到百老汇,在那里赢得了著名的纽约剧评人奖。
      In March of 1945, the play moved to Broadway, where it won the prestigious New York Drama Critics'Circle Award.

16. 以下为神明同学对以上剧评的部分翻译,帮助大家阅读,鼓掌呱唧
      At the same time, it was the pressure for me to comment good or bad, because this was my first time watching drama and much less to criticize each play and the acting of the stagers, I just based on the sense of my own and understanding of the play.

17. 她完美无缺的表演赢得剧评家的大力称赞。
      Her flawless performance won rave reviews from the critics.

18. 倘若你不是儿童,或者如果你想保留对第一部《钢铁侠》的完美印象,要小心那些炒作喧哗,以及给予盛赞的剧评
      If you're not a kid, though, or if you want to keep your memories of the first'Iron Man'unsullied, beware of the buzz and hubbub, and the glowing reviews.

19. 剧评家们对这出戏反应良好。
      The play was well received by the ctitics.

20. 节目剧院提供的节目在戏剧栏里,有一篇剧评提到纽约来的刚开演的新戏。
      On the theater page there was a review from New York of a new play that had just opened.

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