
劈劈啪啪是什么意思 劈劈啪啪在线翻译 劈劈啪啪什么意思 劈劈啪啪的意思 劈劈啪啪的翻译 劈劈啪啪的解释 劈劈啪啪的发音


劈劈啪啪 基本解释



劈劈啪啪 网络解释

1. 劈劈啪啪的反义词

1. Crakling:.Nasal带音的 | .Crakling劈劈啪啪 | .Fine纤细的

2. Crackle:Scare away 驱逐 | Crackle 劈劈啪啪 | Firecraker 鞭炮

劈劈啪啪 双语例句

1. 刚才我看见他在打字机上劈劈啪啪打一封信。
    Just now I found him pounding out a letter on the typewriter.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 孩子们劈劈啪啪地鼓起掌来。
    The children began to clap their hands.

3. 在他大步穿过尸体的时候,这些尸体在他的脚下劈劈啪啪的裂开,变成了尘埃和碎片。
    As he strode through the bodies, they cracked beneath his heels, erupting into dust and fragments.

4. 劈劈啪啪在线翻译

4. 眼泪模糊了她的双眼,她眨了眨眼睛,泪水劈劈啪啪地掉了下来。
    Tears blurred her eyes, after a blink, beginning to drop down.

5. 她整个下午一直在打字机上劈劈啪啪地打信件。
    All afternoon she's been pounding out letters on the typewriter.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. 钢轨继续微微颤抖着。终于,沿岸拐弯来了一部四轮小车,它那两个汽缸的发动机劈劈啪啪地响个不停,划破了大自然的宁静。
    The rail continued to vibrate softly until, at long last, around a curve and along the shore came a small workman`s handcar, its two-cylinder engine popping and spluttering in the great silence.

7. 劈劈啪啪的翻译

7. 孩子闯进来的第一次当Jamie正在和老公翻云覆雨时,房门外传来了孩子的小脚在地板上蹭出的劈劈啪啪声。
    The child breaks to rush to burst when the first time Jamie is being shifty with the husband, outside the door has transmitted child's tootsy the crack sound which rubs on the floor.

8. 很多人在自己的电脑上就喜欢劈劈啪啪点鼠标,在服务器上可要小心,本地连接上右键一下,然后左键一下,很可能就点了禁用了。
    A lot of people like to break off the bang that break off bang to nod a mouse on his computer, caution can want on the server, on this locality join right key, next Zun Jian, nodded probably ban used.

9. 狂风中,雨点子劈劈啪啪砸下来,像有无数黑蛇在空中缠绕、盘旋。
    Wind, rain and smashed pat-down, as there are numerous winding blacksnake in the air, hovering.

10. 炖鸡:洗净切块,倒入热油锅内翻炒,待水分炒干时,倒入适量香醋,再迅速翻炒,至鸡块发出劈劈啪啪的爆响声时,立即加热水,再用旺火烧十分钟,即可放入调料,移小火上再炖20分钟,淋上香油即可出锅;应在汤炖好后,温度降至80~90摄氏度时或食用前加盐。
    Dunji: Wash cuts, into the heat of Fanchao Youguo, the question of water stem speculation, into the appropriate vinegar, and then quickly Fanchao, blue cheese dressing to the explosive issue of Pipipapa beep, immediately heating Water, and then Mong fire 10 minutes, you can Add to dressings, small fire on the move again stewing 20 minutes, to Chu Guo Lin Shang sesame oil; should be in good stew soup, the temperature dropped to 80~90 degrees before eating or salt.

11. 他双手交叉,感到雷尔的身体在颤抖,他一个一个捻着手指,弄出劈劈啪啪的声响,手指一个一个地枯槁而褪色了。
      He closed his fingers, feeling Ryel`s body shudder, and snapped them, one by one.

12. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

12. 我们最怕用到地沟油。如果油商在油中掺水,一下锅就劈劈啪啪地响,容易知道。
      We are most afraid of using drainage oil, because if oil producer mixes in water, it would sizzle and making loud noises when heat up.

13. 刚才我看见他在打字机上劈劈啪啪打一封信。发动机敲击(劈拍声),发动机故障
      Just now I found him pounding out a letter on the typewriter. engine splutter

14. 火劈劈啪啪越烧越旺,赶跑了莫洛克人和所有的黑影,我跪下去把威娜抱起来。
      I lit the block of camphor and flung it to the ground, and as it split and flared up and drove back the Morlocks and the shadows, I knelt down and lifted her.

15. 911查询·英语单词

15. 他扔了一块木柴在火上,使它劈劈啪啪地燃了起来。
      He threw a log on the fire, and it was burned up with a crackle.

16. 房内壁炉里的火活泼泼地燃烧着,木材劈劈啪啪地响,不时迸发出火星。
      Within, a fresh fire was burning in the hearth, the logs crackling and spitting.

17. 劈劈啪啪在线翻译

17. 用文字处理机打一封信.打字员在打字机上劈劈啪啪地打出一篇文章。
      Typing a letter on the WP The typist clicks out an article on a typewriter.

18. 万籁俱寂,忽然响起各种各样莫名其妙的噪音?劈劈啪啪,吱吱嘎嘎,沙沙瑟瑟。
      The silence became full of sound: noise you couldn't put a name to? A crack, a creak, a rustle.

19. 劈劈啪啪的翻译

19. 我们听到烟火的劈劈啪啪声响遍了整个村庄。
      We heard fireworks crack all over the village.

20. 发动机劈劈啪啪响了几声,像是要停下来似的,接着又转了起来。
      The engine sputtered and seemed about to cut out; then it picked up again.

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