
勉勉强强是什么意思 勉勉强强在线翻译 勉勉强强什么意思 勉勉强强的意思 勉勉强强的翻译 勉勉强强的解释 勉勉强强的发音


勉勉强强 基本解释

勉勉强强[miǎn miǎn qiǎng qiǎng]


词典with half a heart半心半意地;勉勉强强。

勉勉强强 汉英大词典

勉勉强强[miǎn miǎn qiǎng qiǎng]

with half a heart; unwillingly

勉勉强强 双语例句

1. 等到半年后我的头发勉勉强强能扎成小刷子的时候,我牵过父亲的手,让他为我梳头,父亲变得笨拙了,他一丝一缕地梳着,却半天也梳不出他满意的样子来。
    When after half year my hair reluctant can grip the small brush the time, I have pulled father's hand, lets him comb the hair for me, the father became clumsy, his wisp place was combing, actually quite a while also could not comb the appearance which he satisfied.

2. 不过,偻上的要是费用全包,俺可以勉勉强强支持的啦
    The law does not concern itself about family trifles.

3. 他是勉勉强强当选的。
    He was elected by a narrow margin.

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4. 本色的彰显使老板对他勉勉强强表现出了尊重。
    True to type, the boss started to treat him with grudging respect.

5. 记得有一次我们回格尔木探亲,刚去没几天,姥姥就嚷嚷着要回去,担心榕树没人浇水回旱死,我们在那儿勉勉强强住了二十天,在回家的路上,姥姥一直念叨着榕树。
    We remember that on one occasion to visit relatives back to Golmud, just to a few days later, talking about his grandma on the back, no one worried about watering banyan dead back to dry, we have lived there a scant 20 days, in the way home, Grandma has been talk over the banyan.

6. 有些人则勉勉强强通过了药剂师公会的考试。
    Some of them crawl through the examination of the Apothecaries Hall.

7. 鼹鼠仍在抽鼻子,恳求,勉勉强强由着朋友把他强拽着往回走。
    Still snuffling, pleading, and reluctant, Mole suffered himself to be dragged back along the road by his imperious companion, who by a flow of cheerful talk and anecdote endeavoured to beguile his spirits back and make the weary way seem shorter.

8. 但我终于开了口,勉勉强强把陈述做了下来。
    At last I began to speak and arduously finished the presentation.

9. 我们都是成年人了,虽然还有些人勉勉强强
    We're all adults now, some of us barely.

10. 我们的钱勉勉强强能维持到周末。
    We have barely enough money to last the weekend.

11. 他勉勉强强能写自己的名字。
      He can scarcely write his name.

12. 勉勉强强的反义词

12. 他勉勉强强可以写自己的名字。
      He can ~ write his name.

13. 但我终于开了口,勉勉强强把陈述做了下来。
      However, I finally started to talk and narrowly finished the presentation.

14. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

14. 短时间内,我可以靠减少的收入勉勉强强度日,但不能维持长久。约翰一星期赚二十元,虽然不用举债度日,但过得很勉强。
      I can scrape along on a reduced income for a short time, but not for ever. Earning twenty dollars a week, John barely keeps his head above water.

15. 她勉勉强强能养得起自己的5个孩子。
      She could just about afford to keep her five kids

16. 但上校们的作为往往要街道上人们的大力呼喊之下才下得了决心,看上去勉勉强强,给人们不好的印象,仿佛他们骨子里还是希望走专权主义的老路似的。
      But the generals have often acted only when prompted by shouting from the street, and then grudgingly, leaving the impression that their instincts remain stubbornly autocratic.

17. 我不会再继续这种勉勉强强的生活了!
      I will not keep living hand to mouth!

18. 他勉勉强强爬进庙去。
      He was just able to crawl into the temple.

19. 校门很窄,卡车勉勉强强才开进去。
      The school gate was very narrow and the lorry just scraped in.

20. 匆匆忙忙,终于在规定的时间里,刚好勉勉强强完成。
      Hastily, I barely finished it on time.

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