
升调是什么意思 升调在线翻译 升调什么意思 升调的意思 升调的翻译 升调的解释 升调的发音 升调的同义词 升调的反义词 升调的例句


升调 基本解释

升调[shēng diào]

词典rising tune or tone升调。

升调 汉英大词典

升调[shēng diào]

{语} rising tune or tone

升调 网络解释

1. sharp:有一个音可以升调 (sharp)-MA(第4). 至於PA,即第5音调,亦与SA一样是不变调的. 利用梵文咒文(mantra),或确认语句,我们不但可向位於各脉轮的神祗(或原型)的名号祈求,让该脉轮应有的本质能显现,而且可以用这些音调来带出最强的效果.

2. Rising:1.Failing降调 | 2.Rising升调 | 3.Failing-Rising降升调

升调 双语例句

1. 升调的反义词

1. 在英语中,我们在句尾使用升调来表明我们在提问题。
    In English, we use a rising tone at the end of a sentence to indicate that we are asking a question.

2. 你可能学过,疑问句是要升调的。
    You may have learned that questions have a rising intonation.

3. 读升调 你已经适应了这里的天气吗
    Have you got used to the weather here?

4. 升调:我教书并不是因为教书对我来说是件容易事。
    I don't teach because teaching is easy for me.

5. 升调你见过我侄子,对吗?
    You`ve met my cousin, haven`t you?

6. 在其余地区(主要是衢州、上饶、丽水地区),入声仍读短促调,带喉塞尾,其中阴入调一般为高短调,阳入调一般为短促的低升调或低降升调
    In the other regions (mainly Quzhou, Shangrao, and Lishui regions), IV tones are still pronounced as short tones, with a glottal stop. Among them, IVA is generally high and short, and IVB is generally a short low rising or short low falling tone.

7. 记得在问句时使用升调和在叙述句时使用降调
    Remember to use a rising tone for questions and a flat tone for statements.

8. 升调的翻译

8. 一种单调而有规则的升调和降调。
    A regular and monotonous rising and''.

9. 升调在线翻译

9. 在这句话的结尾你应该用升调/降调。
    You should use the rising/falling tone at the end of this sentence.

10. 所以在说话时一定要用升调
    So it must be read by the rising tone as we talk.

11. 科学家们发现,法国婴儿的哭声是升调,而德国婴儿的哭声是降调。
      And they found that French infants wail on a rising note while the Germans favor a falling melody.

12. 共青团委:团委最好的就是晋升快,但往往根基浅一些,升调之后多补一下也是可以的,年轻人还是很喜欢的,待遇中等偏上。
      The Communist Youth League Committee: CYL is the best promotion fast, but often some shallow roots, or for more after the meeting is also, like the young people or, on the treatment of moderate side.

13. 在衢州地区、上饶地区、丽水地区、金华地区的兰溪和温州地区的泰顺,入声仍读短促调,带喉塞尾,并按古声母的清浊分阴阳两类,其中阴入调一般为高短调,阳入调一般为短促的低升调或低降升调
      In Quzhou Region, Shangrao Region, Lishui Region, Jinhua Region`s Lanxi and Wenzhou Region`s Taishun, tone IV remains a short tone with a glottal stop coda, even following the ancient onset voicing distinction into registers, among which the voiceless A register is usually a high short tone and the voiced register B is usually a low short rising or rising-falling tone.

14. 这是一个升调(从你的声音下部开始,然后向上)。
      It is a rising tone (start from the lower part of your voice, then go up).

15. 出生在法语家庭新生儿的哭声是升调,和法语的发音习惯一样;
      Three-to five-day-olds born into French-speaking families tend to cry with the rising intonation characteristic of French;

16. 26岁那年,他被任命为驻荷兰大使,后又升调到柏林公使馆。
      At age 26 he was appointed Minister to the Netherlands, then promoted to the Berlin Legation.

17. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

17. 主从复合句的语调:从句在前,从句用升调,主句用降调;从句在后,主句用降调,从句也用降调。1 。熟悉掌握 must 的用法,并正确使用。
      Hit, safe, care, if, always, pleased, visit, visitor, country, understand, interesting, back, slow, slowly, mistake, anything, take care, too…to, at last, at the head of, laugh at, cross, line, queue, hurt, waiting - room, hurt, in line, jump the queue, queue jumper

18. 一种单调而有规则的升调和降调。
      A regular and monotonous rising and falling intonation.

19. 一种单调而有规则的升调和降调。单音调、双音调和三音调已被充分讲解。
      A regular and monotonous rising and falling intonation. Single, Dual and Tri Tones have been defined in full.

20. 英国英语更多使用降升调,强调欲升先降。
      British English use more falling and rising tone and emphasize the habit of tone falling before tone rising.

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