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占梦 基本解释

占梦[zhān mèng]


词典divine by interpreting dreams占梦。

占梦 汉英大词典

占梦[zhān mèng]

divine by interpreting dreams; oneiromancy

占梦 双语例句

1. 此刻瞌睡,你将做梦;而此刻进修,你将占梦
    Thellos moment will nap, you will have a dream; But thellos moment study, you will interpreta dream.

2. 有人以为梦境会预兆现实,无论做个好梦还是噩梦,都要找人圆梦、占梦、解梦,这种做法无疑是不科学的,当然也是徒劳的。
    Some people think that dream will be harbinger of reality, whether Zuogehaomeng or nightmare, have to find someone to fulfill a dream, Zhan Meng, explain it, this undoubtedly is unscientific, of course, futile.

3. 这样,全文共包括五章:第一章,考究古人对梦的观念的理解;第二章,集中探讨以占梦为主的几种预示形式;第三章,唐代梦小说与神秘主义;第四章,唐代梦小说与象征主义;第五章,唐代梦小说与抒情主义。
    Chapter two: Concentrate on several forms of oneiromancy, such as omen, dream notification, reaction and so on. Chapter three: The dream novel of the Tang Dynasty and mysticism. Chapter four: The dream novel of the Tang Dynasty and symbolism.

4. 为此,论文总体内容的安排首先是阐明中国古代以梦魂和占梦等为核心的梦观念,然后再按照唐代梦小说中对梦的记叙方式、侧重点以及梦在其间发挥的主要作用和功能等,把唐代梦小说划分为神秘主义、象征主义、抒情主义三类,分门别类地深入探讨每一类型的梦小说作品同梦观念的相互影响。
    Therefore, the thesis manages to join the two aspects of dream-concepical category and cultural category together and set out how the Chinese ancient concept exerted an influence on the three different kinds of dream novel of the Tang Dynasty-mysticism, symbolism and lyric dream novel. The thesis is composed of five chapters. Chapter one: Analyse the Chinese ancient concept of dream.

5. 方术是一种较为庞杂的思想体系,在中国历史上影响深远,其内容覆盖面十分广泛,包括卜筮,星占,相术,堪舆,占梦,择吉,符咒等等。
    Square technique is a relatively large and complex system of thought, far-reaching impact in Chinese history, and the content coverage is extensive, including divination, astrology, physiognomy, geomancy, dream interpretation, pick an auspicious day, spells, and so on.

6. 《左传》中根据梦象、占梦经验和其它知识,利用直解、转释、反说等方法预言人事未来吉凶的梦占预言多所应验。
    Consulting Zuo Zhuan, the dream prophecies according to the images, experiences or the relevant knowledge were mostly verified in the later record.

7. 唐代占梦小说导源于古代的占梦术和占梦小说故事。
    The Relationship between Dream Interpreting Novels in Tang Dynasty and Ji Zhong Shuoyu;

8. 在梦象与占梦行为的表层之下,《左传》梦例是一个多元文化的结晶体。
    Behavior like in a dream and dream interpretation beneath the surface, " Zuozhuan " dream case is a multicultural crystals.

9. 第四部分结语及占梦文化反思。通过对中国古代占梦意义的总结,有助于我们加深对中国古代梦占学的认识。
    Through to the Chinese ancient divine dreams meaning summary, to help us deepen our understanding of the ancient Chinese dream of the understanding of the study.

10. 在梦象与占梦行为的表层之下,《左传》梦例是一个多元文化的结晶体。
    Behavior like in a dream and dream interpretation beneath the surface," Zuozhuan " dream case is a multicultural crystals.

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