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印谱 基本解释


词典collection of impressions of seals by famous seal engravers印谱。

印谱 双语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 1986年,《曾葳印稿》手拓豪华本印谱出版,北京图书馆善本收藏。
    Zeng Wei Seal Manuscript. was published, and the copy was collected by Beijing Library.

2. 宣纸制品有素白册页、印谱、信笺和仿古对联等等。
    Paper products well-established white album, ×, letterheads, etc. Antique couplet.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. 进样量:0.4ul 8.2分析步骤按仪器操作规程开启仪器并预热后,待色谱仪基线平直后,进样并启动色谱工作站,仪器给出结果后,打印谱图及结果。
    Sample volume: 0.4 ul 8.2 Analysis of the steps According to the rules open the apparatus and equipment preheating, the question chromatography straight baseline, sampling and activated by workstations, is the result of equipment, printing patterns and results.

4. 宋保谦 ,吕印谱,季书勤对春型、过渡型、冬型小麦品种,在秋春播条件下从播种到生理拔节的天数及其温光因子的分析,结果表明:在春型品种生育前期,相对较高的温度可以缩短播种到生理拔节的天数;过渡型品种生育前期需要15 d以上8 ℃以下的低温条件,在具备了所要求的低温条件后,相对较高的温度也可缩短播种到生理拔节的天数;冬型品种生育前期需要相对较低的温度条件和较多的低温天数。
    Through an analysis on days from sowing to physiological jointing and temperature-light factors of spring, facultative and winter wheat sowed in autumn and spring, it is found that, to spring varieties, relative higher temperature in early growing stage may shorten the days from sowing to physiological jointing; facultative wheat varieties need more than 15 days low temperature below 8 ℃ during early stage, after which, relative higher temperature may also shorten the days from sowing to physiological jointing; and winter varieties, during early developing stage, need relative lower temperature and more days of low temperature.

5. 宣纸制品有册页、印谱、信笺、仿古对联和高级宣纸折扇等。
    The Xuan Paper products cover a complete range of specifications, including albums of painting and calligraphy, albums of seal impressions, letter papers, pseudo-archaic antithetical couplets, and high-ranking folding fans, etc., all of which have ready markets home and abroad.

6. 吴昌硕印谱:第一册前言吴俊卿吴俊之印昌硕湖州安吉县六与白云齐聋缶吴俊缶苍石石人子室苦铁不朽苍石父苦铁壹月安东令无须子仓石湖州安吉县吴俊唯印仓石聋缶明月前身莫。。。
    Changshuo Yinpu: Volume I Foreword Wujun Qing Wu Jun of Anji County, Huzhou India Masahiro six deaf and clouds Qi Fou Fou Jun Wu Cang Shi Dan Renzi Room bitter bitter iron iron immortal Cang Shi Father Anton Next month Kuraishi do not need sub-Jun Wu Wei Anji County, Huzhou India Kuraishi deaf jar moon predecessor Mo...

7. 清代吴式芬《双虞壶斋印谱》中首次标明古玺并排列卷首,自此翻开了古玺创作研究的新篇章。
    Qing Fen Wu-style " double-Yu Yin Pu vegetarian pot " for the first time that " the ancient seal " and arrangement of frontispiece, from Ancient Seals opened a new chapter of Creation.

8. 印谱的解释

8. 《桐乡徐氏印谱序》是王国维在清华研究院撰作的有关古史与古文字的最后作品之一。
    TongXiangXuShiYinPuXu is one of WANG Guo-wei's last bookmakings about ancient history and ancient characters finished in the research institute of Tsinghua University.

9. 印谱

9. 清代吴式芬《双虞壶斋印谱》中首次标明古玺并排列卷首,自此翻开了古玺创作研究的新篇章。
    Qing Fen Wu-style " double-Yu Yin Pu vegetarian pot " for the first time that " the ancient seal " and arrangement of frontispiece, from Ancient Seals opened a new chapter of Creation.

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