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历尽沧桑 基本解释

历尽沧桑[lì jìn cāng sāng]

词典go [have been

词典pass] through the mill

词典have experienced many vicissitudes of life历尽沧桑;饱经沧桑。

历尽沧桑 汉英大词典

历尽沧桑[lì jìn cāng sāng]

go [have been; pass] through the mill; have experienced many vicissitudes of life

历尽沧桑 网络解释

1. Through the Ages:18.Consider This想想看 | 19.Through the Ages历尽沧桑 | 20.Murder wbrld谋杀世界

2. through the mill:70.同流合污to be hick as thieves | 71.历尽沧桑through the mill | 72.见风转舵to know how the land lies

3. To jump through hoops:. 3 To be on a roll一切顺利 | . 4 To jump through hoops历尽沧桑,饱尝辛酸,久经磨炼,受艰苦的考验;赴汤蹈火 | . 5 To occur on his watch在某人的看管之下仍发生的事情(一般来讲都是不好的事情)

历尽沧桑 双语例句

1. 这只小云雀为爱情和生活挣扎求存,历尽沧桑,而她留下一阕阕牵动心弦的乐曲,为後人歌颂至今。
    But in her audacious attempt to tame her tragic destiny, the Little Sparrow - her nickname - flew so high she could not fail to burn her wings.

2. 历尽沧桑

2. 历尽沧桑的一轮幽月,总会默默慰藉受创的心灵。
    The moon with scars from life's battles Soothes many wounded souls at night.

3. 从茹毛饮血到田园农耕,从产业时代到信息社会,历尽沧桑
    From primitive barbarism to agro-farming, from the industrial age to information society, mankind has gone through countless hardships.

4. 这段城墙是历尽沧桑的了。
    This Wall has been exposed to a lot of weather.

5. 当你历尽沧桑后,或许会说,你曾经爱过我。
    When you experienced many vicissitudes, perhaps, will say you love me once.

6. 我的一生历尽沧桑
    I've seen trouble all my day.

7. 历尽沧桑在线翻译

7. 我们历尽沧桑后仍在一起,必定是命中注定的。
    We have be through a lot but we are still together. It must be fate.

8. 我们历尽沧桑后仍在一起,必定是命中注定的。
    We've been through a lot but we're still together. It must be fate.

9. 我们历尽沧桑过后,仍然在一起,必定是命中注定的。
    We've bee through a lot but we're still to together. It must be fate.

10. 我们历尽沧桑后仍在一起,必定是命中注定的。
    We've been through a lot but we're still together. It must be

11. 珍重并发掘徽州古村落历尽沧桑而弥足珍贵的山水文化资源和生态伦理文化遗存,对于构建中国现代生态伦理学体系大有裨益。
      Protecting and exploring the long-tested and valuable landscape culture resources and eco-ethic culture relics is of great help to constructing the modern Chinese eco-ethic system.

12. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

12. 在近百年中,乡土小说作品及其作者的命运都几经沉浮,历尽沧桑,其间的是是非非,臧否抑扬,至今还时时引发文坛上的论战风云。
      During the recent centuries, the works of local fictions and the fates of their authors are ups and downs, having suffered a lot, up to now which causes the literary debates from time to time.

13. 听着吧,先生们,女士们,既然我已经历尽沧桑,因此要给你们谈谈爱情。
      Listen, messieurs et dames, out of the fullness of my experience I will discourse to you of love.

14. 这段城墙是历尽沧桑的了。
      This wall has been exposed to a lot of weather.

15. 历尽沧桑,你要学会忽略过去。
      Go through vicissitudes of life, your needing to learn to ignore over.

16. 而后我过桥往回走,经过犹太区,这历尽沧桑的地方存留了数个世纪,直到被纳粹扫除尽净。
      Then I walk back over the bridge, through the old Jewish ghetto, a sorely tearful place that survived for centuries until it was emptied by the Nazis.

17. 看看这些历尽沧桑的梦想。
      Look at these dreams so beaten and so battered.

18. 中华文学实可谓源远流长,历尽沧桑
      Chinese literature has a very long history and has witnessed some turbulent times.

19. 经过数千年的历史积淀,历尽沧桑、千锤百炼的中国概念,终由清朝一锤定音。
      Through several thousands years'of historical sediment, the notion of China and Chinese nationality, which had gone through many hardships and revisions, was given the final word by Qing dynasty.

20. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

20. 黛玉的破碎在于她刻骨铭心的爱情,三毛的破碎源于她历尽沧桑之后一刹那的明彻。
      Daiyu broken lies in her unforgettable love, San Mao's broken from the moment after she suffered a lot and the Ming Che.

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