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发慌 基本解释

发慌[fā huāng]

词典feel nervous发慌;心里发毛。

词典get flustered发慌。


词典be perturbed心烦;心烦意乱;发慌。

发慌 汉英大词典

发慌[fā huāng]

feel nervous; get flustered; panic-stricken; be perturbed; get flurried; become confused:


    She didn't feel a bit nervous though it was the first time she'd spoken in public.

    镇静些! 别发慌

    Keep calm! Don't get flurried.

发慌 网络解释

1. 发慌的翻译

1. getflustered:getflurried 发慌 | getflustered 发慌 | getgoodwages 拿高工资

2. 发慌的翻译

2. getflurried:getdisease 染病 | getflurried 发慌 | getflustered 发慌

3. cold feet:cold cream 雪花膏; 冷霜 | cold feet 发慌; 胆小; 害怕; 退缩 | cold fish 不动感情的人; 沉默寡言

4. feelnervous:feelgiddy发晕 发昏 | feelnervous发慌 | feelnumb麻木

发慌 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 我丢了钥匙,心里发慌
    I get into a real flap when I lose my key.

2. 这个人孤零零地在荒原之中,但他心里并没有发慌
    The man was alone in the empty land, but he was not lost.

3. 我赶到会议地点,发现一个人也没有,心里发慌
    I was badly put out of countenance when I arrived for the meeting and found no one else there.

4. 它的动作永远是那么地迅捷,它的出现也永远不会预先通知你,让你措手不及;我不奢望有一天能够战胜它,只求它离我远一点,不要再让可怜的我腿脚发软,心发慌……如果耗子能够转世变成小白兔就好了,灰兔我也可以接受的哦
    Its action is so prompt forever and its appearing will also never notice you in advance, Let you be caught unawares; I don`t extravagant hopes that I will be capable to defeat it one day, and only want it being away from my distant one point. Don`t give way to my leg becomes flaccid and the heart is panic-stricken…If the mouse can become small white rabbit well or gloomy rabbit I can accept too

5. 就是为了我们这些不听话的孩子,有时候连自己想的,自己的做的却都不想了,就只是为了别人而已,真是不容易啊,我真是感到好懊悔,好心烦,我什么时候才能有一点用啊,我的心里真的发慌啊,有时候想想自己真的很可笑啊,但有时候却有很坚强不屈,我从小就没有自己的天堂,我真的不知道我的以后的日子是什么样子的,如果当我想起这些事的时候,我的泪水就以经在泪框里不停的转动,我虽然没有太高的文化,但是我一生当中我以失去了两次机会了,我不想在失去了,可是当我想做点什么的时候,我的内心充满了希望,可是真正的做起来一点力气都没有,我很胆小,没有力量是的,我不知道该怎么办,如果人生真的要我在这个世界上没有地位,为什么还让我活着,我到底什么时候才是我人生当中,最伟大的开始
    For the sake of our se indocile kidses, be sometimes connect oneself think of, oneself of do of but all don't think, just just is really not easy for the sake of the other people, I really feel good regret, the good heart be vexed, I when then can have 1:00 use, my in the mind really panic, sometimes want oneself really ridiculous, but sometimes is very strong and unyielding, I since the childhood have no oneself of heaven, I really don't know my later of day is what appearance, if when I remind of these matter of time, my tears with through continuously turn to move in the tears frame, I although have no too Gao of culture, my whole life in the middle I with lose two opportunity, I don't want to be losing, but when I want to do point what of time, my heart was really full of hope, but did some energy all have no, I very timidity, there is no strength yes, I don't know how to do, if the life really want me to have no position in the world here, why still make me on the hoof, I am exactly and when my life in the middle, greatest beginning

6. 我最近的确是很无聊,如果想问我是什么原因,答案只有一个,那就是因为养病的缘故,在家里待得太久,无事可做,闲得发慌
    I was really boring this days. If you ask me why, there's only one answer—my sickness. Because of my sickness, I stay a lot of days at home for rest, and here's nothing to do. I just hang around.

7. 就放这里?那样,你闲得发慌时就可以和克里平博士聊聊。
    Then you can talk to Dr Crippen, when you get tired of doing nothing.

8. 这几天杭州的天气闷得让人发慌,特别是今天上午,那粘粘糊糊的感觉真让人受不了。
    In the past days, the oppressive weather had made people flustered, especially this morning when the stickiness and stuffiness was unbearable.

9. 我不能去让他发慌了。
    He's so freaked out I can't be there.

10. 发慌是什么意思

10. 如果你没有工作整天无所事事的话,你会闲得发慌的。
    Time hangs heavy when you're out of work and have noting to do all day.

11. 他一见女的就发慌
      He's scared stiff of women.

12. 他一见女的就发慌
      He's scare d stiff of women.

13. 他一见女的就发慌
      He's s cared s tiff of women.

14. 他不是怕,也不是发慌。他心里很有数,这是虚无缥缈。
      It was not a fear or dread, It was a nothing that he knew too well.

15. 因为我闲得发慌
      Ross: Because I am bored...Out of my mind.

16. 20:10 保罗下去,伏在他身上,抱着他,说,你们不要发慌,他的灵魂还在身上。
      And Paul went down, and fell on him, and embracing him said, Trouble not yourselve for his life is in him.

17. 这是个由人编造的神话,上个世纪才诞生在一位闲得发慌、龟毛挑剔的牛津大学教授笔下。不过,这个神话仍旧真实有力、引人入胜,故事结构完整,滋养丰富人类心灵。
      It's an artificial myth, invented only in the last century by a fussy Oxford don with too much time on his hands, but it's still convincing, gripping, whole and nourishing.

18. 有一次,当他回头时,恰好看见那只病狼正饿得发慌地舔着他的血迹,他突然看到了自己的宿命——除非——除非他可以弄到这只狼。
      Once, glancing back, he saw the wolf licking hungrily his bleeding trail, and he saw sharply what his own end might be-unless-unless he could get the wolf.

19. 巨大的音乐厅不会让梅拉妮发慌
      Big concert halls do not faze Melanie

20. 我一到高处就不由自主地心里发慌
      I haven't got much of a head for heights.

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