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发蒙 基本解释

发蒙[fā mēng]

词典get confused发蒙;坐飞机。

词典get into a muddle陷入困境,把事情搞糟;发蒙。

发蒙[fā méng]

词典teach a child to read and write发蒙。

词典teach a child his ABC发蒙。

发蒙 汉英大词典

发蒙[fā mēng]

[口] (糊涂) get confused; get into a muddle

发蒙[fā méng]

[旧] (启蒙) teach a child to read and write; teach a child his ABC

发蒙 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 石门坎平教运动的卓有成效实与其声名远播名实相副,研究细察族群精英的起念与地域生境的现实,同时查考边区平民千字课的来情去意;并认定族群精英在教育共同体的育成中实有殊功异绩,平民千字课的风神意蕴不仅是平民教育体系的基础,而且领有对平民发蒙解惑的重任。
    The paper analyzes the initial thought of the ethnic group elite on the motive of the mass education movement and the reality of the habitat of Miao nationality in 1930s and 1940s, and delves the seed of the one-thousand-word lessons for common people.

2. 发蒙的意思

2. 电视谈话发蒙于日常生活中的普通谈话,是人际传播的大众传播化,电视谈话具有很长的历史渊源。
    TV talk show has long history, which originated in ordinary chats and it is product of mass-communication of inter-personal communication.

3. 当他问我这个问题时,我还真有写发蒙
    I got into a muddle when he asked me the question.

4. 他想起了发蒙时父母的教诲,想起了父母为他的幸福所作的祈祷。
    They had taught him and prayed to God for his good. But he chose the wrong way.

5. 虽然,还在发蒙
    Although, still be in v/arc teach a child to read and write.

6. 观众一时被振动而发蒙,然后以热烈的掌声回应了他。
    The audience was shocked and stunned, then replied for him with warm applause.

7. 他有点儿发蒙了,不知道从哪里下手。
    He was a little at a loss, not knowing where to begin.

8. 发蒙的意思

8. 处理数据几小时后他的脑子开始发蒙了。
    After a couple of hours of working on the figures his brain started to seize up.

9. 中华民族素来有着优良道德传统,特别是作为儒家亚圣的孟子,其德育思想对中华民族精神的激发和崇高精神境界的形成,有着极其重要的发蒙作用。
    The Chinese nation usually have the fine moral tradition, especially Mencius who are tooked on as Confucianist second sage, his moral education thoughts have extremely important muddled function to the later Chinese nation spirit stimulation and the lofty energetic boundary formation.

10. 面向科学发现优先权竞争的科学期刊发蒙之考略
    Emergence of Science Journals Facing Scientific Discover Priority Competition

11. 发蒙

11. 这些多元文化可分为毕昇、老舍、莎士比亚、爱因斯坦等国内外名人,佛、道、儒、仁、礼、发蒙、人本、后现代、解构等哲学观点,和京戏、功夫、鹄鹅湖等表演艺术。
      These pluralistic cultures can be categorized as celebrities home and abroad as Bi Sheng, Lao She, Shakespeare and Einstein, phellolosophellocal concepts as Buddhellosm, Taoism, Confucianism, benevolence, rite, humanism, enlightenment, post-modernism and deconstruction, as well as performing arts as Peking Opera, Kong fu andSwan Lake.

12. 911查询·英语单词

12. 比方,为确订某类职业所发蒙的压力,研讨者会参考职员能否会碰到生命危夷、完成农做能否常常有最早刻日,和旅止的主数等身分。
      To determine the amount of stress in a job, for example, the study looked at such factors as whether an employee's life was at risk or the number of deadlines and travel.

13. 911查询·英语单词

13. 他觉得脑袋发蒙
      He felt his head swimming.

14. 他坐在那里头脑发蒙,不再装着看书了。
      He sat now not even trying to read, his mind a blank.

15. 科学信息构形模板发蒙之考略&古代希腊哲学发展轨迹与科学著作相互关系
      Study on Development of Scientific Information Configuration Template & Correlation Between Development of Philosophy and Scientific Works of Ancient Greece

16. 儿童是民族未来的希望,肩负着中华民族伟大复兴的重任,他们既是传统民族精神的继承者,又是新时代民族精神的开创者,因此,重视发蒙中的民族精神培育,意义重大而深远。
      The children, as the successors of traditional ethos and inaugurators of new ethos, are the national future and shoulder the great task to revive the Chinese Nation.

17. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

17. 不知道为什么,一般在电影院看电影越看越困,而且脑袋发蒙,看量子危机的时候,迷糊的连那么简单的情节都看不懂了。。。。。。
      Do not know why, see a movie to see tiredder more in the cinema commonly, and head v/arc teach a child to read and write, when seeing quanta crisis, connect so simple clue mistily to looked not to understand......

18. 请你站起来和我说话我的头的要发蒙了,忙把头低下,可是老师好象专门和我过不去,这时候她走了下来。
      Ask you to stand up to talk with me of my head want v/arc teach a child to read and write, busy gangmaster is low, but the teacher seems to be impassable technically with me, at that time she went.

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