
变格是什么意思 变格在线翻译 变格什么意思 变格的意思 变格的翻译 变格的解释 变格的发音 变格的同义词 变格的反义词 变格的例句


变格 基本解释

变格[biàn gé]


变格 汉英大词典

变格[biàn gé]

{语} declension

变格 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. imperfect figure:所指对象 denotatum | 变格 imperfect figure | 变质 obversion

变格 双语例句

1. 变格在线翻译

1. 他还记得几个俄语单词,想用它们造一两个同声传译,却想不起准确变格的语法规则。
    He still remembered some Russian vocabulary and even tried to form a few short sentences in his mind with some words.

2. 变格是指名词、词和形容词在句中的形式变化。
    Declension means varying the forms of nouns, pronouns and adjectives in a sentence.

3. 因此,这里的变格与发展,仅限于俄罗斯版画发展的纵向比较,而无法与日新月异的西方版画相较。
    Therefore, here we talk about the renovation and development only compare with a length-wise development of the Russian print, and can not compare with the changing western print.

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. 黑兵已经接近升变格,但是他们一个也升变不了。
    The black pawns are close to promotion squares, but none can turn into a queen.

5. 这个词常用于提示最后两个音的和谐,分为完全终止,变格终止,半终止和伪终止。
    The word is generally used to indicate the harmonization of the two final notes, classified as authentic or perfect, plagal, half or imperfect, and deceptive or interrupted.

6. 变格

6. 缘由及目标因逢两岸三地股市进入重大变格,投资顾问业于2006年1月份起正式实施从业分析师全面证照制与全权委托操作业务,有鉴于此本公司专业开发程序交易模块技术已趋尽成熟阶段此时切入为最恰当时机点,法人投资时代也就是专业分工的时代。
    Origins and objectives of the two sides because of every three major changes to the stock market into the grid, investment advisers in the industry since January 2006 the implementation of a comprehensive licensing system for practitioners, analysts and discretionary operations, in the light of the Company's professional development program trading module technology has become to do at this time into a mature stage for the most appropriate time point, corporate investment in the professional division of time is the time.

7. 在古代语言里名词的变格更多一些。
    In ancient languages the noun has more cases.

8. 有证据表明,衍生出它们的那种同族语(???the common stock language)曾有更多的变格
    There is evidence that the common stock language from which they were derived had even more.

9. 变格

9. 在希腊语中,词在句子中的语法作用由词的变格变位形式确定,而不由词在句子中的位置确定。
    The arrangement of words within a Greek sentence is often similar to that of English, but Greek word order is generally much less predictable than in English.

10. 变格后缀之名词或形容词屈折形式的或与之有关的
    An inflected form of a noun, adjective, pronoun, or verb used with two items or people.

11. 第一部分,叙述了中古蒙古语的人称代词变格的情况。
      The first section recounts the declension of personal pronouns in Mediaeval Mongolian Language.

12. 第二部分,比较了蒙古语族诸语言的人称代词变格的情况,联系中古蒙古语的情况,进行了推理。
      The second section compares the declension of personal pronouns in various Mongolian languages and conducts reasoning by relating it with that of Mediaeval Mongolian Language.

13. 本文探讨了头韵、语音变格、文字游戏、谐音双关等音韵修辞的翻译方法。
      This paper probes into the translation of those figures of sound such as alliteration, metaplasm, word play, homophonic pun, etc.

14. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

14. 从语法的观点看,梵语的变格范例明确了词根的概念。
      Grammatically, the Sanskrit paradigm exemplifies the concept of radical.

15. 变格什么意思

15. 在量化分析的基础上,我们提出《诗经》以四字齐言为正格,而以杂言为变格
      Based on a quantitative analysis, we put forward that The Book of Songs regards four-character verse style as the regular form, and is combined with the winding verse style.

16. 大陆热覆盖效应和盆地变格
      Continental Thermal Covering Effect and Basin Evolution

17. 变格的解释

17. 秦岭&大别造山带两侧中新生代构造变格与成盆作用
      Tectonic evolution and basin formation of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic on the both sides of Qinling-Dabie orogenic belt

18. danci.911chaxun.com

18. 应用于双向套网格模式的一种变格距差分解法
      A finite-difference scheme for the two-way nested mesh model

19. danci.911cha.com

19. 文章从修辞的角度,分析理解and结构所构成句法上的各种修辞变格,并按照其内在的修辞特点提出了相关的翻译途径。
      The author analyses, from the perspective of rhetoric, syntactical stylistic devices of And - construction and presents the effective approaches to its translation according to its own feature.

20. 它的正体是格律体,以每句押平声韵、符合律句平仄要求者为正格;以每句押仄声韵,或者只有一句不押韵者为变格
      Its formal form is a meter style with the rising tone sentence as regular and falling tone or one non-rhythm sentence as irregular.

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