
古奥是什么意思 古奥在线翻译 古奥什么意思 古奥的意思 古奥的翻译 古奥的解释 古奥的发音 古奥的同义词 古奥的反义词 古奥的例句


古奥 基本解释

古奥[gǔ ào]

词典archaic and abstruse古奥。

古奥 汉英大词典

古奥[gǔ ào]

(古老深奥, 难于理解) archaic and abstruse

古奥 网络解释

1. allusion:典故:allusion | 古奥:allusion | 象征引喻:Symbolism and Allusion

古奥 双语例句

1. 当他们的「超友谊关系」快要纸包不住火时,忙著灭火的古奥加究竟会爆出甚麼笑料?
    Oscar`s path to his true love is further crossed by Diane, Eve`s best friend who offers him temporary comfort in an unconventional tryst

2. 古奥的解释

2. 先秦史是中国五千年文明史的第一个阶段,由于世代久远,文献古奥,有许多地方需要深入探索抉发。
    Pre-Qin history is the first stage of China's 5000-year civilization, and needs further exploration.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 本文主要从《周易》的特有思维模式及其古奥的言词来探讨其中所蕴含的历史观。
    These views can be centralized as one: to explain all things by the principle of changes and mutations between Yin and Yang.

4. 他的散文虽不如某些评论家所说那样古奥,却也无新意。
    His prose, while less archaic than some critics have maintained has no new note in it

5. 古奥

5. 其艰深古奥只有少数科学家能懂。1921年爱因斯坦因为他在光电学领域的贡献获得诺贝尔奖。
    From this text, we can learn much more about Einstein's personality both as a scientist and as a man.

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. 道教语言斑驳古奥、华丽优美、风格独特、意象鲜明,为汉语词汇的丰富做出了重大的贡献。
    The Taoist language with variegated, flowery, characteristic, descriptive words makes great contribution to enriching the vocabulary of the Chinese language.

7. 印度古代史,内容繁杂,深邃古奥,且缺乏原始资料。
    In Ancient India history, the contents are miscellaneous and toilsome, profound, archaic and abstruse

8. danci.911cha.com

8. 他沿着姚燮学习汉魏诗的道路探索而提出的诗歌理论在晚清学宋风气浓厚的浙江诗坛上别树一帜,而他的诗歌创作以古奥的艺术风格表达了对历史和现实、社会和人生的探究和认识。
    His poetry theory along Yao Xie`s Chinese Wei Poem path set up a new banner on the latter Qing dynasty when thick Song Poem atmosphere existed in Zhejiang poetic world, and his poetry creation expressed the inquisition and the understanding to the history, the reality, the society and the life by the ancient and abstruse artistic style.

9. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

9. 由于《墨经》文字古奥简晦,现传本又多有衍脱讹误,因此如何理解各条经文,历来众说纷纭,分歧很大,争论很多。
    Owing to the'fact that the language of extant editions of Mo Jing is archaic, abstruse, oversimplified and obscure apart from t...

10. 麦古奥ALI MACGRAW 70年代的灵感造型,加上现代的摩登气息。
    Love Story brings modern undertones to this Ali MacGraw seventies inspired look.

11. 印度古代史,内容繁杂,深邃古奥,且缺乏原始资料。
      In ancient India history, the contents are miscellaneous and toilsome, profound, archaic and abstruse;

12. danci.911cha.com

12. 《诗经·周颂》主要有两个特征:一、形式特征:不分章节,篇幅短小,言辞古奥
      The original is expounded through two respects of Zhou Song feature: first, the form feature: no chapters and sections, the short and small length and the archaic and abstruse verbalism are;

13. 古汉语教学留给人的普遍印象是古奥枯燥,而充分联系语言实例,则是拉近古今距离,化古奥枯燥为亲近风趣的最佳药方。
      People generally think archaic Chinese studying abstruse and uninteresting, use language examples fully can shorten the distance between ancient and present and make our teaching interesting.

14. 分析了现代印刷术传入中国使文学传播的主要手段由文言变为白话,由古奥典雅走向浅近通俗。
      Analysis of the main measures of literary communication while the modern printing entered into China from classical Chinese to vernacular, from profound and elegant to simple and popular.

15. danci.911cha.com

15. 《汉书》的典雅古奥、严整醇正、博赡弘丽的文风深受经学的影响。
      The writing style of The History of the Han Dynasty is very refined, pure and magnificent, which was deeply influenced by Confucian classics.

16. 新月是古奥特曼帝国的标志。
      A crescent moon was the symbol of the old Ottoman empire.

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