
号啕是什么意思 号啕在线翻译 号啕什么意思 号啕的意思 号啕的翻译 号啕的解释 号啕的发音 号啕的同义词 号啕的反义词 号啕的例句


号啕 基本解释


号啕[háo táo]


词典cry loudly号啕痛哭;号啕;嚎啕;啕。

号啕 汉英大词典

号啕[háo táo]

cry loudly ; wail:


    cry one's eyes out

号啕 双语例句

1. 听着雨声,我号啕大哭,没人知道我的灵魂就浸泡在体内两三升红色的血液中,而我却想让这两三升红色的血液随哗哗的雨水一起流下来!
    Listening to the rain, I burst into tears, no one knows my soul to soak in the body 23 liters of red blood, and I want that 23 liters of red with the blood flow with the water rushing down!

2. 当汉民为所心爱的人的逝世悲痛不已乃至号啕大哭时,回回在葬礼上一般既不痛哭也不号泣。
    When the Han to the death of a loved one by sorrow and even howl when the Moslems are generally not cry at the funeral did not boohoo.

3. 她在那号啕大哭对她有什么好处?
    What's in it for her to bewail herself?

4. 号啕的意思

4. 她号啕大哭,崩溃造成了长城的一部分。
    Her howl caused the collapse of a part of the Great Wall.

5. 伤心和委屈的时候,要号啕大哭。
    Sad and mistreated, lamentation, and when you want to.

6. 这一分钟我还在号啕大哭,但是下一分钟我就可以大笑。
    One minute I was bursting into tears, the next I was laughing out loud.

7. 到天黑的时候,达德里开始号啕大哭起来,他从来都没有遇到过这样糟糕的一天。
    By nightfall Dudley was howling. He'd never had such a bad day in his life.

8. 我走出了房间,号啕大哭。
    I went outside with it and cried my eyes out.

9. 这显然不是最给力的,从理论上讲,攻击者可以通过运营商编制一串攻击代码,让你的手机在刚刚完成重启之后继续不停往复重启,让你握着一个不停重启的手机号啕大哭。
    That's not the best part, though -- in theory, an attacker could send you a string of these bad boys that would get queued up by your carrier, so the second the phone comes back online, it gets the next message and restarts once again -- potentially leading to a long, painful spell without a usable handset.

10. 23:27 有许多百姓,跟随耶稣,内中有好些妇女,妇女们为他号啕痛哭
    And there followed him a great company of people, and of women, which also bewailed and lamented him.

11. 号啕的翻译

11. 23:27 有许多百姓、跟随耶稣、内中有好些妇女、妇女们为他号啕痛哭。
      And following Him was a large crowd of the people, and of women who were mourning and lamenting Him.

12. danci.911cha.com

12. 母亲呀,我哭泣号啕,呼你不应。
      Mother Yeah, I cry squall, you should not call.

13. 号啕的翻译

13. 有许多百姓,跟随耶稣,内中有好些妇女,妇女们为他号啕痛哭。
      And there followed him a great company of people, and of women

14. 号啕是什么意思

14. 路23:27 有许多百姓,跟随耶稣,内中有好些妇女,妇女们为他号啕痛哭。
      A large number of people followed him, including women who mourned and wailed for him.

15. 受了惊吓,婴儿的号啕
      In every infant's cry of fear

16. 号啕的解释

16. 站着和跪着的无数军人们目瞪口呆地望着天空奇迹般洒下的阳光,流着无法制止的热泪,丢下各种各样的武器,用颤抖的双手拥抱阳光,愈来愈多坚强的战士开始号啕大哭。
      The people stand and kneel dumfoundedly to look the sunlight which the sky miracle sprinkles, and are flowing the tears which is unable to stop; they throw away the variety of weapons; use trembled hands to welcome the sunlight, and many strong soldiers begin to cry loudly.

17. 或许还有,开始在丧失食欲的时候一遍遍想起这个人,最终体态消瘦空余一双炯炯有神的眼睛,看着笑话却号啕大哭,对着镜子自言自语……纵然梦中没有他,白天的庸碌中没有他,但是只要睡前和睡醒的两个时刻你想到的是同一个人,那么爱情就已经悄然到来,也许,还有忧愁。
      Perhaps, began to lose their appetite when you think of this over and over again, to the ultimate posture skinny spare pair of piercing eyes, looking at a joke but howl, even though the mirror talking to himself...... a dream without him, day commonplace in without him, but as long as the two times before going to bed and woke up and you think is the same person, then love has already quietly come, perhaps, as well as sad.

18. 没有想到的是,当年已七十的河北葛大爷收到款子时,竟然号啕大哭,老泪纵横,令现场所有人唏嘘不止
      What I didn't expect was for 70-year-old Hubei-born Uncle Ge to burst out crying loudly when I gave him the money, tears running across his face, leaving everyone there unable to stop sobbing….

19. 其实我也无法解释当时会这样的理由,就像每个人都有想要号啕痛哭的时候。。
      Actually I also can not explain the correct reason why I did at that time though, it seems that everyone has the time when they want to cry their heart out...

20. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

20. 即使在我心境最宁静的时候,这种念头也会像暴风雨一样突然向我袭来,使我扭扯双手,像小孩一样号啕痛哭。
      In the midst of the greatest composures of my mind, this would break out upon me like a storm, and make me wring my hands, and weep like a child.

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