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吃大锅饭 基本解释

吃大锅饭[chī dà guō fàn]

词典eating from the same pot -- getting an equal share regardless of the work done

词典eat from the “big pot” [“communal pot”; “same big mess pot”]

词典eat from the public cauldron吃大锅饭。

吃大锅饭 汉英大词典

吃大锅饭[chī dà guō fàn]

eating from the same pot -- getting an equal share regardless of the work done; eat from the “big pot” [“communal pot”; “same big mess pot”]; eat from the public cauldron; eat in the canteen the same as everyone else; Everybody eats from the same pot.; “sh

吃大锅饭 网络解释

1. 吃大锅饭是什么意思

1. Eating from the big pot:10、伤痕文学:The school of the scar literature | 11、吃大锅饭:Eating from the big pot | 12、人大代表:The people's deputies

2. danci.911cha.com

2. egalitarian practice of:mutual supervision 互相监督 | egalitarian practice of 吃大锅饭 | or:everybody eating from the same big pot 吃大锅饭

3. or:everybody eating from the same big pot:egalitarian practice of 吃大锅饭 | or:everybody eating from the same big pot 吃大锅饭 | build a nationally advanced clean city 创建卫生城市

吃大锅饭 双语例句

1. 跟我,我们可以谈QQ和满足,一起吃大锅饭
    Contact me and we can talk on QQ and meet and eat together.

2. 那么你对亚洲地区吃大锅饭/面的情况有何见解呢?
    What do you think of the Asian noodle bowl?

3. 似乎每个人都在吃大锅饭
    It seemed that everyone ate out of the same big pot.

4. 在吃大锅饭的情况下,干多干少、干好干坏都一样。
    Under the old system, there is no difference between more or less work and the good or bad results.

5. 在吃大锅饭的情况下,干多干少、干好干坏都一样。
    When the times of enjoying the mess, it's same for peoples no matter they work hard or not.

6. 现在工资规定低一点也可以,但不能太低,不能搞平均主义,不能吃大锅饭
    Salaries may still be fixed rather low at present, but they shouldn't be too low.

7. 随着改革开放的大潮,时间越来越被人们重视,往日工作散怠,做一天和尚撞一天钟,吃大锅饭的现象越来越少,呈现在眼前的是抓紧时间创造效益,创造财富。
    Along with the reform and open policy flood tide, the time is more and more taken by the people, former days worked disperses negligently, lives hand to mouth, has the mess the phenomenon more and more to be few, presents at present in is grasps the time creation benefit, the creation wealth.

8. 吃大锅饭

8. 过去搞平均主义,吃大锅饭,实际上是共同落后,共同贫穷,我们就是吃了这个亏。
    We used to practise egalitarianism, with everyone " eating from the same big pot ". In fact, that practice meant common backwardness and poverty, which caused us much suffering.

9. 一些陈旧的管理模式已经被证明无法适应现代企业的高效工作要求,吃大锅饭,平均主义的时代已经过去。
    The past old management mode has been proved deprecated and can not feet the requirement of high efficient and variable work environment in current company. The equalitarianism time was over.

10. 一是TZ监狱企业薪酬体系设计不合理,分配制度复杂,同等岗位不同等待遇,监狱企业职工在一定程度上存在吃大锅饭现象。
    Firstly, the salary system in TZ prison enterprise is unreasonable, reflecting in the complicated salary system, the same position with disparate treatment and the egalitarianism in some degree.

11. 吃大锅饭

11. 过去搞平均主义,吃大锅饭,实际上是共同落后,共同贫穷,我们就是吃了这个亏。
      We used to practise egalitarianism, with everyone " eating from the same big pot ". In fact, that practice meant common backwardness and poverty, which caused us much suffering.

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