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吉庆 基本解释

吉庆[jí qìng]




吉庆 汉英大词典

吉庆[jí qìng]

auspicious; propitious; happy

吉庆 双语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 作者:作者:张庆华,张莉,孙涛,大谷浩,田继辉,夏鹤春,李宗正,刘吉庆,郝少才作者单位:日本岛根大学医学部,出云 693-8501 来源:医学期刊/大学学报收藏本文章
    Department of Neurosurgery, the Affiliated Hospital of Ningxia Med. Coll., Yinchuan 750004

2. 人们在祈求上天赐财富赏吉庆
    People were praying to Heavens for luck and fortune.

3. 如果你想要同时获得两世的吉庆美好
    If you want to acquire the possession of both worlds

4. 在中国文化中,六十大寿是吉庆的。
    In Chinese culture, the 60th birthday is an auspicious event.

5. 揭阳市吉庆塑胶有限公司创建于一九八九年,是一家集二十多年生产技术和管理经验的塑料家庭日用品的研发、制造和销售为一体的企业。
    Was founded in 1989, is a more than two decades of production technology and management experience Plastic household commodities research and development, manufacturing and sales business.

6. 39-②主啊!赞颂归于你,这赞颂是丰富的、美好的和吉庆的。
    Our Lord, for You is all praise, an abundant beautiful blessed praise.

7. 深圳市吉庆电子有限公司是从事变频技术的研究开发和生产应用的专业公司,经过十几年的发展,已经成为拥有属下八家全资公司,年销售额达五千万元人民币的高科技企业。
    Is engaged in the research and development of technology and the application of professional production companies, after more than 10 years of development, has become its own eight Quanzigongsi with annual sales of 50 million yuan in high-tech enterprises.

8. 吉庆什么意思

8. 实际上,凤凰被上古人民视作象征吉庆的神鸟,作为一种祥瑞和一位舞神出现的。
    In fact, Phoenix was happiness as a symbol of ancient people, as an auspicious and a dance of God there.

9. 尤素福:回赛俩目,愿安拉的平安,慈悯和吉庆在你身上。
    Yusuf Estes: Peace be on you, and Allah's Mercy and Allah`s Blessings.

10. 它像飞来的吉庆,像天降洪福,像意外红运。
    It is like a windfall, like a Godsend, like an unexpected piece of luck.

11. 吉庆

11. 但二月的芒通也许是最有趣的,由于那时会主办柠檬节。柠檬节的吉庆行动包含橘柑画展、日夜不已的花儿车游行和灯火游园会。
      But February is perhaps the most interesting due to the Lemon Festival, a celebration that includes citrus fruit exhibits, parades during the day as well as the evening, and gardens of light.

12. 中科国际把龙凤呈祥的意愿,无声地嵌入景观的设计中,祝愿来到这里的创业者每天都有吉庆之事。45米宽200米长的中央景观区商务楼现已全部完工,有如昂首向上的虬龙,整装待发。
      Meters widths 200 meter long centrallandscape area commerce building already completely finished, has likeholds up the head the upward dragon dragon, is ready and waiting.

13. danci.911cha.com

13. 而大连良运期货总经理韩吉庆则称,大连良运与相关现货企业积极交流,一些规模较大的企业对此持有较为浓厚的兴趣。
      The general manager of the Dalian Futures Liangyun Han Hing said, Dalian Liangyun enterprises with the relevant stock exchanges, some of the larger enterprises have a strong interest in holding more.

14. 亦可选送大丽花、牡丹花、水仙花、桃花、吉庆果、金桔、状元红、吉祥果等表示吉祥。
      Can also be sent Dahlia, peony flower, narcissus, peach, fruit Hing, Kumquat, top red, and so on that auspicious auspicious fruit.

15. 这次去武汉,我去了商场,去了东湖,去了吉庆街……2天后,我离开了武汉。
      Wuhan to this, I went to the malls, went to East Lake, went to Kat Hing Street…… 2 days later, I left the Wuhan.

16. 吉庆

16. 如民间对于福禄寿喜财等神祇由来已久的崇拜,对福星高照、天官赐福、五福临门(五只蝙蝠图形贴于门上,最新的象征事象则是 2008年北京奥运会吉祥物五个福娃)及吉庆有余、岁岁平安、年年高升、早生贵子等的祈求,充分表达了底层民众对于美好生活的向往,虽并无多少科学道理,似亦无可厚非。
      Such as civil for Fukurokuju Choi-hi and other time-honored worship the gods of福星高照, day official blessing, in quick succession Wufu (5 bat graphics affixed to the door, the latest incident as a symbol is the mascot of the 2008 Beijing Olympics Fuwa five) and more than Jiqing, 岁岁 safe, mid-rising, early Takako (red dates, peanuts, longans, etc.), such as prayer, the full expression of the ground floor of a better life for the people aspiration, although there is little or no scientific reason, it is also beyond reproach.

17. 各地油厂大豆收购价格:哈尔滨龙江福油脂大豆收购价格为3820元/吨,较前一周上涨60元/吨;三棵油脂大豆收购价格为3800元/吨,较前一周上涨40元/吨;佳木斯吉庆油厂大豆收购价格为3680元/吨,较前一周上涨60元/吨;集贤阳霖油脂大豆收购价格为3660元/吨,较前一周上涨40元/吨;牡丹江油厂大豆收购价格为3800元/吨,较前一周上涨60元/吨;富锦、同江油厂大豆收购价格为3600元/吨,较前一周上涨60元/吨,仍有上调价格的计划。
      Soybean prices around the oil plant: Harbin Longjiangfu for the purchase price of soybean 3, 820 yuan/ton, up from the previous week 60 yuan/ton; Soybean prices for San-ke 3, 800 yuan/ton, up from the previous week 40 yuan/ton; Jiamusi Ji-qing purchase price for soybean plant 3, 680 yuan/tons, compared to the prior week rose 60 yuan/ton; Jixian Yang-lin soybean prices for 3, 660 yuan/ton, up from the previous week 40 yuan/ton; Mudanjiang purchase price for soybean oil plant 3, 800 yuan/ton, up from the previous week 60 yuan/ton; Fujin price of soybean oil plant grid for 3, 600 yuan/ton, up from the previous week 60 yuan/ton.

18. 吉庆的意思

18. 愿安拉奖赏你,在这个尊贵吉庆的斋月宽恕你。
      May Allah reward you and grant you forgiveness in this blessed month.

19. 这一天,家家户户还要吃面条、炸油糕、爆玉米花,以示吉庆。从那家希腊人开的糖果店里,传来了哔哩啪啦油炸花生的声音,散发着油炸花生的香味。
      On that day, all the families will eat noodles or fried glutinous rice blocks, and pop corn as part of the festivity. In the Greek candy-store was the whine of a peanut-roaster, and the oil smell of nuts.

20. 若在这最神圣、最吉庆的时刻举起双手向真主祈祷,并整理好衣服准备做礼拜,那他将会在有生之年见证无数惊喜与奇迹。
      If during that sacred and most esteemed moment, people can raise their hands in supplication and turn toward God girded ready for worship, they will witness so many surprises in their lives.

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