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吊脚楼 基本解释

吊脚楼[diào jiǎo lóu]


吊脚楼 双语例句

1. 吊脚楼的意思

1. 行走其中,既可看到土家吊脚楼的古朴大气、苗寨的神奇秀美、侗族风雨桥的浪漫多姿、瑶族盘王殿的神秘威严,还可以看到白族三坊一照壁的清幽绚丽。
    Walking one can see Tujia Diaojiao Lou's ancient atmosphere, beautiful Miao Village of magic, of the Dong Feng Yuqiao romantic scene in the mysterious Yao Dian-disc authority, you can see one Fong Bai three Zhaobi the quiet magnificent.

2. 岜沙村寨掩蔽在森林里,进村以后满眼的参天古木,木制的吊脚楼散布其中。
    Basha Village is hidden away in the forest. As you enter the village, your eyes are filled with waterside houses made of wood spread between towering ancient trees.

3. 远处,高高低低的吊脚楼,潺潺的沱江,来来回回的小船只勾勒出朴实的画卷,我想,如果这时有位苗族少女,头戴银器,身穿苗绣,在船头轻唱一支小曲,那就完美了
    China, which strictly controls access to information, has kept a tight lid on news out of Lhasa, with foreign journalist being denied access and foreign tourists ordered out of the city.

4. 习惯了开发大户型、通透式阳台的留美楼宇设计师张泽元今年已经第三次来到广西侗族吊脚楼考察。
    Accustomed development of the great Huxing, Tongtoushi balcony of the U. S. this year has been building designers Zhang Yuan came to Guangxi Zhuang Diaojialou third inspection.

5. 这里的封风墙、吊脚楼、青石岩板,仿佛在诉说千年古寨的过去,这里曾是千桅齐归的老码头,曾是艄公荡魂的遥宫,曾是明清社会的万花筒,岁月如风,往事如烟,古镇老巷的沉默,让你会情不自禁放下匆匆的脚步,再看一眼吊脚楼下农家风景,和恬静中的小镇人家攀暄两句,今天的苦竹寨,仍静静地守护着这条苦竹河,仿佛在提醒人们这不该丢失的记忆。
    The closure wall wind, Diaojiao Lou, Yan Ban Qingshi, as if to tell the Millennium Guzhai the past, there had been a thousand Qi to the mast of the old pier, Shao Gong Dang was the soul of the remote palace, was a kaleidoscope of social Ming and Qing Dynasties, years Such as wind, such as tobacco history, the ancient town of Old Lane silence so that you can not help but rush to lay down their pace when it comes to the farm under a Diaojiao Lou scenery, quiet and climb in the town of Xuan two other people, today's Walled Pleioblastus remains static Static guard to the Pleioblastus River, as if to remind people that this should not be lost to memory.

6. 城内景点:如沈从文故居、熊希龄故居、杨家祠堂、沱江河、吊脚楼、虹桥、万名塔等完全可以以步代车;沱江泛舟:在北门码头坐游船至沈从文墓地,中途在江中欣赏沱江风光。
    Spots in the city: such as the former residence of Shen-wen, former residence of Xiong Xiling, the ancestral hall Yang, Tuojiang River, Diaojiao Lou, and Hongqiao, towers, and other people can step in on behalf of the car; River rafting: the north gate in Terminal boat ride to the cemetery Shen-wen, half-way Tuojiang River in China to enjoy scenery.

7. 那些沱江上游依然吆喝着号子的纤夫们,那些吊脚楼前用银饰和粗布裹满全身的湘西女人们,那些沿着古街一字排开挤得密密的突向街道的吊脚楼,那些突兀在古镇当中在空中游走的电杆和电线,那些花花绿绿的随意搭在楼门栏杆上的印花布门帘床单,那些隔离了城市的喧嚣而依然热闹的杂吵吆喝与闲谈的声响,他们,她们,或者它们!
    Phoenix town is original and simple, which has much contradiction with the modern times. These boat trackers who still cry out belong Tuojiang River, these women who wrapped with coarse cloth and decorated with silver, these abrupt electric perches and swing wire in the sky of old town, these colorful cutain and bed sheet are optionally hanged on gate baluster of the town.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. 加拿大的这个因纽特人村落的房子都是吊脚楼,为的是不接触冻土,更好的保暖。
    The houses in this Inuit village in Canada are built on stilts, to better insulate them against the permafrost

9. 还说那里的人在吊脚楼里生长,背着背娄上山采蘑菇、竹笋、玉米,还以吃上竹筒饭,听瑶歌,看瑶族长鼓舞,真是叫人向往啊――我的江华瑶族山寨。
    They carry the packbasket to reap mushroom, sweet corn and bamboo sprouts among mountain.

10. 歌声装在背娄里走出吊脚楼,盛在酒碗里,铺在弯弯曲曲的山路上,落在亮着心灯的阿妹的吊脚楼下,吻在阿妹甜甜的梦靥里。
    The sound of singing, it seems that wafted up from the Diaojiao house by someone's packbasket, filled in the wine bowl, strewn on the winding mountain path, fell over the heart of a Yao lady, and settled in the sweet dream of the Yao lady.

11. danci.911chaxun.com

11. 长江三峡的雄奇秀美和各个名胜古迹引人入胜,重庆古镇的吊脚楼、青石板路令人向往。
      The magnificent and graceful Yangtze gorges and the historic interests are fascinating, the stilts in the ancient Chongqing and the bluestone path are attractive.

12. 文章针对重庆吊脚楼民居与环境结合的特点,从相关环境、整体风貌、保护与开发、继承与发展等几个方面提出了吊脚楼民居保护与改造的策略。
      This article puts forward several measures for its preservation and retrofit from environment, style, protection, development, inheritance and revitalization.

13. 湘西凤凰古城河岸吊脚楼建筑特色探析这里,在她脚下的尘土中,就是威尔克斯家族引以自豪的家业啊!
      Construction Characteristics of the Houses on Stilts on the River Banks of Ancient City Fenghuang in Western Hunan Here was the Wilkes pride in the dust at her feet.

14. 半山上也用吊脚楼形式,这形式是必须的吗?凤凰古城河岸吊脚楼建筑特色及再生设计初探
      Yet they were built on stilts, quite needlessly. Study on Architectural Features and Rebirth of the Houses on Stilts on the River's Banks in the Ancient City of Phoenix

15. 住房为木质结构,吊脚楼式,服饰为巴拉河长苗裙,银饰以大牛角为显著标志。
      Besides, the houses are made of wood like Diaojiao building style, the clothes are Bala river long dress of Miao, and silver ornaments are famous for big ox horn.

16. danci.911cha.com

16. 湘西凤凰古城土家族木构吊脚楼与风水景观
      Houses of Wooden Structure Projecting over the Fengshui Landscape of Tujia Minority in Phoenix Old Town of Western Hunan Province

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