
名落孙山是什么意思 名落孙山在线翻译 名落孙山什么意思 名落孙山的意思 名落孙山的翻译 名落孙山的解释 名落孙山的发音


名落孙山 基本解释

名落孙山[míng luò sūn shān]

词典fail in official [civil] examinations

词典be [come in] nowhere

词典failed to pass the examination名落孙山。

词典fall behind Sun Shan名落孙山。

名落孙山 汉英大词典

名落孙山[míng luò sūn shān]

fail in official [civil] examinations; be [come in] nowhere; failed to pass the examination; fall behind Sun Shan (who was last on the list of successful candidates); The name is not in the list of successful candidates.:

  例:这次入学考试他虽名落孙山, 但他并不气馁。

    Although he failed in this entrance examination, he didn't lose heart.

名落孙山 网络解释

1. Failing to pass an examination:门庭若市 A courtyard as crowded as a marketplace | 名落孙山 Failing to pass an examination | 南辕北辙 Going south by driving the chariot north

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. fail in the examination:93. 无可救药:beyond remedy. | 94. 名落孙山:fail in the examination, | 95. 四面楚歌:besieged on all sides.

3. 名落孙山的近义词

3. fail to pass the examination; come in nowhere:欲加之罪,何患无词 give a dog a bad name and hang him | 亡羊补牢 lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen | 名落孙山 fail to pass the examination; come in nowhere

4. Fall in a competitive examination:南柯一梦 illusory joy | 名落孙山 fall in a competitive examination | 助纣为虐 to aid the tyrant in his tyranny

名落孙山 双语例句

1. 其他一些国家,由于财富的积累和名落孙山速度不够快。
    Some others as a result of accumulation of wealth and名落孙山fast enough.

2. 一些名落孙山的候选人回去工作,其他的则说战斗刚刚开始。
    Some defeated candidates go back to work and others say the fight has just begun.

3. 一些名落孙山的候选人回去工作,其他的则说战斗刚刚开始。
    Some defeat candidate go back to work and others say the fight have just begin.

4. 英国的唱作人曾被誉为音乐的未来,如今却名落孙山
    British singer-songwriters used to be the future of music, but now they are the past.

5. 名落孙山的意思

5. 问:今年的名落孙山者当中,谁会在明年有所改进并成为进步最大的球队呢?
    Q: Which non-playoff team will make a move and become the most improved team next year?

6. 公司招聘人员名单上没有我的名字,这次我又名落孙山了。
    I've again already been fallen in a competitive examination as I've failed to be employed by that company.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

7. 如果你参加考试,最好能及格,一定不要名落孙山
    If you take the test, you'd better pass the test and you mustn't fail in the exam.

8. 这次入学考试他虽名落孙山,但他并不气馁。
    Although he failed in this entrance examination, he didn't lose heart.

9. 但是,随着人生这一独特篇章的结束,毕业生开始反思校园生活,高等教育的一个主要部分将在有意义的校园接触排名中名落孙山,那就是教授。
    But as this unique chapter of life closes and they reflect on campus events, one primary part of higher education will fall low on the ladder of meaningful contacts: the professors.

10. 也许在你看来,动物世界里按“情商”论资排辈的话,鸡类可能将名落孙山
    You might think chickens are way down the pecking order in the animal kingdom when it comes to emotional intelligence.

11. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

11. 这一次牙医和律师已经名落孙山
      Neither the dentist nor the lawyer was mentioned;

12. 所有的人都期望他在竞赛中取得好成绩,但最后他却名落孙山
      Everyone expected him to do well in the competition but in the end he came nowhere.

13. 名落孙山

13. 不难想象她在高考时名落孙山,并且只能主修她不喜欢的热能工程专业。
      It is not hard to imagine that she lost in the university entrance exam and majored in energy project that she dislikes.

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