
名角是什么意思 名角在线翻译 名角什么意思 名角的意思 名角的翻译 名角的解释 名角的发音 名角的同义词 名角的反义词 名角的例句


名角 基本解释


名角[mínɡ jué]


名角 双语例句

1. 注:所述人员一经录用,金火集团四川名角总部将提供免费的专业培训,提供良好的事业发展空间。
    Note: Once described in the staff recruitment, the Group of Sichuan star fire headquarters will provide free professional training and career development to provide a good space.

2. 名角什么意思

2. 因为是个打杂的听差,他正以全国唯一威震剧坛的名角自居呢。
    And being an absolute Johannes factotum is in his owne conceit the onlie Shake-scene in the countrie.

3. 当然,如果这文人骨子里是演员,这演员骨子里是商人,他们又会嫉妒名角巨商,渴望走红暴富,因为都在名利场上,有了共同领域。
    However, if in the bottom heart the scholar is an actor and the actor is a merchant both of which will envy famous actors and merchant princes and be willing to be pop and wealthy in a night for they all in the vanity fair focusing in the same area.

4. 名角的意思

4. 他们是俱乐部的摇钱树或者足球方面的名角
    They're big earners for the clubs and personalities in footballing terms.

5. 使演名角他们第一次让她当主角。
    Star They starred her for the first time.

6. 她是否名角并不重要。
    It did not matter whether she was the star or not.

7. 许多演员都迟到,好象他们是请都请不来的名角
    A lot of actors show up late as if they're God's gift to the film.

8. 名角的近义词

8. 天上无数的星星离我们太远了。2。明星,名角
    The innumerable stars in the sky are too far from us.

9. 今晚唱大轴子的都是当红名角
    Tonight, the last item on the theatrical programme was sung by popular actors.

10. 他扮演一名京剧名角,他把自己的生命奉献心爱的人,却得不到回报,在变幻的历史中,他受到命运的捉弄。
    He acted the opera star, who dedicated his life to the love with no return, and was toyed by fate in the changing history.

11. 格伦福特,在他的贝福莉山家中被他的护理人员发现死亡,享年90岁,他曾是多部电影的名角,其中包括Blackboard Jungle,中途岛,和The Big Heat等,多达六十多部。
      Glenn Ford, the star of dozens of films over six decades including Blackboard Jungle, Midway, and The Big Heat, has died. He was found dead by paramedics at his Beverly Hills home. Ford was 90 years old.

12. 过去梨园行对技艺是保密的,除非是家里人,名角都不会轻易将绝技传人。
      The traditional stage world was not remarkable for its altruism in professional matters, and famous actors would think twice about passing on their technical secrets to those outside the family circle.

13. 她渴望自己也像别人一样有名,并且贪婪地阅读一切有关她这一行里那些名角儿的褒贬评论。
      She longed to be renowned like others, and read with avidity all the complimentary or critical comments made concerning others high in her profession.

14. 如今,董明珠已是商圈里名角
      Today Dong is something of a celebrity in Chinese business circles.

15. 他们讲到佛罗伦萨,讲到罗马,讲到世界各地,就象赈灾义演中的名角
      They talked of the Florence, the Roman, the cosmopolite world, and might have been distinguished performers figuring for a charity.

16. 杂志或者至少是一两种较新的杂志也偶尔刊登漂亮名角儿的照片,时而还刊登各剧的剧照。
      The magazines also or at least one or two of the newer ones & published occasional portraits of pretty stars, and now and again photos of scenes from various plays.

17. 挺新奇的。汗血宝马这个两千年多年前便出现在汉武帝的风采录里的名角,在两千后又重新来到了我们身边。
      The body cannot produce tryptophan so unless we get enough through our diets, we may suffer a deficiency, leading to low ser

18. 名角是什么意思

18. 他们还在那里谈话时,赫斯渥的另外几个朋友进来了。11点过后不久,戏院散场了,开始有一些演员来到这里&其中还有些名角儿。
      While they were still conferring there, several other of hurstwood's friends entered, and not long after eleven, the theatres being out, some actors began to drop in & among them some notabilities.

19. 为此,上述几个名角在艺术上,都乐于指点丁果仙。
      Therefore, the several more on art, and are ready to guide DingGuo fairy.

20. 名角的解释

20. 把京剧名角李岩(霸王别姬)的声音放在歌曲中,虽然不如陈升的北京一夜中的效果。
      Veteran opera singer Li Yan (Farewell To My Concubine) lends his vocals in the title track, though the effect is not as stunning as Bobby Chen's One Night In Beijing.

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